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Gael Langevin posted an update 8 years, 9 months ago
Printing another InMoov, because the original is going to stay home. It is a precious robot now! Having a second printer makes it fast, specially because I updated the firmware to Sailfish on the CTC printer. I used to print on Kapton with the ABS but finally got to print directly on glass which is giving a super result and surprisingly absolutely…[Read more]
PS: removal of the slurry ABS on the glass after print is done, simply run under cold water tab and it will detach itself like magic. Dry the glass plate and you are ready to go again.
Hi Gael – great info thank you.what is the consistency of the ABS slurry you use. your prints are look great.
The slurry is almost totaly liquid. It’s hard to say how much percent of ABS and acetone. Maybe 20 to 30 percent of ABS for 100 acetone.
Hi Gael I still think you should give HT-PLA a try and use a print plate that will not need any slurry or tape and allows to remove items by just picking them up from the cooled out print bed!
i am making inmoov right hand so can i get the Tensioner.stl file for it please i am not getting it anywhere can you please provide me the link of it
The tensioner is with the servobed in the galery…
InMoov body parts library :
Gael Langevin posted an update 8 years, 10 months ago
My printer is out of work for a moment… Gee what a smell, if you ever get your heated bed that burns out, you need to ventilate your workspace!! It took me a while to find a heated bed this size in Europe . 300x200mm. I finally ordered the PCB in Danemark.
wouaaa it is hotttt lol amazing
Oh yeah and it smells really bad in my workshop…
i can t think it is possible and so so dangerous
Uhh, Uhh, my printer manufacturer had changed his print bed product line to make it almost impossible to overheat it (you could fiddle with the control SW however). I assume some workshops could run into serious problems having the printbed burning through. Think about switching to PLA-HT (or HT-PLA) which is as good as ABS but prints on a 50…[Read more]
@Geal I guess it’s beause your heating bed’s temperature sensor have loose from your heating bed!! I suggest you check complete all your 3D printer’s switch, sensors to prevent this happen again…
Because it is also been a very long time that I wanted to inverse the InMoov logo on the hand, this has been the occasion to clean up those parts. Check now for the version V6 of the…[Read more]
Hey I just fused under Blender my recent modified TopMouth and LowBack. Rotated at 45° on the Z axe and they actually still fit in the correct 12cm3 build area !!
So now TopMouth and LowBack are permanently fused on the InMoov website. and can be screwed instead of being glued. Make sure to get the V3 version on I didn’t update my…[Read more]
This is awesome! The 2 topmouth pieces have always been kind of a pain to work with, so that will help alot.
Yes indeed, I also did a reprint with fused topmouth after coming back from India, the head had been damaged in the suitcase during flight travel. It is much easier to assemble now.
Well it took me a while but it is done!
New builders will have a lot more fun to assemble the skull now. I have set screw and bolts holders in various parts to make the last fit much easier. You can use 3mm screws and bolts to attach the parts together. I modified: -TopMouth -SideHear -LowBack
Ahhh, great, I had started to add flabs n stuff to keep them from falling apart.
Gael Langevin posted an update 9 years ago
Small video to explanation the driving system of my plateform and the locking mecanism for to be able to push InMoov by hand while driving direction with the remote. I\’m in the process to make a very small remote transmitter which could be held within the palm.
Thanks Gael, now I see how it all works. I like how you can detach the drive wheel to push it around manually. See my comments on Sebastiens’s post.
@Bob, to answer your previous questions on Sebastien’s post: The base can carry InMoov easily. You can add at least 10kg and the base can still ride fine as long as the floor is flat. When I use InMoov in the street, the wheels can overcome some holes if it rides full speed. If you look at my video, you can see a battery carrier between the two…[Read more]
Using MyRobotLab and creating a special control GUI with sliders. This might be using MaVo\’s GestureCreator in the background.
Students at IES Vegas assembling the eye mecanism on InMoov\’s face.
It is nice to see young people working on things like this.
Gael Langevin posted an update 9 years, 1 month ago
Waaaoooo release of the MidStomach parts!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It’s been asked so many times, that even though you will have to re-print all these parts when the legs will be released, that I decided to upload those parts anyway. I also made a pretty good tutorial with it, so CHEER UP, and get your printers warmed u…[Read more]
Thank you very much, was waiting for him, it was what I needed.
thank you gael
Thanks very much Gael!
Hi everyone! I uploaded all parts for the new eye mecanism inspired by Mats Onnerby and Bob Houston. The mecanism is more sturdy and gives wider degrees of rotation for the eyes. I created files that are simple to print with no support besides for EyeSupport and they require no modifications of EyeGlass (Face). Also I managed to use the same…[Read more]
Awesome Gael and thanks for the files and the tutorial.
Thank you Gaël , i cant wait to start the head !
Gael Langevin posted an update 9 years, 2 months ago
Last night InMoov had something of a Picasso painting… Modifying the eye mecanism to adapt a mix of Mat and Bob to be able to use my previous face design along with the Hercules camera and the DS929HV servos.
OOOhhhh Yes,
This is very good news Gael 🙂 I will soon start printing the head, so your update is just on time 😉
This week I will receive my new _XT filament from ColorFabb. I hope it’s a good filament to use for most InMoov parts, even for the shoulder mechanical parts.
Other question about the camera, are you still happy with your…[Read more]
Well the hercules HD does a good job as far as what I do with it. But as I said it would be ideal to have a board for post processing things like tracking, face tracking, object color detections to let the computer do other tasks. The Pixy camera would be great but it is mounted on such a big board…
I will wait for this camera: Leon has ordered them via kickstarter 🙂 This has the same results and is smaller ! I hope the price is the same like the Pixy cam.
The Pixy already used a 4-layer PCB, so it would be a hard work to make this smaller 🙂 Option is to ask for a sort camera-shield mount option.
I use the raspberry PI camera in one of the eyes of the modified head. It’s much better quality than a USB 2.0 camera. And the intention is to use the Rpi to do image processing. You can even find a really small version of the camera.
@Marten, As you mention in private message the OpenMV could be a nice option because it is python based and Open source which could be easily added to MyRobotlab with no need to use an extra Rpi. @Mats, I personnaly would rather a smaller device than having to use a Rpi for the image processing, because with the tests I did using the Rpi the fps…[Read more]
I just modified the CableHolderWristV4 to V5.
It is now screwed with the servo instead of being glued to the servo.
I’m wondering how Gareth, or anyone else, would proceed to use the below Blender file along with virtual InMoov to create simili human gestures.
The c3d addon for Blender is in the preferences to be added.
If we could these kind of files along with the riggs of virtual InMoov, it…[Read more]
Gael Langevin posted an update 9 years, 3 months ago
Feeling like showing your InMoov is powered by MyRobotLab ? These little covers go on each shoulder.
Cool and sure, MRL deserved it to get placed at the shoulders from InMoov.
Last day of Makerfaire Berlin for Tonerwerk with his very nice InMoov. Check the pictures he posted on the forum:!topic/inmoov/vyEVQvZ0cjU%5B1-25%5D
Bob Houston is having problems posting on the community activity, therefor he requested I would do it for him. If you also encounter problems which don’t allow you to post pictures or videos, let us know on the forum, we will try to figure the problem. Bob has remixed a new eye mechanism which is pretty cool! It is…[Read more]
@ Bob Houston,
This looks awesome dude, great work and a cool upgrade to the InMoov !
I can’t wait to see some more video’s with the Eye tracking options 🙂
Good idea, Gael, about an adjustment to prevent cross eyes. I have designed a new part that will allow for that adjustment. I have added it to the STL’s on Thingiverse.
Ah perfect! Hey but you can add comments? So it works now for you the community?
Hmmm, that’s strange that it shows up here but I can’t see my comment on the main Community page
bonjour tout le monde! est ce que bob Houston pourrait faire partager a la communauté inmoov les plans et les fichiers stl de son châssis et la colonne sur roue qu’on voit sur la vidéo youtube? merci d’avance
Hello guys, Here are some more pictures of the new back for InMoov. It integrates a ThinkPad Tablet 8″ which can be replaced with other tablets fitting the same width size specs. A clip on, printed mechanism, makes it easy to insert or remove. Access to the two Arduino Mega and the Nervo Boards is easy once the tablet is removed. Access to the…[Read more]
Sorry for posting so fast Just got excited when I saw the pictures from your trip you posted, when do you think you will release them?
I got totally excited myself when finally I could mount them on my InMoov. Yes I will release them. A few little things to modify, specially where the clavi potentiometer rotates, and also the battery holder needs to go a little lower to let access to the power cable of the Tablet.
That is a really nice back. Looks good and will protect all the electronics and hide some of the servos.
Thanks Mats
@ambroise super, Really looking forward to see the video
Gael Langevin posted an update 9 years, 7 months ago
Some time ago I was in Poitiers, invited for the Gamers Assembly by Quai-Lab. I met some young fellows that wanted to build legs for InMoov following good dimensions and my 3d view concept. Here is what they have achieved so far, they started to print them as…[Read more]
Really cool!
I hope and i pray that our Inmoov will get legs!!!
InMoov with realistics eyes by Peter Anderson
Bob Houston made a modification to my neck mecanism, which is pretty cool.
Gael Langevin posted an update 9 years, 9 months ago
Но главным детищем Яна стал «InMoov». Это робот, напечатанный на 3D принтере с программным кодом управления, взятым из «open source». InMoov build by Ian, a Russian student.
Here is Bob’s base for his InMoov. Nice and clean job, we can’t wait to see it moving around a little further.
Here is another use of InMoov in Russia, University Kharkov Ukraine.
I created a tutorial for the Nervo board available on the shop, using some of Martens pictures, to help you during your assembly.
Nervo Board tutorial
I sure hope this helps.
Gael Langevin posted an update 9 years, 11 months ago
For the fun, what if we print a big hexapod for InMoov
Inmoov looks like something from Outer Limits.
Many will need to print, but the robot will go 🙂
Sooner or later, someone will make…
yeah that is likely possible!
Gael, what about anthropomorphic legs? What if to attach the tail with the wheels to the back the of the robot. The tail will confer resistance. The wheels can spin in one direction only.
Ah yes I had seen your post, but I couldn’t find in which topic it was posted. It is a good idea of course, as a temporary feature. I was thinking of using an assisting walker for the beginning. And then when we figure a better way for the robot to walk, we could remove it. And let him fall.…[Read more]
InMoov Bartender. Very cool video! Richard has done a very good job with his InMoov Andrew.
Gael Langevin posted an update 10 years, 1 month ago
Never heard of that one…
Robot Story Time
Gael Langevin posted an update 10 years, 6 months ago
Timelapse at Canterbury University New Zealand
Gael Langevin posted an update 10 years, 7 months ago
InMoov Jarvis
Posted for Jhack, whom also seem to encounter problems with posting on the site:
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BoB tried to post his latest video, but apparently he has problem doing it, He asked me to try for him, let see if it works:
I found this InMoov with a mobile platform on YouTube:
Gael Langevin posted an update 10 years, 10 months ago
To Fred and others: This is how I see a spring added to the retraction tendon. In this set up we avoid forcing on the servo either way of rotation and it also avoid losing tension in the tendons.
Have you already tried this ? If so, what kind of spring do you use, and where to buy it ? 🙂 (ok, I’m lazy 😉 )
No I haven’t tried yet, I want to order a box of various springs on ebay.
I really think this member activity stuff doesn\’t work well. But I can\’t seem to find a better way to make. I hate the videos that are cut in half. Seems also that it is difficult for you guys to post comments, because there is almost never comments on the posted pics and vids. Any suggestion about that?
I’m not really into site programming but when you go to activity the bar on the right is not needed any more. if this is removed you might have more room for the videos.
for the comments, Im looking almost every day to see what others are making. the comments are sometimes low but I think lots of people are watching.
I also found it a bit difficult to navigate the site. I just kept punching around until it functions as it should. I would also agree with dumping the update stream on the right side but leave the members activity button.
I have found that by using “copy and paste” into the text box is the easiest way to post You Tube videos. It is unfortunate that they are cut in half but by clicking on the name of who posted it, it takes you to the video. I too think that a lot of people look at the site but everyone leaves comments. I know I don’t comment on everything but I…[Read more]
Hi Bob, so if you want to post a video from your youtube account, you just copy paste it into the comment box?
Hi Gael, Yes. When you click share on your You Tube Video, it gives you that .…#. Copy that and paste it in the comments box. When you post your comments the video is attached.
Gael Langevin posted an update 11 years ago
very cool! Man the students are going to go wild! If you get a minute (not sure you will) please make a picture, I would love to see that.
Gael Langevin posted an update 11 years, 1 month ago
Welcome Markus, since how long did you start your InMoov?
Hello! And thanks for welcoming me. I started my inmoov approximate 2 month ago
You received the Kinect, cool!