• Rosario posted an update 1 week, 4 days ago

    Bonjour. J’ai un problème : voici ma séquence :

    J’ouvre myrobotlab, je configure arduino.pa9685, servo et j’active le port et le PCA9685, ok Je sauvegarde, et tout fonctionne.

    Lorsque je ferme myrobotlab et que je le rouvre, le module PCA9685 est en mode off, et je reçois une erreur indiquant que le PCA9685 n’a pas été trouvé. Le même problè…[Read more]

  • Rosario posted an update 2 months ago

  • Rosario posted an update 2 months ago

    J\’ai un problème sur la connexion du pca9685 qui n\’est pas reconnu par la carte Arduino gauche, mayrobotlab donne l\’erreur : ror i01.left : :\”MrlCommError: périphérique n\’existe pas\”, lors du détachement ou du rattachement d\’un servo. Pouvez-vous m\’aider? J\’ai remarqué que le Mrlcomm.ino mis à jour ne dispose pas de la bibliothèque pour PCA9685.

  • Rosario posted an update 1 year, 6 months ago

    salve…installato tutto. ma i servi non si muovono, attivato tutte le parti, mi servi fermi. il programma ha inmoov2 java 11 è ultimo manticore. il programma nixie non da errori di installazione.

  • lecagnois posted an update 1 year, 7 months ago

    Nouveau bras et main à l’échelle 0.64 pour petit Inmoov .
    Les fichiers sont ici : https://inmoov.monsite-orange.fr/page-6357cc2c97326.html

  • lecagnois posted an update 2 years, 1 month ago

    Sur les conseils de Gael j ai utilisé des codons élastique pour réaliser la main V2 de mon petit InMoov de 1m20 .

    Voici le lien pour les explications de la réalisation

    • Super travail et adaptation! Question: Les micro servos ne tiennent pas dans le servobed une fois réduit à 0.64 ?

      • hello Gael .
        Non c est trop juste .
        J ai bien modifié le fichier mais cela bloque au niveau de l’engrenage , faut dire que mon imprimante DAGOMA 200 n est pas très précise non plus .
        Je suis en train de modifier les autres fichiers pour supprimer le support métal de chez AliExpress.
        Je mettrai en ligne les fichiers si certains sont int…[Read more]

        • C’est certain que le passage des fils et tendons doit être délicat à réaliser. Ah oui Diane de Poitiers, j’avais un peu oublié que j’avais fait ce tournage. InMoov à serré la main d’Adjani!

  • lecagnois posted an update 2 years, 1 month ago

    Merci a Gael pour cette nouvelle main .
    J ai donc modifié quelques fichiers pour l’adapter a mon petit InMoov de 1.20 .
    La réduction des cotes est de 0.64 .
    Je mettrai en ligne les fichiers prochainement .
    Pour la version Inmoov 1.20 il faudra des ressorts de 2 mn et des petites boulons et vis de 1 et 2 mn .

  • Rosario posted an update 2 years, 11 months ago

    Hello. i have installed InMoov2 in Nixie but when it starts the browers it doesn’t open the page.http: // localhost: 8888 / # / service
    Nothing happens when the webpage is updated. Unable to reach the site.
    you know what the problem is
    notes: myrobotlab windows 10 operating system and on directory C: \ MRL
    the inmoov2 program is installed on C:…[Read more]

  • Rosario posted an update 3 years, 1 month ago

    problem with google interface fault , this is foult?, what\’s the problem?

  • lecagnois posted an update 3 years, 7 months ago

    Mrl reste une usine à gaz pour celui qui débute dans InMoov . Afin de faciliter les nouveaux utilisateurs ,j ai créer un fichier pour faire le lien entre les fichiers AIML et le fichiers python .
    vous pouvez trouver le fichiers ici :

  • Perry posted an update 3 years, 7 months ago

    My minim move roamer

  • lecagnois posted an update 3 years, 8 months ago

    Un Système Pan Tilt pour le mini InMoov de 40 cm

  • lecagnois posted an update 3 years, 9 months ago

    Amélioration du Câblage du petit Inmoov

    – Ajout d ‘une carte alimentation avec 3 sorties sécurisé avec un fusible .
    – Création d’un support unique pour toutes les cartes électroniques .
    – Création d un socle pour l’alimentation de l’amplificateur avec pile 9 volts et interrupteur .
    – Déplacements des 2 mini- arduino au centre entre les 2 Ardui…[Read more]

  • Perry posted an update 3 years, 9 months ago

    Reinforced shoulder gearbox with Resin printed gears

    • That looks very nice.
      Make want to think about getting a resin printer 🙂
      All jokes aside, the fingers would look good with resin as well.

    • where to find the stl files

      • I will need to upload them to Thingiverse or something like that. Since I changed the worm gear you don’t need all the clearance around the old servo horn area which allowed me to reinforce that area substantially. I used the bearing sizes that you recommended in your post

  • Petit inmoov complet

  • petit inmoov 2021
    j ai deporté la camera sur le front .

  • lecagnois posted an update 4 years, 4 months ago

    Mise à jour de l’application Android pour piloter votre InMoov
    Amélioration V2.5
    ajout gestion du moteur du bassin
    Animation et messages vocaux de la tête .”
    Modification du menu et contrôle des roues pour faire avancer le robot .
    (…[Read more]

  • lecagnois posted an update 4 years, 4 months ago

    Réalisation du plateau motorisé pour InMoov mini .
    détail de la réalisation ici :

  • lecagnois posted an update 4 years, 7 months ago

    Petit INMOOV échelle 0.64 sur plateau motorisé .
    poids 5,3 KG
    Inmoov étant moins lourd , j’ai pu motorisé les jambes piloter avec un arduino et un motor shield V2 de adafruit . beaucoup de fichiers STL sont modifiés pour adapter des servos plus petits .

  • Quarantine has given me time to work on the graphical UI for InMoov in the new version of MyRobotLab (non released NIXIE).
    There is still many bugs because the webgui is a BIG work in progress, but you can try it out and see many new features.
    Thanks to Astro for all the help and making a tutorial to get me to understand how to work with…[Read more]

  • lecagnois posted an update 4 years, 8 months ago

    sortez avec votre masque , prenez soin de vous .

  • Hello Everyone,
    We recently encounter difficulties shipping some of your orders from InMoov website because of the Corona Virus. China has recently extended it’s quarantine time. Some components have been held by the customs much longer than usual and won’t probably arrive before weeks.
    Therefore I have refunded all orders related to…[Read more]

  • Hello Builders!
    I made a lots of updates in the version 1.0.2693.16 regarding the Ultrasonic sensor and the finger sensors.

    HOWTO Start MyRobotLab

    I also updated the tutorial for the finger sensors and made a new tutorial for the UltraSonic…[Read more]

    • Hi Gael, short question. Do you mount the hall sensor in the same way then the copper plates? HallSensor – Foam – Magnet? If not, do you have a picture? Thanks a lot,
      Cheers Hartwig

  • juerg posted an update 5 years, 3 months ago

    any link to a blender or stl source of the jm3\\assets\\Models\\*.j3o files? I did not find a program that converts j3o to stl.
    Maybe you can add them to the Gallery?

    • Hello,
      Yes good idea, I will add the latest InMoov virtual j3o file to the Gallery.

      • Hello,
        I added my latest j3o file to the site, but unfortunately it doesn’t display.
        Here is the link:

        • Hi Gael
          Quick response – great!!
          Maybe a misunderstanding? I wanted to get the stl files from which the j3o files get generated. It looks like only JMonkey works with j3o files and I did not find a way to recreate the stl-Files from them.
          The link downloads the j3o file. I can also see a Download link in the Goodies for a complete model…[Read more]

          • Ah that is more complex to do.
            To create the j3o, I use Blender to assemble each parts such as head, chest…
            But each of those body parts are not exported as stl, but saved as blender files which are then imported into JMonkey.
            Here is a zip that contains all the Blender body…[Read more]

            • Thats exactly what I need for the parts representation. Happily exporting the STL’s now, thanks a lot!
              If I get any further with my model I will create a git site and make these visual parts available there if that is OK with you.

  • juerg posted an update 5 years, 3 months ago

    Has anybody tried to create an InMoov robot with Webots? https://cyberbotics.com/#webots
    Looks to me like an impressive tool to visualize the robot in different environments.

    • Hello,
      This looks very interesting, I wonder how we could add it as a service into MyRobotlab.
      I see it’s open source and there is all links to github.

  • juerg posted an update 5 years, 3 months ago

    Hi Gael
    The bicep piston ruined my arm cable. Saw that we have e.g. RotCenterV3 now with ball bearings. I have modified RotGearV6 to provide channels for my signal and power cable and moved the pot holder to the inner side in RotTitV4 (provides a better angle for my cables going down).
    Now I wonder about the screws, M3 nuts do not fit into the…[Read more]

    • Hello Juerg,
      I use M3 nuts and bolts for the bicep. You certainly need to re-drill the holes, small holes tend to diminish a little while 3D printing.

      • Hi Gael
        Thanks for your reply. I know about the redrilling but the part has also deep holes for the nuts which will require a lot of drilling?

        And how to post pictures?

        • Hello Juerg,
          Normally if the printer is well calibrated, the bolts and nuts fit without driling.
          If you ha already printed the parts and the nuts don’t fit, you can heat the nut prior inserting.

          You can post a picture when you create the initial post, not afterwards unless you include a link.

          • Gael
            no sweat but measuring the parallel distance of the nut-holes in RotCenterV3 with netfabb shows me 5.2 mm. Measuring a M3 nut by hand results in 5.5 mm. So something is wrong in my opinion (nut holes in the part are not M3 nut holes, unless there are 2 different kinds of nuts for M3?

            • Mmmh interesting!
              I need to check what could have gone wrong with my measurements during re-design of the shoulder parts.
              The nut holes should be 6mm for to insert some 3mm nuts.

            • Gael
              Did you check this out? I also get the 5.2 mm on the nut holes in RotCenter V3.
              To check the calibration I printed the Calibration items, and it fits thight but perfect.

    • Oh interesting!
      Nice video!
      So you removed the camera from the eyes and placed on the forhead, is that the little block we see on the head?
      Do you use the eyes for something else than two leds or is it some laser distance calculator?

  • HOURA!!
    Thanks to Sebastien, our webmaster, the sidebars of the site are back up again.
    This gives again access to the members albums and to the Tweeter feed.
    Wordpress had an issue and it was not working anymore since about a month…

  • juerg posted an update 5 years, 6 months ago

    My Marvin got a new sensor, a Intel Realsense D415 to take depth images. I mounted it on the head with an angle that allows to see the floor in front of the robot. Mounting it on the head also allows for a good observation point and the head has a wide movement range. Adding an IMU into the head is probably the next thing to add to get more…[Read more]

    • Hello Juerg,
      The plan is to add the Intel RealSense in MyRobotLab, but I don’t when it will happen.
      Did you mount it above the head? or instead of the eyes?
      You should be able to post pictures again, there was an issue with WordPress.

      • Hi Gael
        I have to admit that I do not run my robot any more with MRL. It gave me too many problems with Arduino connections, it takes ages to start it up, it is overloaded with stuff I do not need. So I wrote my own servo task in python to control Marvins joints and have other python tasks to control the cart, read Kinect depth and cam images and…[Read more]

    • When starting openNi I get “initContext found 1 devices” in the bottom line.
      Clicking on “capture” in the service page I only get “starting user worker” but no image.
      Tried all the buttons, no image is shown. Would be nice to see what device is connected.

      • Do you have other imaging devices connected or only the Intel RealSense?
        Maybe OpenNI detects another imaging source.
        We could try to add manually the drivers in C:myrobotlabmyrobotlab.1.1.173librariesnativeOpenNI2Drivers

        I did that for my Orbbec Astra, it worked partially.The depth image is working but the skeleton wouldn’t get activated…[Read more]

        • hahh, still had my kinect plugged in. Without the kinect I get now this “Jenga software not initialized” message when starting the openNi service. I send you the pic of the mounted cam to your mail account.

    • not a problem, I can rerun a test with an updated mrl version whenever it’s ready. Will partially be on vacation over the next weeks, so maybe no immediate response. Have a good time.

    • Hi all, how are you getting on Juerg? I was just looking at the Intel offer “RealSense™ Depth Camera D435 and Tracking Camera T265 bundled together for one great price, and get started with your next project today”
      And am feeling I am going to go for it. But really thinking how can I integrate the D435 without ruining the look. I was thinking hig…[Read more]

      • Thought about the location too. I need to see the path my cart is moving on and first thought of mounting the cam on my cart. It would look nicer instead of the head location but the flexibility of the head makes is much more usable. From the picture you can see that the device is partially covered by the hat and it can be removed if needed. I…[Read more]

        • as a second thought: before you purchase the T265 make sure you understand how you can implement your odometry for the device. I read through the article and had no idea at the end of how I would have to accomplished this. My cart uses an encoder attached to one of its wheels and produces around 3 ticks per mm of robot movement.

          • Hi Juerg, Many thanks, really appreciated. I will go through more thought process. well done and many thanks for pathfinding with the Realsense. I believe that in time this will become the optimal solution over the Orbbec or the Kinnect.

  • ASK posted an update 5 years, 7 months ago

    We got pleasure that the Inmoov shake hand with our state governor.

    #inmoov #inmoovrobot #shakehand #governor #madhyapradesh #india

  • ASK posted an update 5 years, 7 months ago

    I developed the #Inmoov with my team and achieve positions in 3+ Competitions. The Inmoov was also featured in our city local news paper.

    #inmoov #inmoovrobot #winner #runnerup #news #dainikbhaskar #naiduniya

  • ASK posted an update 5 years, 7 months ago


    First of all, I want to say Sorry to all of you. That I never shared any piece of work which I did for developing a Inmoov.

    As now I joined this community. I would like to share the work I did yet.

    I started to develop Inmoov from 2017. Firstly, I made the Finger as a Starter. Which I uploaded on my Youtube Channel.

    #inmoov #inmoovrobot…[Read more]

  • juerg posted an update 5 years, 7 months ago

    Would like to meet InMoov builders in South Korea, beginning Sept 27.

  • juerg posted an update 5 years, 7 months ago

    Robot Autonomy 2 is available

  • juerg posted an update 5 years, 8 months ago

    Check out my new InMoov video on starting to add autonomy to my robot

  • juerg posted an update 5 years, 9 months ago

    Might be travelling to south korea in automn 2019. Would like to meet one or more builders. Any hint how to accomplish that?

  • juerg posted an update 6 years ago

    I am trying to test feedback servos and wanted to use the finger tester.
    The files I have downloaded have different pulleys – where can I find an instruction page for using these?

  • Dominique posted an update 6 years, 2 months ago

    Jarvis presentation:

  • Dominique posted an update 6 years, 3 months ago

    My new ring

  • Here my new FingerStarter kit with Hall-sensor option:

    [Read more]

  • Dominique posted an update 6 years, 5 months ago


  • Dominique posted an update 6 years, 6 months ago

    My kinect integration…

  • I just finished building and installing Gael’s new articulating neck design. His design is great as usual, very robust and smooth.

  • Rosario posted an update 6 years, 6 months ago

    J\’ai des questions à clarifier:
    connaître avec précision: Modèle servo et port utilisé.
    Pourquoi la langue italienne n\’est pas implémentée?
    modules wifi esp comment les installer et mettre à jour le logiciel?
    Merci. et salutations à vous tous

  • Rosario posted an update 6 years, 6 months ago

    Ho delle domande per chiarire:
    conoscere con precisione: Modello servo e porta utilizzata.
    Perchè la lingua italiana non implementata?
    i moduli wifi esp come installarli e upgrade software ?
    grazie. e saluti a voi tutti

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