November & December

Fossa We have been invited to Rennes by Inria for the 2014 Fossa Edition to present the new InMoov2 hand and to make a conference about InMoov and how Open Source Robots can evolve in our society. Thanks to Stephane Ribas! Watching the video of the conference, I can’t say I like it. But hey, […]

InMoov2 hand progress

I worked recently on the new InMoov hand (InMoov2 hand). I had stopped a few months ago because my wire connections had something wrong and I had burned the Arduino Nano and one of the motor driver board. Being very buzy in all directions, kinect, legs,Nervo boards, Makerfaires,  I got driven away from it until […]

Makerfaire Roma and Rennes

This month was our second Makerfaire in Roma since I started the InMoov project. We got there just in time with the airplane to get ready with the robot for the next day opening. No problems with customs. We were set along with the French Makerfaire team, Barbot, Bertier Luyt and Jean-Baptiste and 3DprinterX tattoo […]

InMoov's playing riidl chest Roma MakerFaire

Geek Picnic 2 and New York Makerfaire

St Petersburg during summer can be very, very nice!! And so was the Geek Picnic in Russia, with beautiful sunny days and incredibly a lot of people. InMoov was doing the front cover on the website and flyers: TV TV TV   Press The environment of the […]

InMoov at the Bal of Robot

I have a lot to say but I can’t find time to write this post. So I will make it short. I have been busy to a point of no return, hey! -Working to create a logo for InMoov. -3D printing the stomach parts, testing, modifying, reprinting and finaly assembling them. -Organizing what will be […]

InMoov on Arte TV. Futurmag

In French: In German: This is a interview given to 3DNatives, also in French. Sorry for all the english readers, but France is my home country and I’m happy to see french people finally discover 3D printing and what goodies it can bring!!

futuremag inmoov

Arduino Day for MyRobotLab and InMoov

Well as some already know we went to Amsterdam for the Arduino day. The event was organized by WeVolver, Richard and Bram, whom I’ve met during the 55 printers world record last year in Utrecht. It took place on the Overkant in Amsterdam, a rather huge working place, where makers gather to build things. The […]

InMoov prosthetic hand almost ready

 You can find more scripts for MRL and for InMoov in the Download tab: Scripts to control your InMoov with MyRobotLab If the script is a it is for the MRL version 1695 If the script is a it is for the latest versions I have modified the pin setting of jaw servo between […]