InMoov prosthetic hand almost ready

 You can find more scripts for MRL and for InMoov in the Download tab: Scripts to control your InMoov with MyRobotLab If the script is a it is for the MRL version 1695 If the script is a it is for the latest versions I have modified the pin setting of jaw servo between […]

Ears for download

Okay here are the ears. These ears are for the look, they actually don’t really have a function. They were initially designed to act like a circus in which the microphone was inserted, but the servos are making a lot of noise and I haven’t found a simple solution for to get these ears to […]

Eye mechanism to download

Working with the InMoov tracking service in MRL showed some limits. The movements of the head up and down limits the range view of the robot. Since the cameras I used aren’t wide angle lens and if I would add another lens, the tracking would get confused because of distortionned images. That’s what I understood […]