• Merci Gael pour ses nouvelles jambes

  • Just a splash of red paint, cause everybody knows, red goes faster….. ;=)

  • 2 out of 3 Raspberry Pi 3’s installed in the head.

    • That’s alot of pi! Is fitting a third in there possible? Looks great though, very clean setup in that limited space.

      • It is possible to fit the third one and then i still have to work out how I want to split the processing load across them.
        As Gael said somewhere on this site, the RPi even the Model 3 still is not quite powerful enough, but they are cheap enough to add multiple so speed up processing, paralleled processing if you will…

        • You could put one PI in the body to connect to the Kinect or just give him a gut feeling. Nice HAT on the PI.

          • The HAT on the PI is the Adafruit 16 Channel servo driver. Also breaks out the Pi Header and is where I grabbed the 5V from to run the other Pi.

  • Fred InMoov first video, shoulder view of Bicep rotate.

    • This video upload is in response to lorn Campbell query as how it works with the Bicep rotate.
      My recommendation for anyone wanting to do the same thing, would be to use a ribbon with more than 16 conductor and spit the extra across the power wire.
      I used 3 for the servo power 6 Volt and 3 for the servo power 0 Volt, this may not be quite enough,…[Read more]

    • Got to the bottom of the Elbow destruction.
      The smaller servos for the forearm were a long time in coming, so i had the larger joints all fully operational and calibrated long before the servos for the fingers arrived.
      After I installed the servos for the wrist and fingers, i neglected to re-test the elbow until yesterday, at that point the wires…[Read more]

    • Nice and smooth. Your print quality looks really good with no banding.

      • Looks can be deceiving, but thanks for the complement.

        The shoulder pieces are probably the best parts on the whole robot, I’m more pleased at getting the ribbon to work through the bicep gear.

        Some of the earlier pieces had real bad banding, turns out a spacer i fitted to the top of the Z axis screws to reduce the banding actually made it…[Read more]

  • Success,
    Mounter 16 channel PWM Servo driver in the left bicep.
    Also added a small SMPS buck converter in the power supply line to allow for later increasing the a 12V or higher battery system.
    Tripled up the wires for the power supply to cope with the current draw of the servos.
    Only need to sort out a connector for the power in the shoulder and…[Read more]

  • Running a 16 way ribbon through the Bicep Rotator is tight, but it is doable.
    Held in place with CA glue.
    Next job, terminate each end to where they need to go.

  • Coming up on 6 weeks, the Top Stomach parts have been the biggest challenge so far.
    Parts were very tight, then one of the wire came off the servo pot, worked during testing, but not after assembly. Bummer.
    Have now mounted the servo’s in the left hand, will have to work on the fingers next.
    Can’t install the Neo Pixels yet, turns out it not…[Read more]

    • I am unable to snake my wires through there. The piston interferes. I have them bundled though and might have to unbundle them so they can fit. I am using servo extension leads though and not ribbon cable.

      • Wow, the cables fit through the gap. What happens when you rotate the arm? The arm cables have always been an issue on my InMoov, have run the forearm & hand in sleeving externally, but the shoulder cabling is still a mess.
        Great pictures, looking really good Ray

        • The cable relative to the shoulder moves in the gap, the cables relative to the bicep are stationary. The elbow piston clears the ribbon cable by a 2 mm inside the gear, gets a bit closer outside the gear on the bicep end but still clears it just.

  • This being my first post here, I must thank Gael for all his work on this project that he has made freely available and more importantly the foundation of this community.

    5 Weeks in the making, it is soooo painful waiting for the 3D printer.

    I do have a query, has anyone else had trouble with the InMoov scripts not using the config files for the…[Read more]

    • You have hit the same problem as I have. The InMoov services are made specifict to use Arduinos. I discussed this with GroG last weekend, and I learned how they can be changed to make it possible to use the type of configuration that you have. The problem with making that change is that it’s difficult to make that change, and still keep backward…[Read more]

    • Hello Mats,
      Your timing is incredible, I have just did-assembled half my robot to start installing the top stomach. In the photo above you may notice the pistons on the table already printed. Yesterday, all the small servos arrived, so I now have the jaw working and have mounted the 6 servos in the left hand.
      In a day or two when I have Fred…[Read more]

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