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mario posted an update 4 years, 11 months ago
Gael Gracias por tu paciencia .tngo montada la mano derecha con 6 servos ylos muevo con la swingui pero nose como ejecutar los gestos guardaduos en gestures
Hello, If you use the configs and run the START_INMOOV.bat, you can call any gestures by voice commands. You need to follow this tutorial on how to start and work with MyRobotLab:
HOWTO Start MyRobotLab
Steps 6 to 9
gracias .uso myrobotlab1.0’2693.16 idioma ingles.
cuando digo “OPEN HAND” me contesta :is not in your installed base”.Como lo imstalo? por favor.
Hello, Which version of MyRobotLab do you use? And in which language? As far as I know, none of the current official released version can respond “is not in your installed base”.
mario posted an update 5 years, 1 month ago
como ejecutar gestos con swinGui y Python?? por favor
Hello, Greg has answered to you on with great details.
Muchas gracias pero como se hace con el swinGui??
Hello, Greg gave you a detailed tutorial on
how to execuje a gesture with the webgui???
Hello, The webGui has never been really working under Manticore 1.0.2693. There is many missing functions. I really recommand to use the swinGui instead.
mario posted an update 5 years, 5 months ago
Gael Thank you for the answer but Ihave many problems with welding.
Hello, Maybe ask a friend who knows to solder… Otherwise there is many youtube tutorials to learn how to solder.
como comprar nervo boards ya soldados?
Hello, You can buy directly from InMoov shop and follow the included totorial:
Nervo Board + Components
Nervo Board tutorial
Best fun!
mario posted an update 5 years, 9 months ago
how to edit to activate the _InMoov.config ?
Hello, any text editor can do the job. I like to use SublimeText.