InMoov Vision Tracking

Last night I made a test after Grog from MyrobotLab has been improving the service tracking for InMoov.It works pretty well out of the box, I am always amazed how Grog can do those modifications. The movements are rather smooth. If I move the object too fast, InMoov loses the track, so there is a […]

Stand Holder for Torso

This thing was made for my previous torso and someone on the forum requested it for download.Unfortunatly the torso has been redesigned since then. So tonight I pulled myself on the front of the screen, launched Blender and modeled this new part.Never tried it though, so use it carefully.It’s the green part on the picture, handy […]

Torso for InMoov on Cubehero

Hi all,The torso parts, which allows you to make the junction between the two shoulders and the neck, are uploaded on Cubehero for the moment.I’m trying to see how that works.Of course for now the site doesn’t look as fancy, compared to Thingiverse, and has some problems to be solved. I can’t remove a part […]

Shoulder InMoov for New Year, 3d print it!

Happy New Year to all of you crazy robot fan and builders!I have a little present for you ready to download. You should be abble to build the shoulder with succes if you follow the tutorial I am going to post in the Assembly Help tab. I know some of you have been waiting, but […]

Power supply + robot head printed

Being stucked on a problem is never fun, and this is what’s going on right now.  I had bought a fancy power supply thinking “This is The One” that will power the whole robot, but I guess I was wrong. You see since the beginning of this project I had been using a very small […]

InMoov’s brain at work

In my previous post, I was talking about Myrobotlab for the brain, and I want to explain a little bit more of what’s going on. I have been searching for an easy to use software in order to control InMoov’s servos. My goal was to be as open source as I could, so keeping my […]

InMoov’s head and shoulders

Hey all,Here is what I’ve got until now. I found some very talented people that are helping to developpe InMoov’s brain. GroG is the guy that runs Myrobotlab and he has been helping to get InMoov listening to commands.If you download his GUI you can do all kinds of interesting things with your robot. The […]

InMoov at the Makerfaire

InMoov was presented at the Makerfaire of Pittsburgh by Brian. He had been working hard to get all his things ready for display. We can’t see it on the picture but he also had a Rostock delta 3d printer he builded. Things didn’t go like Brian wanted though that day, apparently some kids went aggressive […]