Eyes i2

Download STL files from the Gallery. Before printing all the parts you should print the CALIBRATOR, to check if your parts will fit together. If you have a very hard time putting those parts together, adjusting the horizontal expansion setting of your slicer software can solve that, this setting can vary depending of your slicer […]

i2Head for InMoov

I have been working on the design and motorization of a new head. This new head is compatible with the three piston neck and the rest of the InMoov body. It has a silicon skin made in some 3D printable molds and can do face expressions. Here is the female version:         […]

Quarantine has given me time to work on the graphical UI for InMoov in the new version of MyRobotLab (non released NIXIE). There is still many bugs because the webgui is a BIG work in progress, but you can try it out and see many new features. Thanks to Astro for all the help and […]

Tech’inn Vitré 2020

  Great time, great public! Tech’inn Vitré is not a huge event, but it’s nice to be there and meet the Makers involved. We had on the InMoov booth, Sébastien, Jérôme and his girlfriend which presented their work and projects.      

Dubioza Kolektiv

When InMoov and MyRobotLab become fun! https://youtu.be/I6w8RplKkms I was asked a few months ago if the band could use InMoov in the video Dubioza project. They had planned to ask students in Faculty of Electrical Engineering in Sarajevo, Bosnia (www.etf.unsa.ba) to work with them to built the robot and to get it programmed via MRL. […]

Update to LowArmSide

Hello builders, After looking at Steve Rainer’s video I realised the inconvenience of having to reprint the lowarmside to fit the square potentiometer. Therefore I updated LowArmSide to V2 version. This modification allows to integrate both, round and square potentiometer. LowArmSideV2 in the Gallery.

Makerfaire Eindhoven 2018

Thanks to everybody for participating to this fantastic event! More than 15 000 visitors this year! The event was taking place in the old Philips factory.   Below is a sneak view of InMoov and MyRobotLab booth during the event, Opening the Makerfaire with the Meneer John Jorritsma, Mayor of Eindhoven city. Participating on our booth, […]

Meetup 2018

The Meetup in Paris in my Workshop!!  (21/06/2018) We had so much things to talk about… It was really great to have Greg Perry, his family, his friends in our place for a memorable moment. Anthony, Bruno, Régis also joined the party! Anthony got some super beers for all of us, but we forgot to […]

Deep Learning For Java

The uncanny Mr. Turing and his deep learning of with LSTM neural networks blog Submitted on MyRobotLab by kwatters on Thu, 12/21/2017 – 00:54 I (kwatters) recently attended some training classes around a deep learning framework called Deeplearning4j.  It was provided by the company SkyMind.IO, they’re the ones that created, maintain, and support the dl4j […]