Daniel Schindler posted an update 5 years ago
Gael Langevin posted an update 5 years ago
Quarantine has given me time to work on the graphical UI for InMoov in the new version of MyRobotLab (non released NIXIE).
There is still many bugs because the webgui is a BIG work in progress, but you can try it out and see many new features.
Thanks to Astro for all the help and making a tutorial to get me to understand how to work with…[Read more] -
Gael Langevin posted an update 5 years ago
Hello Everyone,
We recently encounter difficulties shipping some of your orders from InMoov website because of the Corona Virus. China has recently extended it’s quarantine time. Some components have been held by the customs much longer than usual and won’t probably arrive before weeks.
Therefore I have refunded all orders related to…[
Gael Langevin posted an update 5 years ago
Hello Builders!
I made a lots of updates in the version 1.0.2693.16 regarding the Ultrasonic sensor and the finger sensors.
I also updated the tutorial for the finger sensors and made a new tutorial for the UltraSonic…[Read more] -
Markus posted an update 6 years ago
Gael Langevin posted an update 6 years ago
Thanks to Sebastien, our webmaster, the sidebars of the site are back up again.
This gives again access to the members albums and to the Tweeter feed.
Wordpress had an issue and it was not working anymore since about a month… -
Markus posted an update 6 years ago
I\’m in Windows mixed reality!
Markus posted an update 6 years ago
Robyn Inmoov Vlog 26
Unboxing mixed reality headset and moreRobyn Inmoov Vlog 26 – YouTubeUnboxing mixed reality headset and more -
Markus posted an update 6 years ago
Made it through the first round of Sweden got Talent.
Markus posted an update 6 years ago
Robyn Inmoov at Maker Mela Vlog 24
Markus posted an update 6 years ago
Working on the legs.
Markus posted an update 6 years ago
Marten de Groot posted an update 7 years ago
Here my new FingerStarter kit with Hall-sensor option:
FingerStarterKit with HallSensor option by MdG_NL – ThingiverseThis FingerStarterKit is including a Hall-Sensor option, which can detect a “touch” from the finger.
When the finger touch something, the servo starts… -
Markus posted an update 7 years ago
Robyn Inmoov Vlog 14
Robyn Inmoov Vlog 14 – YouTubeHi ! This is a Vlog about what I do in my Workshop and when I travel to events near and far. i’m mostly working with my inmoov robot Robyn but I do other thi… -
Markus posted an update 7 years ago
Robyn Inmoov vlog13
Robyn Inmoov vlog13 – YouTubeHi ! This is a Vlog about what I do in my Workshop and when I travel to events near and far. i’m mostly working with my inmoov robot Robyn but I do other thi… -
Markus posted an update 7 years ago
Robyn Inmoov Vlog 12
Robyn Inmoov Vlog 12 – YouTubeHi ! This is a Vlog about what I do in my Workshop and when I travel to events near and far. i’m mostly working with my inmoov robot Robyn but I do other thi… -
Daniel Schindler posted an update 7 years ago
I had some sound issues with a realtek onboard soundcard. When starting speaking, there was some clicking buzzing noise. The solution was to disable power saving for the audio device. Just in case anyone encounters some issues with sound.
Daniel Schindler posted an update 7 years ago
I was thinking, what are you guys doing with your inmoov? Tell me, what you use inmoov for.
I for myself use inmoov as a trade bot at the moment. He tells and shows the state of trades. It is using backtrader as a trading lib to get the events from. Inmoov is doing gestures, notifications in neopixel and speaking.
Markus posted an update 7 years ago
Robyn Inmoov Vlog 11
Robyn Inmoov Vlog 11 – YouTubeHi ! This is a Vlog about what I do in my Workshop and when I travel to events near and far. i’m mostly working with my inmoov robot Robyn but I do other thi… -
Markus posted an update 7 years ago
Robyn inmoov Vlog 10
Robyn inmoov Vlog 10 – YouTubeHi ! This is a Vlog about what I do in my Workshop and when I travel to events near and far. i’m mostly working with my inmoov robot Robyn but I do other thi… -
Markus posted an update 7 years ago
Robyn Inmoov Vlog 9
Robyn Inmoov Vlog 9 – YouTubeHi ! This is a Vlog about what I do in my Workshop and when I travel to events near and far. i’m mostly working with my inmoov robot Robyn but I do other thi… -
Markus posted an update 7 years ago
Robyn Inmoov Vlog 8
Robyn Inmoov Vlog 8 – YouTubeHi ! This is a Vlog about what I do in my Workshop and when I travel to events near and far. i’m mostly working with my inmoov robot Robyn but I do other thi… -
Markus posted an update 7 years ago
Robyn Inmoov Vlog 7
Robyn Inmoov Vlog 7 – YouTubeHi ! This is a Vlog about what I do in my Workshop and when I travel to events near and far. i’m mostly working with my inmoov robot Robyn but I do other thi… -
Markus posted an update 7 years ago
Robyn Inmoov Vlog 6
Robyn Inmoov Vlog 6 – YouTubeHi ! This is a Vlog about what I do in my Workshop and when I travel to events near and far. i’m mostly working with my inmoov robot Robyn but I do other thi… -
Daniel Schindler posted an update 7 years ago
Hi, i am from Germany near Stuttgart. I started with the robot in 2015 and I worked on it when i had some free time. After about 2 years i finally finished my inmoov. I posted some pictures of the current result in my album. It was a really fun project and the result is great. Thanks to Gael for his wonderful work.
Daniel Schindler posted an update 7 years ago
Daniel Schindler posted an update 7 years ago
Daniel Schindler posted an update 7 years ago
Daniel Schindler posted an update 7 years ago
Markus posted an update 7 years ago
Robyn Inmoov Vlog 5
Robyn Inmoov Vlog 5 – YouTubehttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BoSo2PnjuSo&lc=z22lcvobtyyfz5iwr04t1aokgdlp4putrsjzxq2v1fozbk0h00410Hi ! This is a Vlog about what I do in my Workshop and when I travel to events near and far. i’m mostly working with my inmoov robot Robyn but I do other thi… -
Markus posted an update 7 years ago
Robyn Inmoov vlog 4
Robyn Inmoov vlog 4 – YouTubeHi ! This is a Vlog about what I do in my Workshop and when I travel to events near and far. i’m mostly working with my inmoov robot Robyn but I do other thi… -
Markus posted an update 7 years ago
Robyn Inmoov Vlog 3
Robyn Inmoov Vlog 3 – YouTubeHi ! This is a Vlog about what I do in my Workshop and when I travel to events near and far. i’m mostly working with my inmoov robot Robyn but I do other thi… -
Markus posted an update 7 years ago
Robyn Inmoov Vlog 2
Robyn Inmoov Vlog 2 – YouTubehttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TXTqClLuhKM&lc=z222zjb41smlx5fi304t1aokgtewc2uyliuz1zoav2e1rk0h00410Hi ! This is a Vlog about what I do in my Workshop and when I travel to events near and far. i’m mostly working with my inmoov robot Robyn but I do other thi… -
Markus posted an update 7 years ago
Robyn Inmoov Vlog 1
Robyn Inmoov Vlog 1 – YouTubeHere you got the script. Hopefully This is useful for you. # create services from org.myrobotlab.service import Arduino from org.myrobotlab.service import Se… -
Gael Langevin posted an update 7 years ago
Markus posted an update 7 years ago
Should I start a video blog
Acapulco Rolf posted an update 7 years ago
Top legs twist testing
Gael Langevin posted an update 7 years ago
Hello InMoov builders!
Here is a view of the knee actuation. This is done via MyRobotLab with the DIY Servo service.
More to come with the Ankle and Thigh actuation.-
Awesome,,, It’s great to see your R&D work on his mechanical operation for this section–,,,
This is awesome,
How long before we start to see the files for the different parts?
I am very interested in the files for the feet and ankle drive system.-
Thanks Mindless!
Well, I am waiting for some components from AliExpress which need to be tested before release. Just for info this is already my third knee design, which all three were pretty different. R&D takes a long time and my problem is that I don’t only work on the legs.
beautiful advanced gael.
Acapulco Rolf posted an update 7 years ago
Neopixel ring disk on the printer…
https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:2703031Thanks Gael
Thanks Bryan for sharing the remix-
That is one of the better parts to print all in one.
With the HOWTO, it’s even better.
I didn’t realize you had a tutorial page up for that. You’re site is coming along nicely.
Thanks Perry, I should still make a short tutorial for to use the Kinect, but I didn’t get the time yet.
Kinect Tutorial done:
Acapulco Rolf posted an update 7 years ago
InMoov reciting Hamlet
Acapulco Rolf posted an update 7 years ago
Acapulco Rolf posted an update 7 years ago
A remix of Mindless’ InMoov Sketchup 3D model
Gael’s waist rotation and Bartods’ legsCalf, ankle and feet to follow
https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:2316843A “Gael original parts” only version also to follow with legs shortly
Acapulco Rolf posted an update 7 years ago
Waist rotation, with Bob’s articulating stomach mechanism mounted
Acapulco Rolf posted an update 7 years ago
Cool,,, which software ya using for the model-?,, its looking good–,,
I’m using this application: Microsoft 3D Builder
It comes as part of the Windows 10 buildFor dragging and dropping stls into a scene along with “basic” model shaping it works well
Hell that’s alright,,, didn’t even know window 10 had a 3d Builder/Viewer ,,,, I see its “HoloLens” compatible which is very cool and will be the next gen of software,,, at $5000k its still a bit too expensive and there’s not enough software add-on’s yet and Object manipulation within the holographic interface is still in its early phases,,,,,…[Read more]
Super, I love to see these progress!
Acapulco Rolf posted an update 7 years ago
Gael Langevin posted an update 7 years ago
Hello everyone,
I started the tutorial for the legs assembly:I still need to finish it but I already published it because I see some of you already have started to print them.
Have fun building!! -
Gael Langevin posted an update 7 years ago
Get your printers warmed UP!! The legs I had created a long time ago for InMoov are ready to download.
These are the version for standing, not motorized. Beware that some parts exceed the 12x12x12 standard. The reason is that I was not going to upload these parts but time to create the motorised legs is taking much longer because I barely have…[Read more]
Awesome! They look fantastic.
So beautiful !! Thanks Gael
1/2 Ash is really happy : i can ear him singing in his workshop : « …/…
Your vagabond shoes, they are longing to stray
…/… »-
Where can they be downloaded? I do not see them on your site?
Hello Perry,
here is the link:
Hey Ash!
Singing in the workshop is always a good sign!
Thanks, I hope your InMoov enjoys them
Oh, very nice. Magnifique!
Merci William!
I’m asking the same question where is for download?
Hello, you can find them in the gallery:
Acapulco Rolf posted an update 8 years ago
I’m looking forward to seeing it walk unaided…
lol, I look forward to seeing it *stand* unaided
Nice work Acapulco ,,,, I see you cut the originals files up for smaller printers ,,, nice work — ,, ‘Bartods” done a pretty good job of replicating Mr Gael’s Artistic style which wouldn’t be easy,,,,,
Hey Mindless,
Yes, nice design work by Bartcam and also in keeping with Gael’s original design goalFYI, Bartcam has uploaded some new parts on the thingiverse page
who is Bartcam?
Hay Perry,,, here is “Bartod” Thingiverse
https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:2316843 -
Hi Perry
Bartcam is aka Bartods
Acapulco Rolf posted an update 8 years ago
Markus posted an update 8 years ago
Robyn Inmoov testing a 3d printed fidget spinner .
Mats Önnerby posted an update 8 years ago
Just want to share a video that was created by Lakhwinder Singh when Markus, Robyn and I visited the Indian Institute of Technology in Rorkee earlier this year.
Acapulco Rolf posted an update 8 years ago
Testing arm and neck servos
PCA9685 16 channel servo driver
PDI 6221 MG 180 servos
Markus posted an update 8 years ago
Robyn Inmoov at maker faire Paris 2017
Markus posted an update 8 years ago
Robyn Inmoov in Roorkee , India 2017
amby posted an update 8 years ago
amby posted an update 8 years ago
hello everybody i can show you my work actually you can see my prototype leg with drill motor the manuel tests work nice
Gael Langevin posted an update 8 years ago
Acapulco Rolf posted an update 8 years ago
Neck test 3
2x 16 channel PCA9685 servo driver
PCA9685 #1: JX PDI-6221MG servo (centre neck piston) @ 330Hz
PCA9685 #2: MG 996 R servos (left and right neck pistons) @ 60Hz
Raspberry Pi 3
Acapulco Rolf posted an update 8 years ago
Neck servo test 2
PDI JX 6221 MG servos
Raspberry Pi 3
PCA9685 servo controller-
Your second test seems quieter, or that a deception? Did you make changes to reduce the noise?
In the initial tests I ran the servos at 100% velocity
In subsequent tests I’ve been running them at 30% velocity
It makes a small difference in terms of the noise
To be honest, I feel that I just need to apply more silicone grease on the pistons to make things smoother
Acapulco Rolf posted an update 8 years ago
Testing the neck
https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:992918InMoov (inmoov.fr)
16 channel PCA9685 servo driver
JX PDI-6221MG servos
Raspberry Pi 3
MyRobotLab (myrobotlab.org) - Load More activity
Active 2 years, 4 months ago
any link to a blender or stl source of the jm3assetsModels*.j3o files? I did not find a program that converts j3o to stl.
Maybe you can add them to the Gallery? View
Very interesting view in the life of InMoov.
I wonder what Robert and Leo talk about when you leave the room?
Yeah, they look like they saw some things
How well do the ultra sonic range finders work in Leo?
I’m assuming Leo is the one on the right
I did not test them in a gesture yet, but they work as intended. I saw Gael released a gesture with the use of this sensors.