Makerfaire European Edition

Four days of geekiness with Makers from all over Europe! It all went very smooth, no problems with the flights and InMoov arrived safely. No broken jaw or shoulder. It was pretty intensive, but what a great time. I meet Leonardo (who’s made this website) and Alessandro (Ambassador of MyRobotLab), and we shared some unforgetable […]

Getting ready for Roma

Wow this is it! tomorrow we are going to Roma to present Inmoov at the Europeen Makerfaire. I’m pretty excited, hopefully everything will go smoothly, starting with douanes and the airports. 3D printing is a major concern for the authorities since some fools printed guns, now any printed stuff can be potentially a weapon. Since […]

Makerfaire NYC

Well I was wondering how things were going on for Chuck Fletcher at the NYC World Makerfaire and apparently things went pretty good. Here are some things gathered on the net since the Makerfaire started. A Tweet from Makerbot Yes, InMoov can be done on a Makerbot in PLA… On Vine Chuck has received  an Editors […]

InMoov Website Is Up!!

Thanks to Leonardo, we have a superb website which will let us get more features then the blog. Leonardo, an Italian InMoov builder in his spare time, and a great musician, has been working since june to get this up, it has been a long task because every pictures, every tutorials, every posts had to […]

Finger Printed at last

I was away for a while, and of course when I travel, I don’t cary my 3D printer with me. Plus, being away in the desert makes it difficult to comuunicate with internet. Since I released the finger prosthetic for Bionico, I was impatient to print it. Fortunatly Morris, on the other side of the […]

InMoov finger Prosthetic

Mmmh, Since InMoov hand has been released on Thingiverse in 2012, I received demands on how to use it as a prosthetic. I was always a bit skeptical about it.  I knew the initial design was not really adapted for that matter and I think it could be better done if I kept the prosthetic […]

Return to the source

Rennes, was the city of my grandparents. It was a long time since I wanted to go and visit this city, but somehow never got the occasion. It is definitly a city worth more than a two days visit. I found it very charming, these little streets become very full of life. On sunday morning […]

55 Printers for InMoov

What a day! Yes I was there and I saw all those Ultimakers printers running against the clock. Protospace and Ground3D had organized the Worldrecord of 3D printers in a pretty short time and I was surprised so many people came to participate and watch the event. It is very interesting to see a community […]

Ears for download

Okay here are the ears. These ears are for the look, they actually don’t really have a function. They were initially designed to act like a circus in which the microphone was inserted, but the servos are making a lot of noise and I haven’t found a simple solution for to get these ears to […]

One day

Just, one day! Can you imagine fifty 3D printers working at the same time to produce InMoov in one day. Builders actively organizing the files to be printed, Hackers getting the parts ready and preparing the program in one day. The result should be a World Record Event (according to Ground3D) which will take place […]