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akash dixit posted an update 8 years ago
can i got the python script of inmoov right hand and forarm voice controll ?
i am making inmoov right hand so can i get the Tensioner.stl file for it please i am not getting it anywhere can you please provide me the link of it
You have to look harder…
juerg posted an update 8 years, 1 month ago
A moveable base and a planned escalator for Marvin. Don’t want to drive around with Marvin in scary heights.
Tried to win a bike in a foto competition but it looks like they had no robot in the jury 🙁
th's profile was updated 8 years, 1 month ago
Local Newspaper Interview (sorry, live in middle Europe
Marvin zum Beispiel. Nachdem Jürg Maier ihm das passende Kommando gegeben hat, streckt Marvin die Hand aus, neigt den Kopf in Richtung seines Gesprächspartners und sagt mit monotoner Stimme: „Ich bin glücklich einem Menschen die Hand geben zu können.“ Marvin ist ein lebensgroßer humanoid…[Read more]
Cool juerg!! Thanks for sharing. You look like two good friends shaking hands!
Mats Önnerby posted an update 8 years, 1 month ago
I made a small upgrade of the shoulder servo. The small potentiometer broke, so I use a larger potentiometer with a 6mm shaft. It’s the olny part that I have changed,but I think the same principle can be used on all potentiometers. The new potentioneter can rotate 270 degrees instead of the original 180 degrees, so the servo mapping has to be…[Read more]
Hello Mats! That for sure is a safe pot!! But you didn’t use my latest pot holders, that means your parts can no longer fit PivTit and RotTit of the latest version… I guess, it’s because you already had PivTit and RotTit printed from the previous version. I like your little potentiometer board option, it’s handy for to simply disconnect.
Hi Gael. I added two versions of the pot holder to Thingiverse. They fit the latest version of the shoulder. One version is without the cable guide and the other with the cable guide.
Great Mats !
akash dixit posted an update 8 years, 2 months ago
hey Gael,i am also making inmoov as you have seen my previous video of figure starter so now i know arduino,C++ very well so i want to know which language i should to get better confidence on inmoov should i learn Python or Java ??
If you will use MyRobotLab, then Python is good, so that you can use the services that already exists. If you want to develop new or change services, you need to learn Java. So my advice is start with Python, then move on to Java. Both Java and C++ are object oriented languages. Since you already know C++ you have a very good start.
akash dixit posted an update 8 years, 3 months ago
sorry if i did any mistake
its my first vedio on inmoov so please watch it full sir
Great video Akash, I can see that you did great progress learning how to use MyRobotLab! Isn’t it great to be able to voice control the finger? Of course it means you can voice control all kinds of devices with MRL through the Arduino. Check the various services, like camera, tracking, I ‘m sure you will find all kinds of projects to do!
juerg posted an update 8 years, 3 months ago
@markus Love your InMoov base however looks to be rather expensive to buy or build one?
Hello Juerg, Markus had posted all his mecanum wheels design here:
is anyone is there who is making INMOOV in india ?
There are not many in or around India. See here: InMoov World Map
I have sent 8 times Nervo boards to India. Five of those orders were dual Nervo Boards with components, so I suspect 5 other InMoov getting built in India.
Hello Gael & Akash.. I am virendrasinh from Gujarat, India. I am 4th(final) year undergraduate student of Engineering. I am also making INMOOV(awesome) robot(started before 3 months). I will upload post soon… Thank You Gael for everything making Opensource.
hii virendrasinh let’s connect on facebook email:
can anyone help me in fixing this error during installing imoon in MRL
Hi akash, Why do you try to use such an old version of MyRobotLab? OpenCV is missing something in that old version. Try with the one here:
How to Start MyRobotLab
how to remove this error shown in red line at the bottom of the pic
Go to and ask your question, they will be able to help you out.
You need to correctly specify the path in the script: gesturesPath = “C:\Myrobotlab\ProgramAB bots\gestures”
aimlPath = “C:/Myrobotlab/myrobotlab.1.0.1412/develop/ProgramAB”
how can i tag myself in google map that i am making a inmoov in gwalior (m.p , India ) ?
There is a tutorial link next to the map. (Hopefully it still works)
can i upload my inmoov tutorials on youtube ?? go there and talk in chat ppl can help u
Sure you can, it might help others where you had doubts. Make sure to mention InMoov in the title, this way it will come out with the search.
i have successfully made the figure but now i want to control it with my voice but i can\’t able to find out the python script as you shown in this video so please provide me the link of python script of fingure so that i can controll it with my voice
is it this ???
hello, there is different version of MyRobotLab, therefore there is a script for each worky version uploaded on InMoov site. Version 1.0.107 requires script with Version 1.0.1412 requires script with Both scripts are available…[Read more]
akash dixit posted an update 8 years, 4 months ago
i have completely made he finger starter so i want to ask will i use this finger setup in future with hand and forarm or not ?
Hi, The Finger Starter is the index of the hand. If you are going to print and assemble the complete hand, you can re-use the index, but personally I like to keep the Finger Starter as a tester. Of course you can also re-use the servo motor and the Arduino Uno board. Though if you are planning to built the complete robot, you will need two Arduino…[Read more]
juerg posted an update 8 years, 4 months ago
I have started to replace broken HS805BB with bluebird BMS L530MG (hobbyking). I have one for my bicep and another one for the neck. The bicep initially worked fine until the horn adapter started to slip (the lower arm is a heavy bugger). I recommend therefore metal servo horns with the bluebird servo. You need to order them separately.…[Read more]
which 3d printer i should for the making the inmoov , I am just a undergraduate student of 4th year in india so please suggest me a good 3d printer under affordable range
I recommend tevo tarantula i3. I use it for my prints. Print quality good and printer is cheap. You can buy it from aliexpress 🙂
see the link which i had visited it is showing multiple range US $227.05 – 455.05 so which one fixed price i should choose
Choose “Standart Printer” option
juerg posted an update 8 years, 5 months ago
An error in a script and an unreachable neck position – just burned another HS805BB so badly, it burned a hole into the case and I can still smell the odor of death when entering the house. I have added now readjustable fuses for all of my large servos (PFRA 160, Hope this prevents future smoke!
Thats a good idea! Can you share details on how to install them?
Sorry, yes, just route the connection from either plus or minus pole from the power supply to the servo through the fuse. The fuse is supposed to heat up with current flowing through it and increases resistance thereby lowering the voltage for the servo and make it stall. The fuse regenerates when cooling off. The fuse works in a slow mode so…[Read more]
Thanks juerg, I’ll check into it more as well.
mmm good idea, i add too some capacitors to prevent jitter ( i test it tonigh ) :
let me know about your caps result. I had an issue with a digital servo impacting another analog one. After connecting the dig servo to another power distribution point the problem resolved itself but having a cap for the signal lines looks to me like a more robust solution
I think we have the same problem, I have mixed dig cys and analog 805bb. I tell you the results soon
Update: Actually had a problem with left shoulder rotation servo (continuing small repositiong with growl) and after a while it stopped to move (fuse and servo rather hot) so the fuse did it’s job. Have added now the 104 (100nF) caps for all shoulder servos (between signal and ground) and as it did not completely stop the growl a lot of has gone…[Read more]
Juerg I just want to say : IT’S MAGICAL 🙂 . No more jitter or zombie servo when detach :
thanks, great picture but I do not use nervo boards. the pin right next to e.g. 12 is the signal line? the dark green edged pins are the + power ones? the 100uF ground side is on the signal? and 104 is a 100 nF cap?
the 100uF ( the big chimical, it’s bad we need ceramic ) is pluged to +6v ground power line . The 100nF ( The small 104 ceramic ) is pluged to each signal pin. ( +signal , ground ) The signal and the power shared the same ground.
Great! I remember a post on the InMoov forum mentionning something similar, It sure would be great to add that option on the next Nervo boards release.
Replacing a broken HS805 with a Blue Bird BMS-L530MG in the bicep. Its available at 20 Eu from hobbyking. Almost same specs but a bit shorter. It’s easy to remove the pot as it has a floating controller board. Downside is it has a smaller servo horn and so the rigid plate connector included with the HS805 does not fit. You can find the adjusted…[Read more]
juerg posted an update 8 years, 6 months ago
InMoov Head with less holes Finished design of a face/skull version with lesser number of parts. You need a print bed size of 20 * 15.5 * 10 to print them
Hey, this was awesome. I printed it up.
Thanks for your feedback, glad you can use it! You need to spread the face a bit when mounting it over the jaw mechanism but it wasn’t difficult.
I printed your inmoov face, its very nice, I will try the jaw mechanism later and will show you the job finished
Gael Langevin posted an update 8 years, 8 months ago
Printing another InMoov, because the original is going to stay home. It is a precious robot now! Having a second printer makes it fast, specially because I updated the firmware to Sailfish on the CTC printer. I used to print on Kapton with the ABS but finally got to print directly on glass which is giving a super result and surprisingly absolutely…[Read more]
PS: removal of the slurry ABS on the glass after print is done, simply run under cold water tab and it will detach itself like magic. Dry the glass plate and you are ready to go again.
Hi Gael – great info thank you.what is the consistency of the ABS slurry you use. your prints are look great.
The slurry is almost totaly liquid. It’s hard to say how much percent of ABS and acetone. Maybe 20 to 30 percent of ABS for 100 acetone.
Hi Gael I still think you should give HT-PLA a try and use a print plate that will not need any slurry or tape and allows to remove items by just picking them up from the cooled out print bed!
The tensioner is with the servobed in the galery…
InMoov body parts library :
juerg posted an update 8 years, 9 months ago
A comparison of InMoov pistons with different materials
I have run tests with pistons made of different materials.
Find the details here
is last bronze pla ?
All bronce is PLA, yes
Nice set of test prints! I have also tested nylon and carbon.
Thanks Gael, unfortunately it wasn’t really worth the work invested. I assume you found similar results with nylon and carbon?