• Profile picture of Gael Langevin
    - "Quarantine has given me time to work on the graphical UI for InMoov in the new version of MyRobotLab (non released NIXIE). There is still many bugs because the webgui is a BIG work in progress, but you can try it […]"View
  • Profile picture of smattachai.p
    - "I reinstall many time of MRL InMoov when IMoov error. After install last time, i found that InMoov lost to answer anythings which he could find from internet to answer to me as before. Are there suggestion to […]"View
  • Profile picture of Peter Anderson
    - "So, Amos moved under his own power for the first time in 7 years…and nothing burned out, Success!"View
  • Profile picture of Rosario
    - "Bonjour. J’ai un problème : voici ma séquence : J’ouvre myrobotlab, je configure arduino.pa9685, servo et j’active le port et le PCA9685, ok Je sauvegarde, et tout fonctionne. Lorsque je ferme myrobotlab et q […]"View
  • Profile picture of Sebastien
  • Profile picture of Rick
    - "So the first step has been taken! I am currently upgrading my printer so it can print ABS."View
  • Profile picture of rodolfo  rojas
    - "working perfectly Finger Starter kit"View
  • Profile picture of Kenneth Troke
    - "Starting the Inmoov build…have torso, left shoulder and head printed on cr-10s…just received a lot of servos….enjoying these challenges in my retirement….skull needs redone as it seems awkward….thank you […]"View
  • Profile picture of amby
    - "you can see my prototype legs with drill motor work nice thank you my friends"View
  • Profile picture of Markus
  • Profile picture of Robert O'Quinn
  • Profile picture of Lilly
    - ""View
  • Profile picture of Cyberkinetic Akinwumi Kehinde
  • Profile picture of Aiden
  • Profile picture of Revwarguy
    - "For those of you who are following Mats Onnerby’s internal head redesign, you know he needed to change the lower rear skull pieces to fit the smaller servo. Those were provided in two pieces, like Gael’s […]"View
  • Profile picture of RentaPrinta
    - "Hello, here is the first video of “Hansi” with working Torso and Head"View