I have a lot to say but I can’t find time to write this post.
So I will make it short.
I have been busy to a point of no return, hey!
-Working to create a logo for InMoov.
-3D printing the stomach parts, testing, modifying, reprinting and finaly assembling them.
-Organizing what will be coming next on InMoov.
-Searching how to create cheap, fast, reliable actuators to developp the legs.
-Getting the InMoov prosthetic hand to it’s final result.(Not happy yet)
-Getting a serious power servo PCB board done in China with the collaboration of Leon and Marten (NL)
-Organising with WeVolver the future of InMoov as a complete developpement plateform and producing low cost kits.
Here is InMoov with his logo on the NEW stomach parts,
The Logo is fundamental for representing what you mean, and should easy to be applied on most supports. It was a long quest to come up to this one. Me and my family brained stormed during many of our diners to put together this logo.
The Humanoïde fingerprint, at its heart, the Open Source logo. This way robots shall never forget who created them 🙂
I will be presenting InMoov in Paris at the Futur en Seine event from 12 to 15 june.
And also at the Paris MakerFaire.
Alessandro Didonna will be there also to represente MyRobotLab and his InMoov robot, coming specially from Italy.
Remember Alexander?
I met him in Moscow during the last Geek picnic, well he represented InMoov at the Bal of Robot a huge robotique event in Russia.
Lots of people and medias.
Alexander has redesigned his personal chest for his robot, I’m glad he kept the InMoov logo on it.
Here are some pictures:
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