Quarantine has given me time to work on the graphical UI for InMoov in the new version of MyRobotLab (non released NIXIE).
There is still many bugs because the webgui is a BIG work in progress, but you can try it out and see many new features.
Thanks to Astro for all the help and making a tutorial to get me to understand how to work with CSS!
Of course a big thanks to the MyRobotLab developpers and any other person that come to help with advice and propositions!
If a feature doesn’t work via webgui, you can always try to make it work via the old swingui.
So here is a tutorial link for to download this new mixture:
New WebGui:
Note that the current config files that we use in Manticore will not launch properly, the reason is because we are trying to set up all configs via the UI. Once the UI is configured, the “saveConfig” button creates a bunch of configuration files in data/config which can be loaded back via “start” button.
Anyway all of those functions are experimental and will still evolve until the Official release of NIXIE.
The files related to this new version of InMoov are located in myrobotlab/resource/InMoov2
Enjoy and have fun!!
Hello Gael
Nous avons très envie de découvrir cette nouvelle version .
Pourrons nous toujours utiliser nos programmes perso Python. ?
Pendant le confinement je me suis attaqué a un mini InMOOV échelle 0.64 .
J ai donc modifié beaucoup de fichiers STL pour adapter les servo-moteurs .
j’ai remplacé les billes pour des roulement à billes .
Si tu penses que cela peut intéresser la communauté , je publierai sur THINGIVERSE.
Porter vous bien
Hello Lecagnois,
Tu peux déjà tester cette nouvelle version, elle est disponible sur mon lien.
Chaque modification que je fais sur Github est automatiquement installée en utilisant INSTALL_INMOOV.bat. Cela te permets d’obtenir les dernières mises à jour.
A priori les custom.py devraient fonctionner, en tout cas je tente de faire en sorte qu’il n’y ai pas trop de différence d’appellation dans le nouveau InMoov2.java.
Pour l’instant même les scripts lancé par InitCheckup.py me pose encore des soucis.
Si tu essayes la nouvelle version, sur la page d’accueil InMoov, il y a un bouton “Load system”. Ce bouton remplie la même fonction que START_INMOOV.bat.
Merci Gael
J ai installé le fichier sur le disque D . L installation demande un certain temps , mais cela fonctionne . au lancement le web-gui dans chrome met page introuvable , mais si on attends la fin du chargement la page s’affiche (j’ai même 2 pages WEBUI . ?)
Bon , il y a beaucoup de nouveautés , je vais me pencher sur tout cela , pour comprendre la philosophie des concepteur .Félicitation à tous ceux qui travaillent sur le projet , l interface à l air plus conviviale pour les néophytes . Il faudra trouver le temps de faire un petit tuto pour expliquer tout cela .
Merci Gael
hello Gael,
How are you? thank you so much for designing new inmoov 2 software. i install it then run START_temporary.bat it’s open my google chrome browser then it shows nothing. I try to lots of time bt it show nothing. please help me how can i run it ?
Thank you
If nothing shows up, just refresh the page, it should show up.
Let me know if it’s good.
sorry Gael its not show up. lots of time refresh it. also uninstall chrome and install new one but same problem. browser open locathost and suddenly close inmoov cmd mode.
The problem is possibly related to a recent update on myrobotlab which would conflict with the InMoov version bundled.
The link I set is fetching directly for the latest InMoov zip file available during the installation and all is still a work in progress.
I just re-loaded on the link a new version. It has the same name and link.
Please throw away the previous before installing this new one.
Hopefully this will work. If not, let me know, in that case I will add a zip link with the necessary files.
Thank you so much Gael. It’s working. I Just change drive location. its default location c: drive I just change it another derive and run it. that’s it.
I tried it and faced same issue, nothing is shown in the chrome page opening. I was in the beginning it was because of the Windows firewall or something blocking, but no. I then check the location of installation repository in the Program files, but there were only basic files and no sub directories. I then tried to restart as administrator the install file .bat, but I’ve a message that it’s not finding the “myrobotlab.jar”file, even if it’s well present in the repository. I guess it’s a link done issue somewhere in the execution of the install… hard-coded specific link?
The problem is possibly related to a recent update on myrobotlab which would conflict with the InMoov version bundled.
The link I set is fetching directly for the latest InMoov zip file available during the installation and all is still a work in progress.
I just re-loaded on the link a new version. It has the same name and link.
Please throw away the previous before installing this new one.
Hopefully this will work. If not, let me know, in that case I will add a zip link with the necessary files.
Ok, problem solved. I had same problem with this version. But then I did the installation 2 times consecutively, and it solved the problem seems as it then found the file and and did installation. Maybe question of orders between copy and installation…
Its awesome interface Gael. Thank you so much for designing this interface.