• Mihai Bujanca posted an update 2 years ago

    @admin I’m currently building the arms. At some point I’d like to train them with reinforcement learning for grasping / picking / moving objects. To do so it would be best to create a virtual model of the robot that can be used to train in simulation. This is commonly done with URDF files. I was wondering if there are already any existing…[Read more]

    • Hello and welcome,
      We have in our MyRobotLab software a simulator of the robot which allows to create gestures or kinematics movement prior sending them to the real robot.
      We do not use URDF file but JMonkey file which is commonly used in game engines. If you have installed myrobotlab, you will find that file located…[Read more]

      • Thanks awesome, thanks so much!
        I haven’t installed myrobotlab yet but I might have some time for it this weekend. I’m still waiting for some components to arrive and I’d like to try experimenting with the simulated model in the meantime

  • Marcel CHAPUIS posted an update 2 years ago

    @admin Bonjour, Hector fait des progrès. Je suis plongé dans la modélisation des vis sans fin globoides, si quelqu’un a des tutos, je suis preneur…j’ai un lien super , mais en anglais :
    Bonnes fêtes de fin d’année

  • michaelbs007 posted an update 2 years ago

    @admin hi I ordered parts from the website I got the stl files but the parts that I ordered I didn’t got

  • ndutton posted an update 2 years ago

    @admin Do you have the i2_FingersX5v2 stl file broken into individual parts (aka separate files)? I have one part, of the 9, that didn’t print correctly and I was hoping to print just that part as opposed to the entire set again. I had loaded the STL into tinkercad with the hope of separating it myself but it appears TinkerCad sees the parts as a…[Read more]

  • Marcel CHAPUIS posted an update 2 years ago

    @admin Bonjour Gael merci, merci… Hector a eu beaucoup de succès dans sa commune

    • Great! I see you demonstrated in a class room?

      • Bonjour, simplement invité à une présentation pour une journée entre jeunes et anciens (J’ai 86 ans). En fait, je voulais réaliser un exosquelette des mains pour m’aider dans mon arthrose !!! J’ai trouvé la main d’inmoov. Comme vous le savez, par expérience, la réalisation d’un tel projet (la main ), à prix abordable et avec des fonction…[Read more]

  • HUGO posted a new activity comment 3 years ago

    Yes @admin

  • Arthur posted an update 3 years ago

    Hello 😀
    Where can we buy the springs which are needed for the new hand v2 ?

    The current link to the spring webshop doesn’t exists anymore..

  • jaffa posted an update 3 years ago

    Hello everyone,

    here, as I promised, I’m posting you after I’ve reached a level with this phenomenal project. Namely, I presented my robot InMoov to the university and people were delighted (I think I am the first in Croatia who reached that level of production in complete independence in terms of working on the robot itself and financing it…[Read more]

  • Hayder Saadi posted an update 4 years ago

    @admin Dear Sir,
    Can you help me to find a motorized version of the legs?

    • So far, no ones to my knowledge has a working set of motorised walking legs attached to their Inmoov robot.
      The closest I have seen was by John Stager, His robot legs did walk, but were not stable enough for him to risk attaching his Inmoov robot to 🙂
      There are other projects to try and make a set of legs that allow an Inmoov to walk.
      You can…[Read more]

  • domenico posted an update 4 years ago

    @admin ciao Gael, Mi chiedevo fino a quanto si potrà spingere la tecnologia per InMoov e se mai camminerà.
    un abbraccio

  • Andrey posted an update 4 years ago

    @admin Hello everyone, how did you connect the Kinect from the xbox 360 to the PC? The Kinect wire has a similar connector to USB type A, but there are differences.

    • There are a few differences including the numbers of pins.
      I purchased a few years ago, and adaptor cable that came with a 12Vdc Power supply.
      It has the required plug socket for the Kinect to plug into with two wires coming out, one to the power supply, the other to a USB type A plug that connects to your computer.
      Something like…[Read more]

      • Understood thanks. Have you tried installing the new NIXIE firmware for the robot? Does Kinect work with the latest firmware?

        • I have with mixed results.
          When I add the services manually, they all appear to work well.
          I can not use the standard InMoov services as I’m running a non-standard build with the PCA9685 servo driver boards in the head and back.
          The scripts I have created for my build appear to work on Manticore, but the servos are not working in Nixie.
          I haven’t…[Read more]

  • KULADEEP posted an update 5 years ago

    Hello sir ,
    can you prepare a seperate list for the parts that to be 3d printed with support and also without support. Can you please help me with this as i am new to 3d printing and this might also help many other beginners. sir please do this as quickly as possible as many of the parts are taking much time to be 3d printed.
    PLEASE…[Read more]

  • Maria Cristina posted an update 5 years ago

    Hi @admin,

    I want to buy the right hand but it is not available in shop. Can you please help me? Will it be soon available?


  • theDVSguy posted an update 6 years ago

    @admin hello, Need to clarify my board builds. Pictures on the website seem dated. Can someone help in regards to my markups on these pics.
    My plan is to run the same voltage across the board and also to use 5v for fingers sensors etc. I think I figured out all the jumpers etc
    but I would like some feedback. Also not sure if I need to do…[Read more]

    • Hello,
      Here is how to solder if you want the same voltage on all servo.
      This below setup will give a 5V for PIR sensor and finger sensors.
      InMoov front soldering
      InMoov back soldering

  • Jacques posted an update 6 years ago

    @admin Bonjour Gael
    Serait-il possible d\’avoir une photo du filage de l\’électro , le positionnement des cartes de face de coté et derriere Inmoov , cela aiderait beaucoup pour l\’aménagement des composantes.
    En passant j\’ai presque terminé de monter Inmoov , je passerai sous peut au fillage et branchement.

  • just_firdavs posted an update 6 years ago

    @admin How can i add my location into Inmoov map?

    • good question…need the same info myself..kenz

      • Hello,
        Unfortunately the map is out of function since almost two years.
        We already got some help from different members but it never got completely resolved. It’s mainly a problem of creating a new map directly on the InMoov site with the importation of all the previous map Google data.

  • lecagnois posted a new activity comment 7 years ago

    hello @admin
    J ai bientôt fini la jambe gauche .Peut tu me dire combien mesure InMoov sur ses jambes . Afin de refaire la potence.

    I soon finished the left leg. Can you tell me how much InMoov measures on his legs. To rebuild the gallows.

  • Lirax60 posted an update 7 years ago

    @admin Bonjour Gaël
    J\’ai un autre problème toujours sur le forum maintenant je peux accéder sans problème, mais il me fait une autre erreur (Erreur d\’encodage de contenu) quand je veux lire les messages ou voir les image des membres.

  • Lirax60 posted an update 8 years ago

    @admin Bonjour gael j\’ai un gros problème avec le forum quand je suis co il me retourne une erreur internal server error donc je ne peux plus poster quoi que ce soit merci

  • Rishabh Java posted an update 8 years ago

    The previous nervo board that you have sent to me seems to be taking very long to come. Is it possible for you to send me another one express courier as I need it in about two days, it is Important for me to get it as I need it for a very important event in school. I am ready to pay for the second one along with the express courier…[Read more]

    • Hello Rishabh,
      The Nervo board you ordered on the 10/09/17 was posted on the 13/09/17.
      It’s been 8 days since the shipping was done. Of course the fact you forgot to put your post code in your adress, might take a while and if they cannot find you, they while (if all goes good) return the package to sender. We can expect a delay of three months in…[Read more]

  • Rishabh Java posted an update 8 years ago

    @Gael Langevin
    Hi everybody!
    I have ordered my nervo board with components and it shows it has been shipped 10 days ago, but from the past 5 days the status has not updated on tracking. I am also worried as I have not mentioned my P.O box number which is required in my country for post, but not for packages coming from courier. Please…[Read more]

    • Hello,
      Most shipping are done through regular post, unless the country has serious issues with postage. (South Africa, China, and some others) I then need to require a courier which add extra cost to the buyer unfortunately.
      Your country is normally working well through normal post, but I am mostly concerned if you forgot to add the zip code.
      We…[Read more]

  • andrew posted an update 8 years ago

    @admin Hi, are going to attend in New York maker faire in 23 and 24 September? I would like to know. Thank you. Have nice day everyone.

  • nikita posted an update 8 years ago

    @admin Hello! the nervo board set is just for one hands, arm anв shoulder or for all robot? Thank you!

    • Simon replied 8 years ago

      If you purchased one set, it is for the right or left arm, hand.

      • Simon replied 8 years ago

        You need 2 sets to build both left and right arms, hands.

        Ps I’m not a admin of this site just a builder of Inmoov.

    • Simon replied 8 years ago

      You need 2 sets for both left and right arms, hand and shoulder

  • Richard posted an update 8 years ago

    @admin Hi Gael, I was watching the stomach video and you mention the mid stomach need a way to reverser the polarity the following product allow that.

    [Read more]

    • That won’t work for this application for a few reasons… First and foremost no two servos accurately position the same… And if they don’t they tend “fight” each other… A second reason is you would have to solder the pot to both circuit boards… again, won’t work… see reason 1… The simplest and only way is to follow the tutorial Gael wrote….

  • Thomas posted an update 8 years ago

    @admin Hi Gael first of all bon noël pour toi, this is the rest of my french learned in school many years ago.
    My question is what about the legs, I saw many videos from you and inmoov legs but I have no idea how I can realize them. Is there any publishing planned ?

    Best regards Thomas1

  • Sean Ong posted an update 9 years ago

    Hi Gael (@admin), I saw that you had designed some legs but still not finished with them. They look fantastic! I was hoping to put legs on my robot for visual purposes (not functionality). Is it possible to share the .stl files so we can print the legs for our inmoov? If not, I completely understand. Thanks in advance!

    • Hello Sean,
      Ah yeah, I know, these legs make a lot of jealous. 🙂
      I don’t plan to share yet until I’m through with them, too many things to modify still.

  • Thomas posted an update 9 years ago

    @admin Hi Gael what about the stl for the battery lid ? Maybe it is shown at the build yours tutorial.
    Perhaps my eyes aren\’t the best so I can\’t see it
    Thanks in advance

  • Lilly posted an update 9 years ago

    @admin hello Gael, I look for the camera megapixel in left eyes, what is the reference please?? thanks you.

  • Jeffrey posted an update 9 years ago

    @admin Hi!
    I saw this http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:118031 but I only see the fingers, can you say me where are the other parts? is urgent! thanks!

    • The other parts are not released because I’m working on them.
      I released the finger to help prosthetic projects as long at is not for a commercial purpose.

  • SwanRobotics.com posted a new activity comment 9 years ago

    @admin Thanks for the compliments. The boards where well package and survived the trip to the Netherlands easily. I have posted a review in the shop.

  • Savannah123 posted a new activity comment 11 years ago

    Hi Gael @admin,

    My name is Savannah, and I am a student at Washington University in St. Louis. I work at the Washington University in St. Louis School of Medicine and am currently working on a 3D printed prosthetic arm for the university department of Surgery. I know you have a model out already that is a hand adapted from the original InMoov…[Read more]