St Petersburg during summer can be very, very nice!!
And so was the Geek Picnic in Russia, with beautiful sunny days and incredibly a lot of people.

InMoov was doing the front cover on the website and flyers:

The environment of the Geek Picnic and the area where we presented the robot was very nice, and we had enough space to move around and make our demonstrations. The only trouble was the sound… I hardly could give voice commands to the robot because we had a sort of disco shop with loud speakers big enough for a Rolling Stones concert.


At the beginning of the day


Before the crowd start

Once more we met Alexander with his Russian InMoov clone. He drove 12 hours from Moscow to come to the event!!!!
Alexander has been re-designing some of the covers of his InMoov as you can see on some of the videos. See also the pictures.


Meeting a robot friend

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I found this video on Youtube pretty interesting way to film:

We met again Nicolas Huchet with his InMoov prosthetic hand baptised Bionico. During the event we had a conference through which, I offered to Nicolas my latest design prosthetic hand, this way, the FabLab of Rennes will start to work on its programming.

New hand Nicolas1

Giving the new hand to Nicolas

New hand Nicolas3

We had a nice Russian translator

The goal of this is mainly to start something about the programming of the hand so that others can later benefit of it. I am still undecided about releasing the files, because I still think there is work to be done on them. At the same time I have released files about the robot parts that weren’t totally ready, but if I don’t do it at some point, it will always be post-pound because they could always be ameliorated when reworking the design.

Since I came back from Russia, I have been working on setting and designing parts for the robot to have it’s Odroid U3 board and the mini 17″ inch display working together. I really had in mind to go to NYC Makerfaire with that new set up, but once again, lacking of time just didn’t help.

For both, the display and the OdroidU3 cases, I used models found on Thingiverse and I modified them to my needs.


Display case

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I also redesigned the ClaviPiston to a wider diameter. Traveling with robot in planes, and having to disassemble it all the time, I wanted something more sturdy. I could have used the modified bicep pistons posted on Thingiverse by Forrest Higgs but they had little problems within the spirale. Anyway I kept his diameter which seemed fairly strong.

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Now comes the time to go to Roma and I’m still not ready for it. Although it works, it’s the 3D printed parts that aren’t done.

It was interesting to see various projects in Russia, US and Italy using the InMoov hand. Talking to their different nationality makers made no difference somehow. The spirit of making is universal.

Here are some pictures:


Modified InMoov hand that worked pretty well


They had done this huge hand


Testing InMoov hand with EEG headset.

inmoov fablab Romagna

inmoov fablab Romagna

inmoov fablab Russia

inmoov fablab Russia



inmoov bionico paris


inmoov Ananya Cleetus


inmoov Roberto Prestoni



At the end of the summer I was going to the Netherlands and I had promised to go and meet Wilco, a Dutch InMoov builder. We spent the afternoon talking and having coffee around his InMoov robot.

Wilco InMoov Netherlands 2014

Wilco InMoov Netherlands 2014

Wilco InMoov Netherlands 2014           1

Wilco InMoov Netherlands 2014

Wilco InMoov Hand Netherlands 2014     4

Wilco InMoov Hand Netherlands 2014


Then I went to New York Makerfaire.

There I met Greg Perry in real for the first time, I was really happy to finally get the opportunity to meet the brain behind MyRobotLab software. We had sometime to hang around the faire and discuss the future among other things. Three days to play talk and be geek.

Greg maybe had enough at the end, I think he was missing his computer and shoutbox a bit…

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We also meet Kevin Watters and John Stieger, both InMoov robot builders among all kinds of other things.

Bram Geenen and Richard Hulskes from WeVolver came to present the InMoov hand Kit to the public for the forst time.

Hera are some pictures:

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The three days past like a blowing wind. It was time to get back home to Paris and get ready for the Roma Makerfaire.

To be followed…