Important note: Myrobotlab will no longer support kinect drivers because they are now very old and very jenga constructed. Therefore the community has chosen to go for the OAK-D-Lite fixed focus. Myrobotlab Nixie version will soon have a service dedicated to the OAK, so I recommend getting that device instead of the old Kinect 360.
As soon as the OAK service is ready, I will make a tutorial page for the device.
You can find the STL model for the OAK here.
For your InMoov you will need the Kinect XBox 360 because it supports the OpenNI.
The Xtion is also suppose to work, but I haven’t tested it.
The XBox One doesn’t work because Microsoft stopped to support OpenNI.
I have tried to use the Orbec Astra, but I haven’t got success in myrobotlab…
If you want your robot to be autonomous, here is a tutorial to set a battery pack for your Kinect:
Link to Microsoft drivers:
Make sure you have the Java 7 or 8(not higher!) that suits your PC. 32 bit or 64bit
To configure your Kinect:
1 -Install the recommended drivers by Microsoft for your system.
2- Install MyRobotLab if you haven’t already done it.
3- In the MyRobotLab directory edit and map all the servo and set the Arduino configuration
- InMoov/config/skeleton_leftArm.config.default
- InMoov/config/skeleton_rightArm.config.default
- InMoov/config/service_6_Arduino.config.default
4- Also set your main config to full
- InMoov/config/_InMoov.config.default
[MAIN] ScriptType=Full
5- Edit the config file InMoov/config/service_E_OpenNI.config.default
- Set it to True
[MAIN] isKinectActivated=True
6- Save and double click the START_INMOOV.bat
7- Place yourself at a distance of 3 meters facing the robot, on a even and clear background, say to your robot the voice command:
8- To stop it, say:
chi mi sa mostrare come collegare la kinect ad arduino -schema di colegamento-
The kinect is not connected to the Arduino.
It is connected to the PC via a USB Hub.
Does the Kinect work with the Virtual-Inmoov? When i was trying it toda it didn’t seem to work. My Virtual-Inmoov was not responding to my movements.
Hello, yes normally it is working.
The main difficulty is to apply the kinect red skeleton on yourself. If the red skeleton doesn’t show on the depth kinect window, it means it is not active.
The kinect driver compatibility with OPENNI has been a giving a lot of difficulty to MyRobotLab developpers.
The new release of NIXIE MRL will help to solve the remaining issues.
Hi Gael,
Regarding the Kinect sensor!
What is the main purpose of using it with inmoov especially?!
and if we do not use it with inmoov, is it will affect the performance of inmoov???!!
The kinect can be used for teaching gestures to the robot a bit like in my video:
If you are running InMoov under ROS software it is also possible to use it for SLAM.
But not having the Kinect won’t affect the performances besides the above suggestions.
Hi all,
I had a hell of a time getting the kinetic 360 working with on windows 10 64-bit. When enabling kinetic in the inmoov configs, MRL start up, i could hear the “inmoov activated”-sample, Ear started, but it did not get any further (head, mouth) and i could never verify that my kinetic worked, i just saw a blinking green light on it.
After slamming my head into the keyboard for a few hours i got it working however.
How i got it working :
1. Remove all kinetic software from Windows, disconnect the kinetic, reboot the computer
2. install Kinect for Windows SDK v1.7 (english version, you might want to follow the selected language of your windows 10 install. Don’t mind their claims that it does not work on Windows 10, those are just words on a webpage
3. install Kinect for Windows Developer Toolkit v1.7 (once more, english version for 64 bit windows 7, not 10.. Kindly ignore and proceed)
4. restart computer for good measure (not sure if required but why not, we have all day)
5. plugin kinetic to power, give it a second, plug it to computer.
If you goto device manager you should now see a bunch of kinetic devices. Using 1.8, i never saw these.
Now install OpenNI drivers from:
Now i could enable OpenNI without issues. Not sure why this never work, or why my approach does. I found the 1.7 advise in an instructable here:
Thanks for your advice, that might help some users.
I ran into a similar issue when some students had installed Java and MRL on their PC.
After hours of testing, I found out, the students had not installed the proper Java for a 64 (bit)based Windows system. They had installed Java (32bit) on their 64 bit system.
Did you install the proper Java 7 or 8, f64 bit version?
Do not install higher Java version than 7 or 8, MyRobotLab 1.0.2693 doesn’t like it.
Hello ,
First of all , love your project .
I was wondering , what part of the kinect is used for the inmoov?
There is a tutorial that removes the audio , servo and accelerometer subsystems from the board, making it a more compact system.
The link :
I was just wondering if this can be used to downsize and create more space and still be reconized and used by myrobotlab.
Audio, servo and accelerometer can be removed from the Kinect, we do not necessarily use it.
Thank you
Hey im just at the stage now of head to stomach built minus arms and looking to get electronics. I see note to go OAK-D-Lite fixed focus instead of Kinect 360 and the STL to mount that in. Is it still the same with requiring thinkpad in the rear and 2 arduinos(although at this stage i only need one i believe with no arms or waist down built)
Hi all,
Can anyone confirm if there are multiple versions of the STLs for the supports under the Kinect sensor please? – I’m using a Kinect 360 sensor but the V2 parts don’t seem to fit around the base of the sensor and I’m assuming originally there was a V1 (that perhaps does fit, but I can’t see that anymore. Perhaps not a great use of print time anyway with the warnings relating to MRL not supporting Kinect any longer however and the last post on here from 2023. But thought it was worth asking if people still have it actively connected.
Best Regards