• juerg posted an update 8 years, 2 months ago

    Local Newspaper Interview (sorry, live in middle Europe

    Marvin zum Beispiel. Nachdem Jürg Maier ihm das passende Kommando gegeben hat, streckt Marvin die Hand aus, neigt den Kopf in Richtung seines Gesprächspartners und sagt mit monotoner Stimme: „Ich bin glücklich einem Menschen die Hand geben zu können.“ Marvin ist ein lebensgroßer humanoid…[Read more]

  • Hello @ all InMoov Fan´s,

    I made a redisign/upgrade for the Stronger Shoulder from gestalt73.
    – I changed the Servoholder from the PivMit for the stronger 7,4V Servo Savöx SV-0236MG (40Kg)
    – 2 Ball Bearings ( Size 61709 ) for the PivGearV5 and 1 Ball Bearing ( Size 689 ) for the PivWorm are inside the Wormgear now.

    I couldn´t test ist at this t…[Read more]

    • Nice work Boris… I would love to see the finished gearbox when you get it all together…

    • Great improvement for long term usage! Thanks for posting, I will add it to the InMoov derivatives collection if you share it on Thingiverse! Remember to use the same licence, CC-by-NC.

    • Yes, I will share it on Thinggiverse, but I have to modify some other parts too.
      I´ve modifyed the PivCenter the RotCenter and the RotTilt because I had Trouble to assemble all parts with the strong PivCommector.


  • Mindless posted an update 8 years, 2 months ago

    Hello Mr Gael,, The rebuilding and cutting up of Inmove in SketchUp for bigbed printing is coming along nicely,, as I was doing it a though it might be worth taking some pictures of the parts assembled but not cut up for reference for other builders,, as you can see in the posted picture it will give builder a better understanding of how it all…[Read more]

    • How is it working in SketchUp with the native STL files?

      • Surprisingly well,,, given SketchUp many many flaws and limited tooling, but I can work 10 times faster in it doing non-complex objects,, just finished doing an expansion pack” ericthepoolboy” “Toyota 22RE Engine”
        The engine block and valve head really start to slow down SketchUp-and lost some section during the conversion, but SketchUp is up t…[Read more]

    • Thanks for the image. I’m adding it into the tutorial 3Dsketch views. It will certainly help other builders.
      Sketchup works pretty well with STL as long as the files do not have too many vertices. Many CAD softwares like to abuse with curves on all the edges and corners, which creates super heavy STL. Sketchup may then start to be very laggy. My…[Read more]

    • Hello Mindless,
      Thanks for posting the picture. I have added it to the chest and torso 3D sketch view.
      I see you do not have my ThroatLowerV1.stl, but a variation, which might confuse some builders though.

      • Good eye,,, I forget about that, here’s the correct piece in place,, anything you see that out of place just let me know,,

  • I made a small upgrade of the shoulder servo. The small potentiometer broke, so I use a larger potentiometer with a 6mm shaft. It’s the olny part that I have changed,but I think the same principle can be used on all potentiometers. The new potentioneter can rotate 270 degrees instead of the original 180 degrees, so the servo mapping has to be…[Read more]

    • Hello Mats!
      That for sure is a safe pot!!
      But you didn’t use my latest pot holders, that means your parts can no longer fit PivTit and RotTit of the latest version…
      I guess, it’s because you already had PivTit and RotTit printed from the previous version. I like your little potentiometer board option, it’s handy for to simply disconnect.

  • Perry posted an update 8 years, 2 months ago

    Here is my version of the forearm. Basically trying the same as Marten. I wanted a straight run for the tendons so I would not need the tensioning spring system. Kept Gael’s servo holder and guide system. Also the wrist drive is in line and not offset which I think makes it a little more robust. Used a slimmed down version of Marten’s…[Read more]

    • Looks awesome Perry !
      It’s a nice option to use the default servo’s 🙂

      And are you happy with the mechanical results ?
      For you it’s better to see and feel the results instead of the default setup 🙂

      • Thanks Marten. I like it a lot. There is still a bit of tuning to do but the geometries are good and the wrist rotation is solid. I may still put an inline tension spring in place but not sure. Time will tell if it is needed.

    • Great Perry, I see that there is many inventors around!

  • Before I can start with my complete InMoov, I need to upgrade my UM2 filament spool-holder.
    I’ve ordered some COLORFABB_XT spools with 2.2kg filament 🙂
    Not sure if XT filament is the right choice for some mechanical parts.

    • yep… Colorfabb is great stuff, iv tried every brand/type out there ,, i do a lot of printing,,, In Australia i use “Blueprinted” filaments which is pretty good quality for a cheap filament Colorfabb is hard to get here and its bloody expensive..
      I only use PLA you would surprised how tough the stuff when printed correctly – you wont have any…[Read more]

      • Thanks for your information.
        I get lucky to live in the Netherlands, the shipping costs are free when I order one spool.
        And with the 2.2kg spools it’s 30% less in price.

        I’m sure I need to play with some settings (temps and max speed).
        I hope to start this evening with some tests 🙂

        I’ve used CollorFabb PLA for some time now and this prints…[Read more]

        • Its worth having a go at trying other other filaments but iv found you really cant beat good quality PLA when its printed correctly,, its hard so its good for gears and moving parts It prints like a dream compered to other filaments,,, and it doesn’t destroy the planet,,,
          I’v been R&D on 3d printers full-time for about 4 years now, mainly on d…[Read more]

          • CollorFabb PLA is good material anyway.
            XT can handle a higher temp when it’s printed, this part is a positive thing if InMoof stays for a long day in sunlight.
            So maybe I will use XT for some outside parts and all others with PLA 🙂

  • Mindless posted an update 8 years, 2 months ago

    Hi guy and girls ,, here is a 4 Part Skull and 4 Part Internal Supporting Structure,,,Surprisingly a lot of work to put Inmoov back together,, Largest exterior surface alignment error was 0.3mm during mating process of the smaller sections, the leading edges were removed then hand stitched back together,,the forehead needed a little bit of work to…[Read more]

    • Great work. I used your previous version on my head. Really liked the streamlined look.
      Will you post thes files up?

      • Yep,, will post the files when i am happy with the finished results (just about there),,, had to do some touch up work last night on the “eye_glass” so the Mounting system for eyes moves a bit more freely….
        Will post a pic in my album when finished,,

    • Great Mindless!
      Just for info, there is some parts already available in the InMoov derivative collection, but I’m sure you must have seen them already.

  • Perry posted an update 8 years, 2 months ago

    Seeing Marten’s great work I am rebuilding my forearms as well. Similar concept except I am trying to preserve as much of Gael’s design as possible. Works with his servo holder and standard servos. I had to hollow out RotaWrist1V4 so now there is a straight path for the tendons. The wrist drive is not offset so a straight shaft drives the wrist.…[Read more]

    • Hi Perry,

      It’s nice to see your idea about this.
      I think I will see your complete setup tomorrow, I hope it works well and I can’t wait to see a video !

      Keep up the good work 😉

    • Cool design Perry,
      this is nice to give room for the tendons to run straight out from the wrist to the Servobed.

      • Thanks Gael, I a trying to adopt some of your design practices to make parts robust and cleanly exported. I have stopped putting a radius on everything (just because they are easy and look cool). I am starting to see the beauty of a simple to work with STL that can be modified by others. A little more function over form. The simple little parts…[Read more]

  • The new printed shaft fits well and it looks that it can handle the rotation.

  • So, the new hexagonal shaft / Small_Gear and Servo_adapter files are uploaded 🙂
    I will test this soon and will share a video later this week.

  • Instead of a DogBone shaft, I’ve designed a new small Wrist_Gear and servo-adapter and will use a 6mm hexagonal shaft.
    I hope the 6mm hexagonal shaft is strong enough 🙂
    Tomorrow I will print all parts and if it works fine, I will include these parts to the Wrist upgrade set @ Thingiverse.

  • I\’ve uploaded all Wrist upgrade files to Thingiverse:
    Enjoy… and don\’t forget to share your results 🙂

  • Today I received my new Lenovo Thinkpad 8,3″ and the DogBone shaft 🙂
    Later this day, I hope to finish the last things for the new Wrist DogBone shaft.
    (I need to change some small things to makethe DogBone shaft fit between the small Wrist gear and to the servo DogBone adapter)

  • I’ve connect all fishing lines to the fingers and the servo’s.
    All runs more freely and looks OK for me, here the test video with a complete Arm/Hand/Fingers:

    • That is awesome. No tensioning spring is the best feature! I guess you could add a tension spring like you had in your single finger tutorial.
      I think this is pretty innovative which begs the question what does the rest of your bot look like?

      • Hi Perry,
        Yes for sure I will include the springs which I’m using with my Finger_Starter kit.
        This makes programming a closed position more easy and they are to safe the servo mechanical way 🙂

    • Very nice Marten!
      It’s very interesting to see how you managed the wrist servo, I guess we could add a second servo for wrist abduction. That would be a great extra feature. (Hand Mini breakout Nervo Boards and Nervo boards would need to be transformed and all scripts and gestures as well though…)
      Will you test it running continuously full 10…[Read more]

  • Finally the new ServoBed is done and fits very well.
    For now I’m using a 98mm DogBone drive shaft from a tamiya RC truck.
    Later, I will order this one:

    • Very nice work. I’m waiting to see the fingers and wrist working together. Fantastic

      • Thanks Rodolfo,
        Here a video from this complete setup:

        Tomorrow I will start to connect all the finger fishing-lines to the servo-pulley’s 🙂

        It looks good so far 😉

        • Once again nice work. It would be great to have a printable shaft for the wrist as opposed to a dog bone. Just another part I would have to wait for when I want to try something late at night. I thought you had a different servo offset in your previous vid and didn’t need the universal joint functionality

          • Thanks Perry,

            A printable shaft would be cool, I only think it’s not strong enough !
            And DogBone shafts are very basic parts which are used in RC cars.
            Most local dealers will selling them.

            About the servo, in the first test video I was using a “Low Profile” servo.
            For some reason, these servo’s will not run with a Arduino !
            For this reason I…[Read more]

          • Check my last post, to see the full functional Arm/Hand/Fingers:

            I’ve connect all fishing lines to the fingers and the servo’s.All runs more freely and looks OK for me, here the test video with a complete Arm/Hand/Fingers:https://youtu.be/8xlMrEUZBTw[Read more]– Marten de Groot (@mdg_nl) October 7, 2016

  • The Servobed is updated, so tonight I can mount the Wrist servo and measure the distance between the small Wrist-Gear and the servo.
    To finish this Wrist update, I only need to print the servo link.
    Then it’s time to mount the Hand and all the fingers 🙂 (I can’t wait…)

  • I’ve decided to make new Wrist Gears to, so all the Finger-fishing lines are more in line with the servo’s !
    The Wrist servo will placed on the Finger servobed and with a axle it will be connected to the small Gear.
    When I’ve printed the Gears, I can start drawing the Servo part…
    Later I will share more pictures and if it works, I will share all…[Read more]

    • I wish that works, it’s a great Idea

      • Haha, my fingers are crossed 🙂

        The Wrist servo is blocking the complete way for all fishing-lines.
        With the servo placed on the servobed, it makes it full open.
        So this saves a lot of friction 🙂

        (printer is almost done with the last peace 🙂 )

    • Hello Marten. I came to that exact same conclusion last night while assembling my tendons. They have been very finicky and I am not confident the spring system will hold up. The wrist rotation really plays with the tensions and geometries. I was thinking of a system where the lines ran through the centerline of the wrist. The servo can be moved…[Read more]

  • I’ve updated the info (included a “How To” for my Finger_Starter kit V2:
    And here a video without the spring:

    • Awesome Marten… going to try these servo pulleys with my new inMoov I am currently building… good work man…

      • Thanks Richard,
        Mechanical way it looks good enough for me.
        These pulley’s will need the full 180 degrees from a servo !
        Make sure your servo’s supporting this 180 degree turn.

        My next step is to see, if the smaller servo’s are strong enough for the complete InMoov Hand !
        I hope to find some spare-time tomorrow, during my work… 🙂

    • Great Marten! I want to see when the pulley is set in the servo bed how the servos are acting. As I said in our email exchange, I have burned so many MG996 and MG995, that I do not trust those servos anymore. I never, yet burned a HK15298.
      Initially when I created the pulley and the servo bed it was for to solve a restriction rotation of 90…[Read more]

      • Tomorrow and the next two day’s I have some spare time during the day 🙂
        First I need to finish my Wrist update, this will help a lot to run more freely !
        Yesterday evening/night I’ve printed the first parts and one needs a small modification to fit better.
        When this fits well, I can draw the servo part…

        I will do my best, to show a moving…[Read more]

  • Here two pictures from all MG996R servo’s and All CS238MG servo’s, to see the difference in the total weights.
    The CS238MG servo’s saving a 161 gram of weight and they are placed more closer to the elbow !
    Both are a positive part, to safe a lot of friction to all arm and shoulder servo’s

    For the CS238MG it was necessary to redesign a simple…[Read more]

  • So, all five Servo Pulley’s are done to 🙂
    Tomorrow evening (after work) it’s time to assembling all things together.

  • So, the CS238MG ServoAdapter production is done for the Right Hand 🙂
    Next production are five Servo Pulley sets….

  • Perry posted an update 8 years, 3 months ago

    Sorry for multiple posts here.

    • Nice job! Are you going to share the design? I would sure use it as I don’t have an on board computer either. Thanks

    • Great work and very nice adaptation. Which software do you use for to do that?
      It doesn’t look like Blender. It’s interesting to know because other builders might be interested to see how you re-worked your parts with only the STL at start.

      • Hello Gael,
        Working with STL files can be a real hassle as they are among the hardest to modify after the fact. As you can see in the pics below they import with thousands of facets so there are not really planar surfaces to work with.
        I use Solidworks to import your individual stl files. It is important to import as a solid body instead of a…[Read more]

    • Thanks for the explaination Perry.
      When exporting from Blender to STL format I use a plugin within Blender to check if parts are clean without inverted facets. This plugin did not exist when I started InMoov project, therefore some of my first parts could not come out clean
      One of the reasons I do not create parts with too many round edges,…[Read more]

      • Hi,
        I’ve just started the project, so sorry if my question has been answered previously.

        I though that the upper back was for mounting the tablet. does this mean the the robot can operate without the tablet?

        • Hi Kevon. You are correct that the position in the back is for the tablet. Some people use other tables or raspberry PI’s or other controllers to run the bot.

  • Perry posted an update 8 years, 3 months ago

  • Perry posted an update 8 years, 3 months ago

    Making a back cover to fill up the Lenovo hole since I don’t us a tablet. It follows the lines of Gaels back design and matches the contours.

  • Here some pictures to show the difference between the servo weights…
    The MG996R was my first choice for the InMoov hand.
    The CS238MG servo weights including a mounted servo-adapter 30gr. less as the MG996R !
    So if I will use these CS238MG servo’s for my InMoov hand, it will saves a 150gr. of weight 🙂
    I think when I’ve finished the new…[Read more]

    • They may save weight but they may not be strong enough for the inMoov hand… The hand is not the same as the finger starter. There is a lot more friction on the push/pull finger mechanisms. The servos need to work much harder than the simple finger kit… However, let us know if they work because less weigh is always welcome…

      • Hi Richard,
        I’m almost sure these smaller servo’s are strong enough for the Hand.
        (don’t forget the special pulley which I’m using!)
        The spring which I’m using now, is perfect to start.
        If needed, I can use a stronger spring to get more torque.
        I hope to show the results this weekend 🙂
        My goal is minimum to hold a softball or a bottle of…[Read more]

  • If you like to print my new Finger_Starter kit including the new pulley’s, here you can find all the files 🙂

    Have fun… 😉

  • Today I finally received my smaller servo’s 🙂
    After printing a servo-adapter, to mount this smaller servo in a standard servo place…
    I made some tests with the new pulley and it looks all great !
    The current use stay’s very low, even when I’m holding down the…[Read more]

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