Get your printers warmed UP!! The legs I had created a long time ago for InMoov are ready to download.

These are the version for standing, not motorized. Beware that some parts exceed the 12x12x12 standard. The reason is that I was not going to upload these parts but time to create the motorised legs is taking much longer because I barely have any free time.
I still need to create a quick tutorial for the site.

You will need to fix the feet to a plateform.
To reinforce the legs, run a 10mm rod through both legs from bottom to top or add a rolling poll like below:

IMG_2303 IMG_2331

Comments 36

  1. Greetings GAEL, looking for the link to download the stl file for InMoov’s legs. Could you point me to the location of the files if possible? I hope to post photos of my InMoov named Sir Henry soon.

    Thanks for everything. Take care


  2. Hello Gaël,

    Thank you so much for having updated the legs. Now we can make a full robot !!

    I’m new at this, just started the hand 3 weeks ago.
    I know there is a long way to go but it is pleasant to know that we can make it whole 🙂

    I might ask some questions here and there when coming into the tricky parts… If I can’t manage to find it around.

    Have a great day and thank you for all this work,


  3. merci Gaël pour les jambes
    mon inmoov avance bien je vais bientôt attaquer l’électronique et re mettre en route l’imprimante pour attaquer les jambes
    encore merci pour se super projet

  4. Hi Gael,
    do the legs have any servo’s and how are they connected to the electronics? I cannot see in the published diagrams any connections for the legs.



    • These legs are only for standing. It is not the motorized version. Some parts look like you can set a servo inside but I have removed the potentiometer holders and other things.

  5. Woooooo LEGS! 😀

    Thanks soooo much Gael.

    Just a quick questions, how does the ankle fit together, there are a few parts and not too sure how they fit…


  6. Hi Mr. Langevin!
    Thank you for creating the legs for INMOOV. You told us, that some parts exceed the 12x12x12 standard. Which printersize do I need to print them?

    looking forward to hearing from you

  7. somebody else have problems connecting the “KneeHighLeftV3” to “ThighLowLeftV1”

    When i bolt the 2 parts together they dont line up. the knee parts is about 4 mm to the back compared to the thigh.
    when no bolts used i can line up the parts perfectly.
    seems like the nut holes must be moved forward by 4.3mm (thigh part)

    see my onedrive folder for pictures!AhEVG3aKJWyAh21dHXlSVFHZwhkh

    With kind regards
    Robbert Loos

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