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michaelbs007 posted an update 2 years, 2 months ago
@admin hi I ordered parts from the website I got the stl files but the parts that I ordered I didn’t got
Hello, I have answered you via your private message. Best regards
michaelbs007 posted a new activity comment 2 years, 3 months ago
Hi, thanks for the reply, I’m using JX PDI-6225 servo motors, I’m waiting for the shipment to arrive, I’ll update as soon as I finish building the arm
Good. So with the JX PDI 6225 in the palm, it’s pretty heavy for the robot to lift the arm. If you don’t plan to build the bicep and shoulder than it’s ok to have them in the palm.
The option of the servos in the palm is mainly for a standalone hand built. Palm and hand covers can be set only if you cut off the servo attachments as you can probably see on the picture.
Bonne fête Gaël
michaelbs007 posted an update 2 years, 3 months ago
hi Has anyone built the Inmoov-hand-i2 with the servo motors inside the palm? There is no tutorial on how to do this
Hello, which servo size do you plan to set in the palm? I have made it possible to use the JX PDI-6225 or the JX MG-1109. In all three options the finger assembly remains fairly similar.
michaelbs007 posted an update 5 years, 10 months ago
I try to connect a servo engine to a erduino mega and run a sketch that in the samples, but nothing happens, ez controller is working what i do rong on arduino