Okay here are the ears.
These ears are for the look, they actually don’t really have a function. They were initially designed to act like a circus in which the microphone was inserted, but the servos are making a lot of noise and I haven’t found a simple solution for to get these ears to listen well.

If one of you can put some microphones in there and get good results, let us know on the forum, it would be nice. I can always redesign something for it.

Comments 5

  1. Hi Randy, I have been talking about that option last night to a musician friend. The problem is that, servos make variable noises depending on the speed they move, if we remove all this range of noise, it might also remove voice range as well. But maybe you have a better idea. If you do, please suggest in the forum.

  2. Reducing audio noise in robotic devices for voice recognition has always been a big challenge for robot engineers.

    Plastic amplifies and carries noise. Human flesh acoustically dampens and even blocks noise. The microphone needs to be mounted so that it is NOT acoustically “touching” the robot. If you look at studio recording microphones, they are mounted in an elastic “shock mount”. Some sort of soft jell/rubber might work. The ears might have to be completely made of a sound absorbing rubber material to isolate them from the servo motor noises and work well.

    You also need a specific kind of microphone. Some microphones pick up MUCH more noise and vibration than others. Most of the better systems use an array of 5 or more microphones. I think Kinect uses 5 as well.

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