This month was our second Makerfaire in Roma since I started the InMoov project. We got there just in time with the airplane to get ready with the robot for the next day opening. No problems with customs.
We were set along with the French Makerfaire team, Barbot, Bertier Luyt and Jean-Baptiste and 3DprinterX tattoo Machine.
Alessandro Didonna was already on the set with his girlfriend, along with Bram Geenen of Wevolver. The location we had was perfect, a huge place with a lot of people passing through, not too much noise, which is good when you talk to the robots.
As planned, there was also Leon and Marten, that had a booth. Unfortunatly they were far away from us, and we only saw each at the end of the days when it was time for Pizza!!!
They had brought their DIY Gimbal camera stand, a very well made Submarine (1m20) and the second version of the InMoov Nervo boards all ready and soldered to be mounted on the Arduino boards. Alessandro also got a kit. They offered me for my birthday an extra Arduino Mega board!!! Thanks guys!
I bet when the builders are going to see those picture, they are going to ask when are they going to be for sale… Sorry for the delays, but I’m not the only one in the loop on this. 🙂

Alessandro had brought his InMoov robot and was ready to demonstrate his DIY Oculus Rift working along with a accelerometer which could control the head and the arm of the robot. The crowd liked it very much. We also have been able to demonstrate the kinect for the first time in public, although it wasn’t ideal because the kinect skeleton would catch anybody in the crowd, which made it a bit hazardous to work.
We had the surprise to see Leonardo Triassi which had presented his blue and red InMoov last year.
InMoov won 7 blue Makerfaire ribbons in Roma this year!!!!!!!!!
Good TV and Press interviews, still need to wait to see them published.
Check at 1:56 for the interview of Alessandro:
There will be a documentary on Raï Uno.
In NYC check at 3:30 for the interview of Richard Hulskes of WeVolver.
InMoov is mentionned in the MAKE book about the 3D printing. There is also a English version.
Check the Makerfaire pictures.

At night InMoov can be spooky

First demo of kinect gestures using MyRobotLab in public with Alessandro

Bram of Wevolver presented the InMoov hand kit as a prototype to see the reaction of people.

The InMoov team, Myrobotlab members (Riidl Chess) and WeVolver meeting Massimo Banzi! From left to right: c Bhavya Gohil, Allen Mendes, Massimo Banzi, Gael Langevin, Aatur Mehta et Bram Geenen.

Hand Left:
I also went to Tour, in France invited for an evening demo/ show by Alexandre Martel of 3Dnatives. I got to test a little bit the Nao Robot, unfortunatly he had the same sound problems as InMoov, when it got crowdy and noisy, he wouldn’t listen either.

And to finish the month of October I was also invited in Rennes (France) for the Opportunités Digital au Champs Libres on a prototype run for Bionico.
During 4 days we worked to get my new designed InMoov prosthetic hand wired correctly to get it adapted with the Advancer Technologies myo electric sensors. The goal was to make it work on Nicolas Huchet. Unfortunatly Nicolas had forgotten to order the drivers to operate the motors I had selected. But there was so much work to do, it didn’t matter so much.
Anyway it was super interesting to meet all those people and to discuss how to proceed. Since they never had assembled the new hand before, it has been a rather good prototype run experiment from which I made a list of some of the modifications I still need to make before launching it on the web.
Four students of the INSA also had modified and printed one of the Enable hand to make it mechanicaly adaptable to a sholder harness. The result is nice and working. (To be followed)
Participants for the prototype run:
– LabFab -Thomas Meghe, Alexandre Galodé, Corentin Le Bris, Elfrich, PA
– FabLlab Orléans -Filipe Franco-
– INSA de Rennes -4 étudiants- Quentin, Benjamin, Thibault, Julien
– IUT de Rennes -Pascal Yon et 1 élève-
– ISBS Paris -Sebastien Millot-
– FabShop (sous réserve) – Jean Baptiste Le Clech
– Perron Tortay Orthopédie -Aude Roinson-
– Orthofiga -Denis, Dominique Filloneau
– Centre mutualiste de kerpape -Willy Allegre-
– InMoov -Gaël Langevin-