• juerg posted an update 5 years, 1 month ago

    any link to a blender or stl source of the jm3\assets\Models\*.j3o files? I did not find a program that converts j3o to stl.
    Maybe you can add them to the Gallery?

    • Hello,
      Yes good idea, I will add the latest InMoov virtual j3o file to the Gallery.

      • Hello,
        I added my latest j3o file to the site, but unfortunately it doesn’t display.
        Here is the link:

        • Hi Gael
          Quick response – great!!
          Maybe a misunderstanding? I wanted to get the stl files from which the j3o files get generated. It looks like only JMonkey works with j3o files and I did not find a way to recreate the stl-Files from them.
          The link downloads the j3o file. I can also see a Download link in the Goodies for a complete model…[Read more]

          • Ah that is more complex to do.
            To create the j3o, I use Blender to assemble each parts such as head, chest…
            But each of those body parts are not exported as stl, but saved as blender files which are then imported into JMonkey.
            Here is a zip that contains all the Blender body…[Read more]

            • Thats exactly what I need for the parts representation. Happily exporting the STL’s now, thanks a lot!
              If I get any further with my model I will create a git site and make these visual parts available there if that is OK with you.

  • juerg posted an update 5 years, 1 month ago

    Has anybody tried to create an InMoov robot with Webots? https://cyberbotics.com/#webots
    Looks to me like an impressive tool to visualize the robot in different environments.

    • Hello,
      This looks very interesting, I wonder how we could add it as a service into MyRobotlab.
      I see it’s open source and there is all links to github.

  • juerg posted an update 5 years, 1 month ago

    Hi Gael
    The bicep piston ruined my arm cable. Saw that we have e.g. RotCenterV3 now with ball bearings. I have modified RotGearV6 to provide channels for my signal and power cable and moved the pot holder to the inner side in RotTitV4 (provides a better angle for my cables going down).
    Now I wonder about the screws, M3 nuts do not fit into the…[Read more]

    • Hello Juerg,
      I use M3 nuts and bolts for the bicep. You certainly need to re-drill the holes, small holes tend to diminish a little while 3D printing.

      • Hi Gael
        Thanks for your reply. I know about the redrilling but the part has also deep holes for the nuts which will require a lot of drilling?

        And how to post pictures?

        • Hello Juerg,
          Normally if the printer is well calibrated, the bolts and nuts fit without driling.
          If you ha already printed the parts and the nuts don’t fit, you can heat the nut prior inserting.

          You can post a picture when you create the initial post, not afterwards unless you include a link.

          • Gael
            no sweat but measuring the parallel distance of the nut-holes in RotCenterV3 with netfabb shows me 5.2 mm. Measuring a M3 nut by hand results in 5.5 mm. So something is wrong in my opinion (nut holes in the part are not M3 nut holes, unless there are 2 different kinds of nuts for M3?

            • Mmmh interesting!
              I need to check what could have gone wrong with my measurements during re-design of the shoulder parts.
              The nut holes should be 6mm for to insert some 3mm nuts.

            • Gael
              Did you check this out? I also get the 5.2 mm on the nut holes in RotCenter V3.
              To check the calibration I printed the Calibration items, and it fits thight but perfect.

  • juerg posted an update 5 years, 4 months ago

    My Marvin got a new sensor, a Intel Realsense D415 to take depth images. I mounted it on the head with an angle that allows to see the floor in front of the robot. Mounting it on the head also allows for a good observation point and the head has a wide movement range. Adding an IMU into the head is probably the next thing to add to get more…[Read more]

    • Hello Juerg,
      The plan is to add the Intel RealSense in MyRobotLab, but I don’t when it will happen.
      Did you mount it above the head? or instead of the eyes?
      You should be able to post pictures again, there was an issue with WordPress.

      • Hi Gael
        I have to admit that I do not run my robot any more with MRL. It gave me too many problems with Arduino connections, it takes ages to start it up, it is overloaded with stuff I do not need. So I wrote my own servo task in python to control Marvins joints and have other python tasks to control the cart, read Kinect depth and cam images and…[Read more]

    • When starting openNi I get “initContext found 1 devices” in the bottom line.
      Clicking on “capture” in the service page I only get “starting user worker” but no image.
      Tried all the buttons, no image is shown. Would be nice to see what device is connected.

      • Do you have other imaging devices connected or only the Intel RealSense?
        Maybe OpenNI detects another imaging source.
        We could try to add manually the drivers in C:myrobotlabmyrobotlab.1.1.173librariesnativeOpenNI2Drivers

        I did that for my Orbbec Astra, it worked partially.The depth image is working but the skeleton wouldn’t get activated…[Read more]

        • hahh, still had my kinect plugged in. Without the kinect I get now this “Jenga software not initialized” message when starting the openNi service. I send you the pic of the mounted cam to your mail account.

    • not a problem, I can rerun a test with an updated mrl version whenever it’s ready. Will partially be on vacation over the next weeks, so maybe no immediate response. Have a good time.

    • Hi all, how are you getting on Juerg? I was just looking at the Intel offer “RealSense™ Depth Camera D435 and Tracking Camera T265 bundled together for one great price, and get started with your next project today”
      And am feeling I am going to go for it. But really thinking how can I integrate the D435 without ruining the look. I was thinking hig…[Read more]

      • Thought about the location too. I need to see the path my cart is moving on and first thought of mounting the cam on my cart. It would look nicer instead of the head location but the flexibility of the head makes is much more usable. From the picture you can see that the device is partially covered by the hat and it can be removed if needed. I…[Read more]

        • as a second thought: before you purchase the T265 make sure you understand how you can implement your odometry for the device. I read through the article and had no idea at the end of how I would have to accomplished this. My cart uses an encoder attached to one of its wheels and produces around 3 ticks per mm of robot movement.

          • Hi Juerg, Many thanks, really appreciated. I will go through more thought process. well done and many thanks for pathfinding with the Realsense. I believe that in time this will become the optimal solution over the Orbbec or the Kinnect.

  • juerg posted an update 5 years, 5 months ago

    Would like to meet InMoov builders in South Korea, beginning Sept 27.

  • juerg posted an update 5 years, 5 months ago

    Robot Autonomy 2 is available

  • juerg posted an update 5 years, 5 months ago

    Check out my new InMoov video on starting to add autonomy to my robot

  • juerg posted an update 5 years, 7 months ago

    Might be travelling to south korea in automn 2019. Would like to meet one or more builders. Any hint how to accomplish that?

  • juerg posted an update 5 years, 10 months ago

    I am trying to test feedback servos and wanted to use the finger tester.
    The files I have downloaded have different pulleys – where can I find an instruction page for using these?

  • AndreasTr posted an update 6 years, 4 months ago

    I started working on the kinematics for InMoov. Since years, myrobotlab has a service for InverseKinematics. It seemed to me, that development ended there. Has anybody calculated the Denavit-Hartenberg parameters for it to work?
    If not, I will start working on the following steps for the right arm:
    – define the coordinate systems for each joint
    -…[Read more]

  • juerg posted an update 7 years ago

    My first maker faire (zurich)
    Lots of kids wanting to get Marvins attention by waving their arms. Voice commands got mostly ignored because of the noise level.
    It was great to have the random movements running all the time but after 6 hours the batteries gave up.

    • Simon replied 7 years ago

      Awesome pictures! Hopefully someday maker fair will be in my neck of the woods and I’ll be able to go. I like the bottom half of your base I can’t really tell but does it go up and down and do you have any diagrams to share . I’ve been thinking similar like yours but a little different and yours might save a couple of linear actuators .…[Read more]

  • juerg posted an update 7 years, 6 months ago

    My Marvin has now a movable base like Markus has built one quite long ago. Now I need Calamity to add a few things to MRL to get rid of the joystick and have it find its targets by itself!

  • juerg posted an update 7 years, 8 months ago

    Forearm alternate with more variations for hand positions?

    Anybody interested in helping design an alternate InMoov forearm?
    I would like to move wrist rotation back into the elbow – eliminating string issues with wrist rotation.
    I would like to add more DOF for hand direction, something similar to Bob Huston head.
    I would also like to use…[Read more]

  • juerg posted an update 7 years, 9 months ago

    Marvin fixing itself

    • LOL…. great video Juerg…. Glue maybe but I wouldn’t let Marvin near a soldering iron if I were you… I really need to learn how to prepare and edit video… On my list of things to learn this year…

  • juerg posted an update 7 years, 11 months ago

    A moveable base and a planned escalator for Marvin. Don’t want to drive around with Marvin in scary heights.

  • juerg posted an update 7 years, 11 months ago

    Tried to win a bike in a foto competition but it looks like they had no robot in the jury 🙁

  • juerg posted an update 7 years, 11 months ago

    Local Newspaper Interview (sorry, live in middle Europe

    Marvin zum Beispiel. Nachdem Jürg Maier ihm das passende Kommando gegeben hat, streckt Marvin die Hand aus, neigt den Kopf in Richtung seines Gesprächspartners und sagt mit monotoner Stimme: „Ich bin glücklich einem Menschen die Hand geben zu können.“ Marvin ist ein lebensgroßer humanoid…[Read more]

  • juerg posted an update 8 years, 1 month ago

    Love your InMoov base however looks to be rather expensive to buy or build one?

  • juerg posted an update 8 years, 2 months ago

    I have started to replace broken HS805BB with bluebird BMS L530MG (hobbyking). I have one for my bicep and another one for the neck. The bicep initially worked fine until the horn adapter started to slip (the lower arm is a heavy bugger). I recommend therefore metal servo horns with the bluebird servo. You need to order them separately.…[Read more]

  • juerg posted an update 8 years, 2 months ago

    An error in a script and an unreachable neck position – just burned another HS805BB so badly, it burned a hole into the case and I can still smell the odor of death when entering the house.
    I have added now readjustable fuses for all of my large servos (PFRA 160, Reichelt.de).
    Hope this prevents future smoke!

    • Thats a good idea! Can you share details on how to install them?

      • Sorry, yes, just route the connection from either plus or minus pole from the power supply to the servo through the fuse. The fuse is supposed to heat up with current flowing through it and increases resistance thereby lowering the voltage for the servo and make it stall. The fuse regenerates when cooling off.
        The fuse works in a slow mode so…[Read more]

      • Update: Actually had a problem with left shoulder rotation servo (continuing small repositiong with growl) and after a while it stopped to move (fuse and servo rather hot) so the fuse did it’s job.
        Have added now the 104 (100nF) caps for all shoulder servos (between signal and ground) and as it did not completely stop the growl a lot of has gone…[Read more]

    • Juerg I just want to say : IT’S MAGICAL 🙂 . No more jitter or zombie servo when detach : https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10210323785361860&set=p.10210323785361860&type=3&theater

      • thanks, great picture but I do not use nervo boards.
        the pin right next to e.g. 12 is the signal line?
        the dark green edged pins are the + power ones?
        the 100uF ground side is on the signal?
        and 104 is a 100 nF cap?

        • the 100uF ( the big chimical, it’s bad we need ceramic ) is pluged to +6v ground power line .
          The 100nF ( The small 104 ceramic ) is pluged to each signal pin. ( +signal , ground )
          The signal and the power shared the same ground.

          • Great! I remember a post on the InMoov forum mentionning something similar, It sure would be great to add that option on the next Nervo boards release.

  • juerg posted an update 8 years, 3 months ago

    Replacing a broken HS805 with a Blue Bird BMS-L530MG in the bicep. Its available at 20 Eu from hobbyking. Almost same specs but a bit shorter. It’s easy to remove the pot as it has a floating controller board. Downside is it has a smaller servo horn and so the rigid plate connector included with the HS805 does not fit.
    You can find the adjusted…[Read more]

  • juerg posted an update 8 years, 4 months ago

    InMoov Head with less holes
    Finished design of a face/skull version with lesser number of parts. You need a print bed size of 20 * 15.5 * 10 to print them


    • Hey, this was awesome. I printed it up.

    • Thanks for your feedback, glad you can use it! You need to spread the face a bit when mounting it over the jaw mechanism but it wasn’t difficult.

      • I printed your inmoov face, its very nice, I will try the jaw mechanism later and will show you the job finished

  • juerg posted an update 8 years, 7 months ago

    A comparison of InMoov pistons with different materials

    I have run tests with pistons made of different materials.

    Find the details here


  • juerg posted an update 8 years, 7 months ago

    Can anybody tell me what words are spoken when hovering over the finger print picture?
    Can only identify \”InMoov\” – the second word is lost in my sphinx-algorithms

  • juerg posted an update 8 years, 7 months ago

    Marvin got an update for appearance

  • juerg posted an update 8 years, 8 months ago

    Tired of soldering?

    Maybe you want to have a look at my solution: http://snaptip.com/ro15mqorh8/soldering-vs-crimping

    • Hi Juerg. That looks really good. I ordered a set of 100 male+female 3-pin connectors based on your suggestion. I think that will be enough for the whole build 🙂

    • Hey nice MAKER suggestion, I bet it is going to help more than one builder. Thanks for sharing.

  • juerg posted an update 8 years, 8 months ago

    A little bit more autonomy?
    I have created a MRL-script (python) that includes the kinematic facts of InMoov, reads the current servo positions and calculates the head and palms x,y,z positions from it. Based on this the rothead and neck positions are calculated to have the eyes point to the hand by simply using
    lookatHand(“left”) or…[Read more]

  • juerg posted an update 8 years, 9 months ago

    Removable Forearm

    When I started to wire my InMoov there heavent’t been Nervo Bords available so I did set up cabling with the method Mats showed on one of his posts – using Mini-Display cables and terminater boards.
    I first had my cables go right down into the forearm but this practically disabled the option of removing the forearm from the…[Read more]

    • Thanks for posting this. It looks very good. But I think you have seen it on Markus build, not mine. So all credits to him.

      • Hi Mats
        Thanks for pointing this out and sorry Markus for not mentioning you instead. I mixed up your names and it’s Markus who holds the record in disassembling InMoov for transportation in a suitecase!

    • Hi Juerg, the route that Markus took with these connectors was very impressive.
      Marten, Leon and I had already been working on the Nervo Board and had started the first batchs when I saw his connections, other wise we might have proposed something similar.

  • juerg posted an update 8 years, 9 months ago

    Finally – took me a long time – the video, the description and the parts of the self levelling hand for InMoov

    Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nnjBYmTVjLc
    Description: http://snaptip.com/ezq1qa8d2g/inmoov-self-levelling-hand
    Parts: http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:1272248

    • hello juerg interestinf wrist
      thank you for show us

    • Hi Juerg,
      Very good demonstration and video!!
      This looks very promising for handling beverages and other delicate tasks.
      I will Google+ your video and add the parts to the derivative collection because it’s very interesting progress.

      • I just wanted to thank you all for the replies I received for my modified hand from different sources. I hope to see soon a copy of my hand on other InMoov’s!

  • juerg posted an update 8 years, 11 months ago

    Tried to create a self levelling hand for InMoov. I use a BNO055 for the pitch/roll recognition and a Arduino Nano for the servo control.
    I had to redesign the hand connector to allow for a low friction movements of the strings. I used cutted nails and distance holders for easy movement. I have also redesigned WristLarge to have bumps on the wrist…[Read more]

    • Very nice Juerg!! This looks awesome!
      I like the accelerometer effect shown in your video. The place where you have set your servo is a place for to set an extra servo, so I’m glad to see you did good use of that space.
      I see you added a piece to mount the rear part of the servo. In one of my previous design the servo was lining sideway at that…[Read more]

  • juerg posted an update 9 years ago

    Hi mats
    Currently on vacation in Japan (they have some nice robots here too but InMoov is not popular here).
    I can’t draw you a picture with my mobile but look at this – the servo has to travel 17 plus 27 mm for complete opening and closing. Depending on the servo you have installed (my mg995 can do about 210 degrees) this will be…[Read more]

    • Hi Juerg. I appreciate that you want to help. But from your answer, it is obvious that you don’t understand the basic problem. It has nothing to do with centering the servo. The servo needs to pull 27mm on one side to close the finger, while releasing 17mm on the opposite side. That is a difference of 10mm. Not a sum of 27 and 17. To open it…[Read more]

      • juerg replied 9 years ago

        Hi Mats
        I think I got your point. When doing my first pulleys I had problems that they interfered with the cover, adding a second track would require lower built servos or a modified servo-bed? And the string-guiders will need to be adjusted?

  • juerg posted an update 9 years ago

    Wrist Range
    Probing my hand I I have about a 180 degrees range of turning the wrist, InMoov (depending on the used servo) about 110 degrees in my case.
    I have read through Anar’s version of a 180 degree wrist but it looks like to be a lot of detail work and probing…
    Given the range of my MG966R is about 210 degrees another solution might be to…[Read more]

    • Yes totally do-able. During my design I tested a winch servo which could rotate at 360 degree. What happens though is, more it rotates and more it pulls on the tendons.
      Though I have been recommending 0.8mm braided fish line, you certainly could reduce the holes to let your 0.6mm go through. Also I would like to mention that my first design of the…[Read more]

  • juerg posted an update 9 years ago

    Bicep Back Cover (second try, first link did not work and no edits on published messages available)
    Worked on a back cover for the bicep.

    see http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:1060928

    There is some doubt it will work with the nervo board in place. As I do not use them I need somebody to give it a try and tell me what needs to be changed.…[Read more]

    • Thanks for posting it.
      Like I told you in our private email:
      Awesome!! Totally in the InMoov style!
      I will print a set today and let you know how it goes along with the mini breakout Nervo board.

      • Your link seems to be broken… I also can’t find your parts on Thingiverse

        • juerg replied 9 years ago

          Sorry, too many things in my mind. I did not publish it so it looked OK for my but not for others. Hope it works now.

          • Ok it works now, I will print one tomorrow and let you know.

            • Okay, one printed. It fits nicely! I actually printed only the upper part, because after checking in Blender, the lower part wouldn’t let me set my cables.

  • juerg posted an update 9 years ago

    I would like to add a bit more control of the hand to keep it more horizontally (things tend to fall off Marvin\’s hands). Any success stories or frustration reports about that?

    • Hello,
      I have found a pretty good solution last year. I didn’t post about it because I wanted to test it before. The hand was set up at an exhibit running the whole day for nearly two months, and the result was concluant.
      I will upload the STL files when I get a moment.
      The springs instead…[Read more]

      • juerg replied 9 years ago

        It’s good to have control of the string length at the pulley, maybe your tutorials should include this update?
        For the springs – I think it’s good to keep the strings under tension – great pictures and nice cabeling! But e.g. a bit of a fragile object might still be broken because the servo won’t stop?
        I see you use your preferred HK servos in…[Read more]

        • The basic problem is that the you need to pull a longer distance in one direction that the other. For example the major finger needs to be pulled 27mm to close but only 17mm to open. So the servo pulleys needs to be redesigned to have two different lanes, with different diameters. I have started to experiment, but the pulleys I try now are to…[Read more]

          • @juerg, the servos won’t break parts, at least it never did on any of the hands I have assembled. In MyRobotLab you set the Min and Max for each servo, this avoids the servos to force further than necessary.
            The pulleys mounted on the HK15298, even though it rotates only 90 degrees, can actuate fully all fingers, only the Majeure finger is…[Read more]

            • Thanks for posting the spring design. I think springs has to be part of the solution, since turning the wrist will pull on both sides of the servos. A different design of the pulleys may decrease the length that the springs need to flex.

            • Springs will the best/easiest way to solve the problem.

              I will use this Pully, including a spring to let the finger go down again.
              I haven’t springs at home to test, so here some different views from my drawings and a mounted pully at a servo:

              This Pully size is fine for the Index finger, when the servo makes a…[Read more]

  • juerg posted an update 9 years ago

    I would like to close up the back sides of the biceps. If nobody has this in his pipeline I could start work on it.

  • juerg posted an update 9 years ago

    I have added more SCAD files for creating individual parts for different servo dimensions

  • juerg posted an update 9 years ago

    I have tried to come up with a howto about my method of finger string assembly

  • juerg posted an update 9 years ago

    Just read an article about servos – it provided some insights I would like to share.

    • It’s true that understanding how a servo works is a good starting point. Though I must say that some things about servos still don’t make sense to me, ahaha.
      An example, why on most website selling servos, the specs rarely mention what is the maximum degree rotation a servo can achieve. It seems to be something you should discover once you bought…[Read more]

  • juerg posted an update 9 years ago

    I have created a small howto about my currently preferred finger assembling.


    • Clean prints in your how to! What resolution do you print with?
      Your requirement for drill bits is slightly smaller than mine, it varies pretty much according to your printers settings and filament supplier.

      • juerg replied 9 years ago

        Thanks Gael
        My printer is a Multec 300 and I print most everything with 0.1 mm layer and 2.85 mm filament.
        After spending a lot of time with aceton slurry and removing/reattaching the print bed sheet I print now only PLA-HT on a “never have to change” printbed. The vertical surfaces tend to be a bit rough, I assume due to the fact that the Z-axis…[Read more]

  • juerg posted an update 9 years, 1 month ago

    Tried to create a arm rotcenterv2.scad file that allows for specifying your individual servo dimensions. From the OpenScad.scad file you can – after specifying your 5 measures in the script – render your individual 3d object and export it as .stl. In the script you will also find the instructions how to create the stl for the opposite side.
    No…[Read more]

  • juerg posted an update 9 years, 1 month ago

    3d printing with ease
    Please understand – I definitely do not want to create product placement in my blog – just let me tell you my InMoov printing difficulties.
    I first thought ABS and badly failed, nothing sticked to my print bed. Then listening and reading many experts opinions I switched to PLA. I gladly agreed because nothing worked with ABS…[Read more]

    • A Perfect Print Bed is like the quest for Holy Grail. All infos about it are welcome.
      What is the “rescue” material you finally use from mtplus?
      I tried so many things and materials for the perfect printing bed before starting InMoov project. Blue tape, UhU glue on glass, Buildtak, Ninja Board, ABS slurry on acrylic, bakelite and so on. I use…[Read more]

      • I use a Velleman Vertex K8400 printer with an unheated glass bed with BuildTak. PLA sticks well to it. The BuildTak has to be replaced about once per month. I have never tested ABS. The printer has three fans to cool down the PLA. I have to use a lot of force to break any part. It they break, you may have to little infill or to thin walls. I use a…[Read more]

        • Hi Mats
          never seen BuildTak before but the web page promises exactly what I got with my material. I haven’t touched my printbed for 3 month’s now with printing times in average probably 3 hours/day.

      • It looks to be kept secret what material it is. It is also rather expensive but after having encountered so many problems I gave it a try (beside other materials) – and at least for me and my PLA-HT it works like a charm.
        When I compare ABS prints with the PLA-HT the second is much more robust (like I can not brake the large lower arm parts…[Read more]

    • Buildtak didn’t work with ABS for me, I managed to nearly destroy the surface after the third print. ABS temperature is too high for the Buildtak and causes to scare the surface rapidly. I didn’t try with PLA. But I have seen very good results at various 3D print shows.

  • juerg posted an update 9 years, 1 month ago

    Replacement Servo for omoplate

    After burning quite a few HS805BB I wanted to try another smaller servo which had interesting specs, the tgy-mg959 v2.
    I have added the redesigned holster which maintains the geometry to thingiverse (look vor InMoov omoplate).
    It should also work for rotate and shoulder and sure would look sharp on the robot.…[Read more]

    • Awesome good test and results! Thanks for sharing Juerg.
      Definitely something usefull for to make the servos smaller. Speed seems to be the same as the HS805BB, what are the torque specs?

      • Hi Gael
        Thanks for your comment.
        I bought it for the hobbyking statement 30kg/6v and 0.15s/6v for 60 deg. The servo I got is named v2, but you can also find other statements where only 15 kg are given. Do not know but performance looks to be acceptable and I am quite sure it could be good for other HS805 replacements. It is rather easy to change…[Read more]