Thanks to the library André Malraux and to the young Makers that participated to our InMoov Campus session.

On 15/10/2016 started the first robotic workshop for kids between 8 and 15 years old. Our ten young robotist assembled the fingers of the robot, then added the tendons, servos, connected the Arduino and finally did some programming!

In only two hours, the goal was reached. Each kid had to built one finger, then put together by group of 5, it allowed them to built 2 hands. After that, they programmed those hands and created gestures. Their imagination took over and we had the pleasure to see some great hack ideas for this new educational hand 🙂

Merci à la bibliothèque André Malraux et aux jeunes Makers qui ont participé à cet atelier Robotique Humanoïde InMoov Campus.

Le 15/10/2016 avait lieu l’atelier de robotique destiné à des enfants de 8 à 15 ans. Nos dix jeunes roboticiens ont assemblé les doigts du robot, puis réalisé les passages de câbles, raccordé les moteurs, connecté les Arduino et enfin fait de la programmation!

En seulement 2 heures l’objectif a été atteint, chaque enfant a réalisé un des doigts, qui mis en commun par équipe de 5, a permis de constituer 2 mains. Ensuite ils ont programmé ces mains et créé des séquences de gestuelle. Et fort heureusement l’imagination prenant le dessus nous avons eu droit à quelques nouvelles idées de hack pour cette nouvelle main pédagogique 🙂

numok inmoov robotique

To be followed with the next session…

Atelier InMoov Campus construction de mains robots Humanoïde à la bibliothèque Italie.

InMoov Campus Hand Kit

Et voici le résultat après création d’un mouvement par les enfants.

You can see here an exemple of the InMoov hand kit  after children programming.

Comments 14

  1. Great stuff. It must be nice to know you are changing peoples lives.

    Is that a new hand design? I like the servos mounted in it and the articulating wrist. Will you be using this design for the full inmoov?

    • Hello Perry,
      This kit is designed for educational purpose and will only be for sale on my site. I’m creating a new line of products in order to be able to finance my InMoov project.
      Until now, I haven’t had any financial help, and my family and I are running low on budget. This is mainly because the project takes so much of my time, that I cannot find time to keep up my daily job anymore.
      Amazing don’t you think!
      But Open Source doesn’t make Open Source food yet, and before it happens, my family still needs to eat everyday.
      Best regards

      • Can I offer a suggestion to help you make some money on this awesome project? Sell us kits with the non printable necessities. Things like screws, servos, flat cables, cameras, . They can be difficult to source if you need them for just 1 build,so Im sure most will gladly pay a premium to get them bundled from you.

        • Hello, I totally agree.
          But it means maintaining a shop for many items. Unfortunately, I don’t have the time and space to do that.
          Already managing the current shop takes me two full days a week, and I don’t mention the emails…
          I asked my InMoov robot to help me, but he said: he had other things to do right now!

          Thanks for the suggestion!

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