Bob Houston posted a new activity comment 5 years ago
Grease! Did you grease everything? I used white lithium grease. That took care of any creaking.
Bob Houston posted a new activity comment 6 years ago
This is the latest neck joint, http://inmoov.fr/inmoov-stl-parts-viewer/?bodyparts=Neck I now have it on my InMoov and it works great!!! No tutorial on how to assemble it though, however, it’s pretty easy to figure out.
Bob Houston posted an update 7 years ago
Bob Houston posted a new activity comment 7 years ago
Nice, when will we hear some tunes?
Bob Houston posted an update 7 years ago
Bob Houston posted an update 7 years ago
I’ve added some new parts to my InMoov.
Bob Houston posted an update 7 years ago
I have uploaded a Battery Door with the MRL logo on it to Thingiverse.
http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:2796925 -
Bob Houston posted a new activity comment 7 years ago
Thanks geoff, I have uploaded the battery door with the MRL logo on it to Thingiverse.
Bob Houston posted an update 7 years ago
Uploaded a couple of plates for InMoov’s back on Thingiverse, http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:1616318
As I said in the notes , if anyone has Myrobotlabs logo in an STL. I would be happy to make a battery door with that on it to.-
awesome! thank you..
you can download 2 versions of an stl file for the MRL logo here
let me know if you want them a different size or thickness
Thanks geoff, I have uploaded the battery door with the MRL logo on it to Thingiverse.
Bob Houston posted a new activity comment 7 years ago
Thanks Gael. Same to you. Cold outside!!!!!! That day it was a crisp -37 degrees C outside !!!
Bob Houston posted an update 7 years ago
All the best of the season to everyone!!
Bob Houston posted a new activity comment 7 years ago
No need to mirror any parts. Build both Biceps the same. The pot and related gears will end up on the outside of the Right Bicep and on the inside of the Left Bicep. These are then attached to RobPart5 (right and left) on the forearm.
Bob Houston posted a new activity comment 7 years ago
The elbow will go straight and to 90 degress. Follow Gael\’s tutorial here http://inmoov.fr/bicep/ and it will all work out good.
Bob Houston posted a new activity comment 7 years ago
Sounds great Markus. I subscribed to your You Tube channel quite a while ago. Your work is always interesting and I look forward to seeing more of it.
Bob Houston posted a new activity comment 7 years ago
Check out this tutorial, http://inmoov.fr/neck-and-jaw/. There\’s a comment about it towards the end.
Bob Houston posted a new activity comment 7 years ago
Looks great! You may want to put the bolted joints of the socket, front and back or else the side servos may hit them.
Bob Houston posted a new activity comment 7 years ago
I used a HS-805 BB – works great.
Bob Houston posted a new activity comment 7 years ago
Try printing the Rotworm a little smaller – like 98%.
Bob Houston posted an update 8 years ago
Flexible finger joints for InMoov
Bob Houston posted a new activity comment 8 years ago
Try decreasing the size of the screw by 2 or 3%. That has worked for me in the past.
I had to do the same as my printer was not perfectly calibrated. I scaled in the X and Y directions but not the Z as this would change the pitch.
I had this problem with the jaw screw. After reading Perry’s comment i looked into how to scale stl files. Turns out it super easy using NetFab Studio, so i’m going to give it a try on the neck screw.
Bob Houston posted a new activity comment 8 years ago
See my comments in the Forum
Bob Houston posted a new activity comment 8 years ago
Do you print with PLA or ABS ?
Bob Houston posted a new activity comment 8 years ago
Wow, looks great and it seems to handle the weight of the head really well. I see the STL\’s on thingiverse – thanks. What size servos and bearings did you use?
Do you print with PLA or ABS ?
printed material: ABS
Bearing: R-1560 Zz / 15 mm x 10 mm x 6 mm
Servo: MG 995R -
This is very impressive!! thinking of changing this on my InMoov.
Where does the R-1560 bearing go? Looking at your build and can’t see it, apart from the ball bearings? What am I missing? -
Sorry I see them now!!
Bob Houston posted a new activity comment 8 years ago
I made something similar that was the wrist for the Parloma hand. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hoNCKCTcoOE
Yours looks much stronger, you have a video of it in motion? I think it has some potential.-
Yes, it’s a remix Parloma Wrist. Video can be seen at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_7ZdPfpy9CA&feature=youtu.be
Wow, looks great and it seems to handle the weight of the head really well. I see the STL’s on thingiverse – thanks. What size servos and bearings did you use?
Do you print with PLA or ABS ?
printed material: ABS
Bearing: R-1560 Zz / 15 mm x 10 mm x 6 mm
Servo: MG 995R -
This is very impressive!! thinking of changing this on my InMoov.
Where does the R-1560 bearing go? Looking at your build and can’t see it, apart from the ball bearings? What am I missing? -
Sorry I see them now!!
Bob Houston posted a new activity comment 8 years ago
Is the article accurate?
Ok I shouldn’t ask but are other inMoovs invited to the bachelor party?… I have just the entertainment… https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xulnNDLlXf4
Bob Houston posted a new activity comment 8 years ago
Bob Houston posted a new activity comment 8 years ago
OK, I\’ll bite. What is it?
? a brand new dual extrusion head with coolers for the object and the extruders? Cooling the upper part of the extruder can prevent clogging – good. Enjoy the pic – once you start printing it won’t look as good as now!
for ooze free multiple extrusion in a single object have a look at this
It’s a dual extruder upgrade for the Vertex K8400 3D printer from Velleman. I can easily identify it, since I have the same printer for almost 2 years now. It works very well for PLA printing. It makes it possible to print different colors, but more importand, different materials. I tried it about a year ago, but at that time I have print quality…[Read more]
Bob Houston posted a new activity comment 8 years ago
Mindless, I have downloaded your 3D InMoov Man – nice work. Should I be able to move parts around so I can see the internal parts? The drawing loads as a \”Read only\” file in SketchUp. Or is the drawing just that, a drawing of the assembled parts?
Left-click a part (to highlight it in blue), then right-click and choose Hide.
It a complete 3d model,,, so you hide parts to see inside him- or you make changes to parts then export that part as STL (Need Plugin) and print them out-,,, if your new to 3d modelling it will take a bit of time how to work stuff out,,,- but SketchUp is one of the easiest of the 3d modelling platform-
The “load as read only” message means its dou…[Read more]-
Sorry about that,,,,,now where was I,,,
But you cannot work on the same file in two different widows —,, think of it as a “Master and Slave” set up,, the first time you open Inmoov man is the Master and if you open it again without closing that Inmoov the others will be loaded as slaves (read only),,,, and you cannot modify the slave ver…[Read more]-
I’ve just downloaded your 3D model… WAHOU !!!
Excellent job, it’s very fun to see the bot in 3D.
Very convenient for mounting and color test.
Thanks a lot for sharing
Bob Houston posted a new activity comment 8 years ago
Try these ones, they are the same as the HS-805\’s but only $27 USD.
Cool,,, I’ll get a couple of them for testing,,, at that price i can fry/destroy them without worrying about it,,,, going to use these in the end (see link) ,, providing i don’t find a problem with them- there a Australian clone of the Savox ,,,, but beefed up,,, not down,,,, bit pricey ,,, but the torque is good, and got the 7.2v option too…[Read more]
Bob Houston posted a new activity comment 8 years ago
Here\’s one place you can get everything you need for the electronics for InMoov.
http://www.robotshop.com -
Bob Houston posted a new activity comment 8 years ago
Print these parts for the Left Hand and Forearm;
Bob Houston posted a new activity comment 8 years ago
Print these parts for the Right hand and Forearm;
Bob Houston posted a new activity comment 8 years ago
Go to the Hand Forearm page under \”Build yours\” and click on the Left Hand -View Tab
Bob Houston posted a new activity comment 8 years ago
Looks great!
Bob Houston posted a new activity comment 8 years ago
Thanks a lot.
Bob Houston posted a new activity comment 8 years ago
Nice job! Are you going to share the design? I would sure use it as I don\’t have an on board computer either. Thanks
Hi Bob.
Here you go. Still a bit of a WIP but curious to see how it fits for others.-
Thanks a lot.
Agreed, nice work….
Indeed, very cool design!
Thanks for sharing
Bob Houston posted a new activity comment 9 years ago
HS 805 BB available here http://www.robotshop.com/ca/en/hs-805bb-giant-scale-servo-motor.html
TS 80 available here http://www3.towerhobbies.com/cgi-bin/wti0001p?&I=LXLN94&P=4Both in North America though
Bob Houston posted a new activity comment 9 years ago
Go to myrobotlab.org and ask your question, they will be able to help you out.
Bob Houston posted a new activity comment 9 years ago
Thanks juerg, I\’ll check into it more as well.
mmm good idea, i add too some capacitors to prevent jitter ( i test it tonigh ) : http://letsmakerobots.com/node/12679
let me know about your caps result. I had an issue with a digital servo impacting another analog one. After connecting the dig servo to another power distribution point the problem resolved itself but having a cap for the signal lines looks to me like a more robust solution
I think we have the same problem, I have mixed dig cys and analog 805bb. I tell you the results soon
Bob Houston posted a new activity comment 9 years ago
Thats a good idea! Can you share details on how to install them?
Sorry, yes, just route the connection from either plus or minus pole from the power supply to the servo through the fuse. The fuse is supposed to heat up with current flowing through it and increases resistance thereby lowering the voltage for the servo and make it stall. The fuse regenerates when cooling off.
The fuse works in a slow mode so…[Read more]-
Thanks juerg, I’ll check into it more as well.
mmm good idea, i add too some capacitors to prevent jitter ( i test it tonigh ) : http://letsmakerobots.com/node/12679
let me know about your caps result. I had an issue with a digital servo impacting another analog one. After connecting the dig servo to another power distribution point the problem resolved itself but having a cap for the signal lines looks to me like a more robust solution
I think we have the same problem, I have mixed dig cys and analog 805bb. I tell you the results soon
Update: Actually had a problem with left shoulder rotation servo (continuing small repositiong with growl) and after a while it stopped to move (fuse and servo rather hot) so the fuse did it’s job.
Have added now the 104 (100nF) caps for all shoulder servos (between signal and ground) and as it did not completely stop the growl a lot of has gone…[Read more]
Bob Houston posted a new activity comment 9 years ago
Did you do the same thing for the covers you have on the back of the Biceps?
Bob Houston posted a new activity comment 9 years ago
Good idea, I need to do the same thing for where the computer goes, as I\’m not putting a computer on my InMoov at this time. Maybe some one out there can make a filler plate for this space.
Bob Houston posted a new activity comment 9 years ago
Looks great Markus, where did you get the battery cover panel from?
I printed a 2 mm thick and used a hot airgun to shape it.-
Good idea, I need to do the same thing for where the computer goes, as I’m not putting a computer on my InMoov at this time. Maybe some one out there can make a filler plate for this space.
Did you do the same thing for the covers you have on the back of the Biceps?
No I found those on thingiverse
Bob Houston posted a new activity comment 9 years ago
Thanks for sharing that video, Markus. Looks like it was a good time. Did Gael mention any time frame for the legs to be released ?
Bob Houston posted a new activity comment 9 years ago
Look forward to seeing it in action. I know it is difficult to implement more servos when running on my robot lab, that\’s one of the reasons I switched to a different operating system to run my InMoov with.
I have this idea when i had soon need to use not implemented servo
leftPort = “/dev/ttyACM0”
rightPort = “/dev/ttyACM1”7 +i01 = Runtime.createAndStart(“i01”, “InMoov”)
8 +right = Runtime.start(“i01.right”, “Arduino”)
9 +right.setBoard(“mega2560”)
10 +right.connect(rightPort)
#not implemented servo pin init
right.pinMode(22,…[Read more]-
you can use
servo = Runtime.createAndStart(“servo”, “Servo”)
servo.attach(“i01.right”, 22)
etc -
Hi it’s better thank you for the tip !
Bob Houston posted a new activity comment 9 years ago
Looks great, nice prints! Can you post a video of it working?
Hi Bob,
at this time it is only possible to show every single axis working
because my robotlab is not working so far.
I try to make some videos this week end-
Look forward to seeing it in action. I know it is difficult to implement more servos when running on my robot lab, that’s one of the reasons I switched to a different operating system to run my InMoov with.
I have this idea when i had soon need to use not implemented servo
leftPort = “/dev/ttyACM0”
rightPort = “/dev/ttyACM1”7 +i01 = Runtime.createAndStart(“i01”, “InMoov”)
8 +right = Runtime.start(“i01.right”, “Arduino”)
9 +right.setBoard(“mega2560”)
10 +right.connect(rightPort)
#not implemented servo pin init
right.pinMode(22,…[Read more]-
you can use
servo = Runtime.createAndStart(“servo”, “Servo”)
servo.attach(“i01.right”, 22)
etc -
Hi it’s better thank you for the tip !
Bob Houston posted a new activity comment 9 years ago
The parts for this modification are on Thingiverse.
http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:1409964 -
Bob Houston posted a new activity comment 9 years ago
Thanks for your comments, Gael. Over here we call that type of joint a U-Joint. I considered that type of joint for this modification but the ball joint is much simpler. I left the pots in the servos and used my modified pistons that I made earlier for the Top Stomach. The reason I am experimenting with this is, that for walking I think the robot…[Read more]
Bob Houston posted an update 9 years ago
Bob Houston posted an update 9 years ago
I resigned the Top Stomach so now it can lean Forward and Backwards. The design is a ball joint with 3 servos. It still needs some work but the concept is good.
Mmmh I had written a comment a few hours ago, but I guess it just disappeared.
Awesome work Bob!!!!!!
This is really adding a cool feature!!
When I was designing the stomach parts I wanted set in a 3d printed “rotule de cardan” (I don’t know how it’s called in English http://motopieces.fr/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/rotule-de-cardan-624×468.jpg) to…[Read more]-
Thanks for your comments, Gael. Over here we call that type of joint a U-Joint. I considered that type of joint for this modification but the ball joint is much simpler. I left the pots in the servos and used my modified pistons that I made earlier for the Top Stomach. The reason I am experimenting with this is, that for walking I think the robot…[Read more]
very good idea use this articulation bob
i think to use the same idea for ankle was the best-
Thanks Bob for the name “U-joint”, I couldn’t grab it on internet.
You are totally correct concerning good stomach movements for to be able to have human gait ressemblance.-
The parts for this modification are on Thingiverse.
Bob Houston posted a new activity comment 9 years ago
Hey nice work, looks great!!!! What are your plans for your \”Desktop InMoov\” ?
Hi bob – thanks. you can actually make Inmoov look very good with a bit more thought and patience on the finishing and build. its a great cosmetically pleasing robot.basically the idea behind it was to have a more portable one. so i can transport it and play around with the programming – plug in the power and sit it on coffee table or any room i…[Read more]
Very very good Nanomole!
So your desktop InMoov will never have arms?-
hi Gael..never say never…..i have another complete InMoov, just wanted a more portable fellow as well.
he will probably end up with arms i think
Bob Houston posted a new activity comment 9 years ago
Hi Jack, I am the Bob from Canada, we talked about a year ago( at least) email me anytime at houston5913@hotmail.com
Bob Houston posted a new activity comment 9 years ago
Nice to see you are back at it. I hope all is well. I\’ve seen your progress on EZ Robots forum. Don\’t be afraid to post questions here or there if you have any. I am wondering what your plans are for the 2 cameras you have in your InMoov.
Hi Bob,
Thanks for the thoughts. Using 2 cameras in head but only one active now. Try to move platform top mobile self contained. I tried answering you via email last week but I guess I need to use forum to answer now. Are you the Bob in South NJ? Your project is fantastic! Keep in touch.!-
Hi Jack, I am the Bob from Canada, we talked about a year ago( at least) email me anytime at houston5913@hotmail.com
Bob Houston posted a new activity comment 9 years ago
Nice idea with the rechargeable batteries. What kind of motors are you using?
Bob Houston posted a new activity comment 9 years ago
Thanks Gael, now I see how it all works. I like how you can detach the drive wheel to push it around manually. See my comments on Sebastiens\’s post.
Bob Houston posted a new activity comment 9 years ago
Sebastien and Gael, Thanks for sharing the details on your bases. They are very simple and efficient. How much weight can the base carry/move around. Gael, yes, EZ Robot can do the voice controls as well. I can run my drive motors with Voice command, or manually on the computer or mobile app. I’m looking at building a lighter base like this but…[Read more]
Bob Houston posted a new activity comment 9 years ago
WOW! That\’s a nice looking build.
Bob Houston posted a new activity comment 9 years ago
Nice work! It is amazing what you do with cardboard ! Can you share some information about the motors you used?
Bob Houston posted a new activity comment 9 years ago
I like your drive system. Can you share some details about the components you used to build it – motors, servos?
Thank you Bob, this InMoov plateform is widely inspired from the one Gael made. My components are coming from old broken stuff to make it low cost as it is a temporary solution waiting for legs :-).
The arduino uno that manage the inmoov neopixel ring is now also used to read commands coming from a wireless PS2 Gamepad ( thanks to Bill Porter…[Read more]
Bob Houston posted a new activity comment 9 years ago
It is nice to see young people working on things like this.
Bob Houston posted a new activity comment 9 years ago
Yes, I hacked a flexihand and put the servos for the fingers in the palm of the hand and added a servo for the additional wrist movement. I have also just finished adding flexible joints to the original InMoov hand and it works pretty good and can hold objects fairly well. I posted a couple of videos on Youtube about the flexihand.
Bob Houston posted an update 9 years ago
A demo of the stomach rotation
Hi Bob
Very cool movements .
As you have done to make the system of wrist motion up and down ?
Ah cool!
Finaly you can post videos again!
I see you replaced one hand with the Flexi hand? -
Nice video, Bob!
I see the wrist also has a movement linkage. You might want to share your work with Juerg, as he is also working on something similar.-
Yes, I hacked a flexihand and put the servos for the fingers in the palm of the hand and added a servo for the additional wrist movement. I have also just finished adding flexible joints to the original InMoov hand and it works pretty good and can hold objects fairly well. I posted a couple of videos on Youtube about the flexihand.
RIght, you take a new route with servos inside the hand – very nice!
My bending wrist uses another servo in the forearm and a few modifications on the existing wrist and hand parts – and it integrates a position sensor to allow the hand to stay horizontal. I am waiting for some cabling stuff as I want to have the forearm pluggable to the elbow.…[Read more]
Looks great! The flexihand seems better controlled – is that due to a design improvement in the parts or just better tuning during installation?
PS I think we should chip in to buy you some switchplate covers so you can program your bot to install them
Bob Houston posted a new activity comment 9 years ago
It took awhile for my login to register on this page. I was logged in instantly on the other pages. Sorry, false alarm.
Bob Houston posted a new activity comment 9 years ago
I had a lot of trouble logging into this page, today, but it seems to be working now….I hope.
Bob Houston posted a new activity comment 9 years ago
and thanks a lot for working on it and figuring it out.
Bob Houston posted a new activity comment 9 years ago
You and me both !!!!
Bob Houston posted an update 9 years ago
Yes Seem to work!
this bug make me crazy, just need to remove the test seb pseudo-
You and me both !!!!
and thanks a lot for working on it and figuring it out.
Cool, at last it seems to be resolving!!
I had a lot of trouble logging into this page, today, but it seems to be working now….I hope.
Oh man, what was the trouble? Can you describe?
It took awhile for my login to register on this page. I was logged in instantly on the other pages. Sorry, false alarm.
Bob Houston
Active 2 years, 7 months ago
I just finished building and installing Gael’s new articulating neck design. His design is great as usual, very robust and smooth. View
Check the length of screws you used to fix discunder – In my build they were a fraction long and were dragging onto the torso shaft behind.