Gael Langevin posted a new activity comment 6 hours ago
It’s looking very good! Well done, not easy to built the hands at this scale.
Gael Langevin posted a new activity comment 10 months ago
Wow lots of work involved here! The bottom reminds of the Pepper robot.
Gael Langevin posted a new activity comment 10 months ago
Good looking and finished bot! Well done!
Gael Langevin posted a new activity comment 10 months ago
Gael Langevin posted a new activity comment 10 months ago
Yes, I really should get myself together and make a tutorial for the i2Eyes.
Gael Langevin posted a new activity comment 10 months ago
Hello, nice clean prints! The option to separate the outer mold in two pieces, is if the silicone cannot be removed with the inner molds.
Gael Langevin posted a new activity comment a year ago
They are 3D printed, same way than the older version. You can check the eye tutorial to see how to make them.
Gael Langevin posted a new activity comment a year ago
Really good! Yes electronic connections can be time consuming.
Gael Langevin posted a new activity comment a year ago
Fantastic built, well done!
Gael Langevin posted a new activity comment a year ago
Woohoo! nice led eyes!
Gael Langevin posted a new activity comment a year ago
Gael Langevin posted a new activity comment a year ago
MG995 and MG996R are not good enough for the jaw because it is very solicited, this is the reason in my tutorial I recommend a HK15298 or a PDI-JX6221. You can try reducing in Myrobotlab the autoDisable timing for the jaw servo.
Gael Langevin posted a new activity comment a year ago
Cool, let us see your next step when ever you are ready.
Gael Langevin posted a new activity comment a year ago
You can check the python code and adapt it to your needs. It is located in resource/InMoov2/gestures/memorizePerson.py
Gael Langevin posted a new activity comment a year ago
Hello, I haven’t done a tutorial for the servos set within the palm. It is mainly the same as setting them in the forarm, only the pulleys are different as shown in i2Hand the pictures.
Gael Langevin posted a new activity comment a year ago
Gael Langevin posted a new activity comment a year ago
Hello, this fixed in the latest release
Gael Langevin posted a new activity comment a year ago
I am still busy making the tutorial, I didn’t expect so many people already printing and assembling the i2Head. In my post there is the info you are looking for.
Gael Langevin posted a new activity comment a year ago
You can use the vocal command “capture gesture”, it will print the servo positions in the python UI.
Gael Langevin posted a new activity comment a year ago
Hello and welcome!
Gael Langevin posted a new activity comment a year ago
great, I have some. I will try that.
Gael Langevin posted a new activity comment a year ago
Hello, you can use myrobotlab to do it all. Here is the tutorial. https://inmoov.fr/inmoov2-in-nixie/
Gael Langevin posted a new activity comment a year ago
Nice! What is the material you engraved?
Gael Langevin posted a new activity comment 2 years ago
The best is to go over to Myrobotlab discord and ask about the interaction between Myrobotlab and ROS and what are the possibilities. I just tried and the service is actif in Nixie Myrobotlab version.
https://inmoov.fr/wp-content/uploads/2023/03/Capture-decran-2023-03-26-191435.pngApparently it is using ROS 2 with ROS Bridge
Discord…[Read more]
Gael Langevin posted a new activity comment 2 years ago
Hello, The Arduino UNO is only to control a hand. If you plan on building the robot, you will need 2 Arduino Mega. Have a look into the page “hardware and BOM”, you will find most of the things you are wondering about regarding materials and motors.
Gael Langevin posted a new activity comment 2 years ago
Great work on the hand!!
Gael Langevin posted a new activity comment 2 years ago
Sorry for the late response.
ROS is implemented in Myrobotlab Nixie. So both platform can work together. I personnally never use it as it was too complex for me when I started InMoov project.-
Great work on the hand!!
I know this post is hard to see, so I’ll try to separate it from the question and repost it in the other forum soon.
I’m really glad you got back to me, thanks!
Mr. Gael, it is a great pleasure to speak with you!
If you don’t mind, could you please give me the URL of the page where you share information about the cooperation between ROS and Myrobotlab Nixie?
I would be happy to help in any way I can on this issue!As I mentioned above, the OS version of ROS and its dependencies that can work with…[Read more]
The best is to go over to Myrobotlab discord and ask about the interaction between Myrobotlab and ROS and what are the possibilities. I just tried and the service is actif in Nixie Myrobotlab version.
https://inmoov.fr/wp-content/uploads/2023/03/Capture-decran-2023-03-26-191435.pngApparently it is using ROS 2 with ROS Bridge
Discord…[Read more]
Wow! Thank you for sharing the best solution!
I will try to install Nixie Myrobotlab and join the discord!
Gael Langevin posted a new activity comment 2 years ago
Sorry I have been under a load of work work lately.
In fact you probably have received your Nervoboard by now.
You will need to solder them and plug it onto a Arduino mega 2560. The arduino needs to be uploaded with the MRLComm.ino
https://inmoov.fr/wp-content/uploads/2023/01/Animation4.gif -
Gael Langevin posted a new activity comment 2 years ago
ChatGpt is implemented into myrobotlab and works out of the box with InMoov. -
Gael Langevin posted a new activity comment 2 years ago
I use a 6V50Amps power supply to move the whole robot. You can find the reference in the hardware and BOM page. -
Gael Langevin posted a new activity comment 2 years ago
Sorry I have been under a load of work work lately and was hoping you would get the answer from the community.
Indeed this is the correct Arduino Mega 2560 REV3.-
I ended up buying the arduino uno,
But thanks for replying, I have one more question, what else would I need to purchase besides the item I already purchased?
I know I need to buy the nervo board + components, but what else am I missing? If I’m not mistaken, wouldn’t I need to buy some sort of small motor like a stepper motor?-
Hello, The Arduino UNO is only to control a hand. If you plan on building the robot, you will need 2 Arduino Mega. Have a look into the page “hardware and BOM”, you will find most of the things you are wondering about regarding materials and motors.
Gael Langevin posted a new activity comment 2 years ago
Hello and welcome,
We have in our MyRobotLab software a simulator of the robot which allows to create gestures or kinematics movement prior sending them to the real robot.
We do not use URDF file but JMonkey file which is commonly used in game engines. If you have installed myrobotlab, you will find that file located…[Read more] -
Gael Langevin posted a new activity comment 2 years ago
You can find all parts to download here: -
Gael Langevin posted a new activity comment 2 years ago
Bonjour, de quel trous parlez-vous? Vous pouvez ajouter une image à votre message. Le servoBed est ici, avec tout les autres STL.
– (@) January 23, 2023
Gael Langevin posted a new activity comment 2 years ago
Hello Gareth, I posted a link of your MiniMoov. Really fun to see!
Bonjour, je suis toute nouvelle ici, j’ai imprimer le vrai et main sauf que sur le bras les troue ne sont pas percer et je ne trouve pas les stp de servobed ?
pourriez vous m’aider svp-
Bonjour, de quel trous parlez-vous? Vous pouvez ajouter une image à votre message. Le servoBed est ici, avec tout les autres STL.
– (@) January 23, 2023
Gael Langevin posted a new activity comment 2 years ago
Hello Gareth, I posted a link of your MiniMoov. Really fun to see!
Bonjour, je suis toute nouvelle ici, j’ai imprimer le vrai et main sauf que sur le bras les troue ne sont pas percer et je ne trouve pas les stp de servobed ?
pourriez vous m’aider svp-
Bonjour, de quel trous parlez-vous? Vous pouvez ajouter une image à votre message. Le servoBed est ici, avec tout les autres STL.
– (@) January 23, 2023
Gael Langevin posted a new activity comment 2 years ago
Super construction! Il prends sa place dans le salon apparement. Je vois des modifications de main, d’avant bras et de bicep.
Bonjour, je peux vous les détailler, mais je ne suis pas certain que cela soit intéressant ….. peut-être en MP pour ne pas troller le site
Bonjour, pour faire simple : j’ai remplacé les moteurs de la main par des actuators accompagnés d’un roulement à bille pour assurer traction et renvoi ce qui me permet d’en mettre 8 en place. Mes propres doigts ne me permettant pas de gérer les noeuds des fils au bout des phalanges , je me suis fortement inspiré des doigts de inmoov2( http…[Read more]
Gael Langevin posted a new activity comment 2 years ago
Wow, cool movement!
Bonne Année à vous également! -
Gael Langevin posted a new activity comment 2 years ago
You can use NetFabb free version to do that:
And here is a little tutorial I had done a while ago:
Wow – That was super easy!
In fact the hardest part was really finding a copy of NetFabb that seemed to be supported by the latest MacOS…. The fi to that was the virtual Windows machine
Thanks again!-
Bonjour, J’avais eu le même problème de ne réimprimer qu’un seul élément, la solution, pour moi, sous Windows , était dans l’utilisation de Prusa Slicer qui comporte une possibilté de scinder le groupe d’éléments.
Merci Marcel – J’ajouterai le Prusa Slicer à ma liste d’outils potentiels si Netfabb devenait totalement indisponible à l’avenir…
Gael Langevin posted a new activity comment 2 years ago
Hello, I have answered you via your private message. Best regards
Gael Langevin posted a new activity comment 2 years ago
The option of the servos in the palm is mainly for a standalone hand built. Palm and hand covers can be set only if you cut off the servo attachments as you can probably see on the picture.
Gael Langevin posted a new activity comment 2 years ago
Good. So with the JX PDI 6225 in the palm, it’s pretty heavy for the robot to lift the arm. If you don’t plan to build the bicep and shoulder than it’s ok to have them in the palm.
Gael Langevin posted a new activity comment 2 years ago
Hello, roughly a 1500€. But it really depends of your location and your abilities to print properly. Servo prices vary on your location. Also if you have not calibrated properly your printer, you might print parts over and over. I recommend beginning small with the finger Starter if this is your first big printing project.
Gael Langevin posted a new activity comment 2 years ago
Who’s that good looking robot?
Gael Langevin posted a new activity comment 2 years ago
Hello, which servo size do you plan to set in the palm? I have made it possible to use the JX PDI-6225 or the JX MG-1109. In all three options the finger assembly remains fairly similar.
Hi, thanks for the reply, I’m using JX PDI-6225 servo motors, I’m waiting for the shipment to arrive, I’ll update as soon as I finish building the arm
Good. So with the JX PDI 6225 in the palm, it’s pretty heavy for the robot to lift the arm. If you don’t plan to build the bicep and shoulder than it’s ok to have them in the palm.
The option of the servos in the palm is mainly for a standalone hand built. Palm and hand covers can be set only if you cut off the servo attachments as you can probably see on the picture.
Bonne fête Gaël
Gael Langevin posted a new activity comment 2 years ago
Oh wow! Est-ce que la vitesse du mouvement est plus rapide qu’avec le piston original? Vous pouvez poster vos STL sur Thingiverse en tant que derivative. Je les ajouterais à la collection InMoov.
Bonjour, non, probablement pas aussi rapide, mais je ne maitrise pas (encore) les variations de vitesse des servos pour leur donner la vitesse max…Vous connaissez peut-être dans le inmoov de référence le ∆θ/Δt de la rotation de l’épaule ??? c’est le même dans ce cas là (j’ai fait un copier-coller de sa structure en rognant un peu sur l’extérie…[Read more]
bonjour marcel
tu peut zipper tes fichiers stl et les poster ici cela fonctionne avec des fichier zip-
Bonsoir, ma réponse ayant disparu, je reposte (en plus bref) : Je vais faire ce que Gael m’a conseillé, Thingiverse est notre ami (inconnu pour moi, il me faut faire sa connaissance)…
Bonsoir Marcel
OK laisse nous un lien quand tu pourra
Voici le mien
https://inmoov.monsite-orange.fr/ -
Je peux répondre à toutes les questions.
J’espère que le lien fonctionne, c’est un premier thingiverse.
Bonjour, Bonne Année 2023 . Je viens de réduire à 9 le nombre de dents du réducteur à vis sans fin, la vitesse y gagne nettement (40% si je ne me trompe pas) sur le premier modèle qui a 15 dents, ça fonctionne bien dans les gestes avec avant bras et main “à vide: pas de charge à porter”.
Gael Langevin posted a new activity comment 2 years ago
C’est certain que le passage des fils et tendons doit être délicat à réaliser. Ah oui Diane de Poitiers, j’avais un peu oublié que j’avais fait ce tournage. InMoov à serré la main d’Adjani!
Gael Langevin posted a new activity comment 2 years ago
Super travail et adaptation! Question: Les micro servos ne tiennent pas dans le servobed une fois réduit à 0.64 ?
hello Gael .
Non c est trop juste .
J ai bien modifié le fichier mais cela bloque au niveau de l’engrenage , faut dire que mon imprimante DAGOMA 200 n est pas très précise non plus .
Je suis en train de modifier les autres fichiers pour supprimer le support métal de chez AliExpress.
Je mettrai en ligne les fichiers si certains sont int…[Read more]-
C’est certain que le passage des fils et tendons doit être délicat à réaliser. Ah oui Diane de Poitiers, j’avais un peu oublié que j’avais fait ce tournage. InMoov à serré la main d’Adjani!
Gael Langevin posted a new activity comment 2 years ago
A little search on Google with “JX PDI 6225” shows many sites selling the JX servo.
Which country are you from? Maybe some countries are restricted.. -
Gael Langevin posted a new activity comment 2 years ago
Une recherche Google avec “cordon elastique” permets de trouver pas mal de lien comme celui-ci par exemple: https://www.cultura.com/p-cordon-elastique-1-5mm-noir-4002279105109.html
J’ai acheté le mien chez Rougier & Plé car la boutique est proche de chez moi.
Gael Langevin posted a new activity comment 2 years ago
Latest version of MRL which includes the latest of InMoov2 has now available buttons for sensor testing.
Gael Langevin posted a new activity comment 2 years ago
Top! Je pense qu’à la place de ressort il vaudrait mieux utiliser du cordon elastique(c’est résistant dans le temps et ça conserve bien sa mémoire d’élasticité). C’est ce que j’utilise lorsque je mets les servos 1109MG dans la paume.
Merci Gael je pourrai tester sur mon petit Inmoov
ou trouver ses cordons ? Le diamètre est il inferieur a 2 mn ?
Car une fois réduit le trou est plus petit . lol-
Une recherche Google avec “cordon elastique” permets de trouver pas mal de lien comme celui-ci par exemple: https://www.cultura.com/p-cordon-elastique-1-5mm-noir-4002279105109.html
J’ai acheté le mien chez Rougier & Plé car la boutique est proche de chez moi.
Merci beaucoup je vais tester avec les cordons . le plus difficile va d être de fixer le cordon (avec une petite vis de 1 mn) .as tu des photos avec les cordons ?
Gael Langevin posted a new activity comment 2 years ago
Hey great looking robot! Thanks for sharing your pictures.
Gael Langevin posted a new activity comment 2 years ago
Je n’ai pas vraiment de meilleur methode que celle expliqué dans mon tutoriel video pour le bicep. Le principe est le même pour le bicep que pour l’omoplate. https://youtu.be/aHVBU02EtxY
Gael Langevin posted a new activity comment 2 years ago
Great! I see you demonstrated in a class room?
Bonjour, simplement invité à une présentation pour une journée entre jeunes et anciens (J’ai 86 ans). En fait, je voulais réaliser un exosquelette des mains pour m’aider dans mon arthrose !!! J’ai trouvé la main d’inmoov. Comme vous le savez, par expérience, la réalisation d’un tel projet (la main ), à prix abordable et avec des fonction…[Read more]
Bonnjour Gael, juste un conseil…Avez-vous exploré cette piste pour le biceps, pensez-vous qu’elle soit fiable. En fait je cherche une autre voie que la grande vis sans fin avec laquelle j’ai déjà cassé plusieurs chassis du bicep . Je me suis inspiré de l’idée d’Aerius tout en conse…[Read more]
Gael Langevin posted a new activity comment 2 years ago
Cela dépends de votre servo moteur. Il n’y a malheureusement pas de règle car chaque servo a ses propres caractéristiques. Lorsque j’ai rédigé mes tutoriels, je pensais que tous les Hitec805BB étaient pareils, mais il s’est avéré que ce n’est pas le cas. Le mieux c’est de tester la rotation du servo juste avant l’assemblage final (ne pas engager…[Read more]
Your website seems to be down. Is this temporary?
Bonjours Gaël j ai des diffilcuter avec le Potentiometre de l omoplate je n arrive pas à le régler pourtant sur le coter gauche j ai inverser le potar mais rien ne fait
Avez une bonne méthode merci-
Je n’ai pas vraiment de meilleur methode que celle expliqué dans mon tutoriel video pour le bicep. Le principe est le même pour le bicep que pour l’omoplate. https://youtu.be/aHVBU02EtxY
Gael Langevin posted a new activity comment 2 years ago
Actually not really. The reason is that Myrobotlab software is used to control the Arduino. So you need to upload only once the MRLComm.ino to your arduino board and then you can play with the software to control the hand, by voice or manually via the graphical UI. http://inmoov.fr/inmoov2-in-nixie/
Gael Langevin posted a new activity comment 3 years ago
Hello, the STL adapter and pulley for the JX PDI-1109MG are now available within the current i2 download link button. http://inmoov.fr/inmoov-hand/Inmoov-hand-i2.zip
Gael Langevin posted a new activity comment 3 years ago
Je ne pense pas que ce soit possible d’installer MRL sur Androïde malheureusement. MRL est compatible Windows, Mac, Linux.
Merci Gaël pour cette info je mettrais un nuc du coup ….
J aurez une dernière question , doit on inverser le potentiomètre de l omoplate au niveau du pcb
Cela dépends de votre servo moteur. Il n’y a malheureusement pas de règle car chaque servo a ses propres caractéristiques. Lorsque j’ai rédigé mes tutoriels, je pensais que tous les Hitec805BB étaient pareils, mais il s’est avéré que ce n’est pas le cas. Le mieux c’est de tester la rotation du servo juste avant l’assemblage final (ne pas engager…[Read more]
Your website seems to be down. Is this temporary?
Bonjours Gaël j ai des diffilcuter avec le Potentiometre de l omoplate je n arrive pas à le régler pourtant sur le coter gauche j ai inverser le potar mais rien ne fait
Avez une bonne méthode merci-
Je n’ai pas vraiment de meilleur methode que celle expliqué dans mon tutoriel video pour le bicep. Le principe est le même pour le bicep que pour l’omoplate. https://youtu.be/aHVBU02EtxY
Gael Langevin posted a new activity comment 3 years ago
Good assembly, did you set the sensors by now?
Yes @admin
Latest version of MRL which includes the latest of InMoov2 has now available buttons for sensor testing.
Gael Langevin posted a new activity comment 3 years ago
Nice reaction from the sensor. Well done.
Gael Langevin posted a new activity comment 3 years ago
For the i2 left hand, it is included in the zip file when you download the right hand. If your request is about the older left hand, it’s available in the gallery: http://inmoov.fr/inmoov-stl-parts-viewer/?bodyparts=Left-Hand
Gael Langevin posted a new activity comment 3 years ago
Nice clean prints!
Gael Langevin posted a new activity comment 3 years ago
Voici le tuto pour installer la version Nixie de myrobotlab: http://inmoov.fr/inmoov2-in-nixie/
Gael Langevin posted a new activity comment 3 years ago
Gael Langevin posted a new activity comment 3 years ago
Hello, I have updated the link on the new hand page. You will need to refresh the page.
Gael Langevin posted a new activity comment 3 years ago
I am sorry for this inconvenience.
The company that makes the shipping for me is having issues with employee. Only one person is doing the work of three persons. But rest assured this will get solved. -
Gael Langevin posted a new activity comment 5 years ago
If it takes too long to load the AIML it’s because there is a error in your modifications.
You can check the log screen and see if an error appears. In most cases it says where is the error and which line in which file.
In Manticore, it is good to throw away all the AIMLIF csv files when you make modifications to the AIML.
The AIMLIF are…[
Gael Langevin posted a new activity comment 5 years ago
Note that the available InMoov2 full upgrade is here:
The current version on myrobotlab.org doesn’t yet contain all the latest updates compiled together.
Unless you know which repo to use and how to compile with Github. -
Gael Langevin posted an update 5 years ago
Quarantine has given me time to work on the graphical UI for InMoov in the new version of MyRobotLab (non released NIXIE).
There is still many bugs because the webgui is a BIG work in progress, but you can try it out and see many new features.
Thanks to Astro for all the help and making a tutorial to get me to understand how to work with…[Read more] -
Gael Langevin posted a new activity comment 5 years ago
I am not sure what you are asking..-
Bonjour Gael, j’espère que vous allez bien.
Je m’appelle Fernando, je vis au Québec, au Canada. L’endroit où je travaille m’a demandé de réaliser le projet de construction du robot.
Pour l’instant, le robot est déjà assemblé et fonctionne bien. mon problème est que je ne suis pas un programmeur et que cette partie est très difficile pour moi,…[Read more]
Gael Langevin posted a new activity comment 5 years ago
If you use the config files and the START_INMOOV.bat, it works properly with the version available on InMoov website (Manticore). No need to run a script.
But if you really want to use a script I just tested this one and it works with Manticore 1.0.2693.15
https://github.com/MyRobotLab/pyrobotlab/blob/develop/home/hairygael/InMoov3.minimalHead.py -
Gael Langevin posted a new activity comment 5 years ago
Gael Langevin posted a new activity comment 5 years ago
Nice video!
The gap inside the ring, where you have placed the condensator, is for to mount a single led, right behind the OpenSource logo of the Finger print. That’s the reason I initially designed it. You can see it in my video: https://youtu.be/MeL36vwMBQo -
Gael Langevin posted a new activity comment 5 years ago
It can give a heart attack if you don’t know this thing is in the basement… -
Gael Langevin posted a new activity comment 5 years ago
Good job!
Gael Langevin posted a new activity comment 5 years ago
Good news, the ask.pannous server is back up and working again. Request can be done on the internet.
To test, you can ask the robot for example: How much is 46 + 586 ? -
Gael Langevin posted a new activity comment 5 years ago
You do not need to re install everytime you get an error.
If you want to re install, create a new directory as for example:
And install inside the new directory. This way you can keep the other version with all your settings.
Since the 13/02/20, I also noticed that the non local (ask.pannous server) request…[Read more] -
Gael Langevin posted a new activity comment 5 years ago
You need to remove the end stop pin on the main gear to make sure the servo can be continuous. Therefore you do need to get those two screws.
Gael Langevin posted a new activity comment 5 years ago
You can edit the AIML in Sublime Text, make your modifications and save them.
When running START_INMOOV.bat you can use the chatbot tab to test your modifications on the fly by clicking on the button “Restart (w/o AIMLif)”-
I edit my modification and save the file in the chatbot directory , but when i run START_INMOOV it take very long time to download my modification to be able to start chatting (more than 30 minute ) do i have to wait, or i am doing something wrong?
I think it depend on how big my codes is , when i saved very short file it load the chatbot quickly , but when i saved a longer one it take very long time to Load the chatbot , so do i have to wait for 2 hour maybe?
If it takes too long to load the AIML it’s because there is a error in your modifications.
You can check the log screen and see if an error appears. In most cases it says where is the error and which line in which file.
In Manticore, it is good to throw away all the AIMLIF csv files when you make modifications to the AIML.
The AIMLIF are…[Read more]
Gael Langevin posted a new activity comment 5 years ago
Strange, I had no difficulties unscrewing these screws on my HV2060MG.
You could try to gently warm up the aluminium casing with hot gun to help releasing these screws.-
Do i need to open these 2 screws to make 360 rotation of servo motor? I got some recommendation to no necessary to take these 2 screws. Is that right?
You need to remove the end stop pin on the main gear to make sure the servo can be continuous. Therefore you do need to get those two screws.
Thanks, it is clear to me.
Gael Langevin posted a new activity comment 5 years ago
If you use the configs and run the START_INMOOV.bat, you can call any gestures by voice commands.
You need to follow this tutorial on how to start and work with MyRobotLab:
Steps 6 to 9 -
Gael Langevin posted an update 5 years ago
Hello Everyone,
We recently encounter difficulties shipping some of your orders from InMoov website because of the Corona Virus. China has recently extended it’s quarantine time. Some components have been held by the customs much longer than usual and won’t probably arrive before weeks.
Therefore I have refunded all orders related to “NervoBoards…[Read more] -
Gael Langevin posted a new activity comment 5 years ago
Great video.
I like it to see when people make their own python gestures. -
Gael Langevin posted a new activity comment 5 years ago
Which version of MyRobotLab do you use? And in which language?
As far as I know, none of the current official released version can respond “is not in your installed base”. -
Gael Langevin posted a new activity comment 5 years ago
Here is the link.
Note that, it has been abandoned because the movement was not probant. -
Gael Langevin posted a new activity comment 5 years ago
Possibly your extracted potentiometer that is damaged or a bad soldering on the potentiometer wires. -
Gael Langevin posted a new activity comment 5 years ago
Cela doit être du parasitage lié au servo moteurs.
Possiblement une soudure un peu faible quelque part dans les connections audio.
Parfois l’alimentation peut aussi faire ce genre de parasitage dans l’audio.
Un filtre audio d’automobile peut résoudre le pb. -
Gael Langevin posted a new activity comment 5 years ago
How do you power your NervoBoard?
Do you have a voltmeter to check if you have the correct voltage coming to the servo? -
Gael Langevin posted a new activity comment 5 years ago
I have sent you a private message. -
Gael Langevin posted a new activity comment 5 years ago
Gael Langevin posted a new activity comment 5 years ago
Hello and welcome!
Gael Langevin posted a new activity comment 5 years ago
Hello and welcome,
My original InMoov is printed in ABS, but there is very good PLA today that is almost as flexible as the ABS.
Regarding the time to print a complete InMoov torso, arms, hands, head with a single printer is: one month and a half. That is day and night printing with no issues with your parts during printing time. -
Gael Langevin posted a new activity comment 5 years ago
Hey cute,
Now I have a real clone of myself!
There is progress on the motorized legs, but I am still a long way to go.
Chances are that Vincent (bretzel59) will propose some walking legs before I am finished. -
Gael Langevin posted a new activity comment 5 years ago
Greg gave you a detailed tutorial on MyRobotLab.org:
http://myrobotlab.org/content/gestos-inmoov-1 -
Gael Langevin posted a new activity comment 5 years ago
Nice video!
Gael Langevin posted a new activity comment 5 years ago
You could start with the Finger Starter and then go on with the hand.
All info about materials are on the Hadware and BOM page or on the tutorial pages. -
Gael Langevin posted a new activity comment 5 years ago
Could you describe what version of MyRobotLab you are using and mostly what are the problems. -
Gael Langevin posted a new activity comment 5 years ago
Cool progress on Civrays!
Gael Langevin posted a new activity comment 5 years ago
Thanks for sharing and helping others!
Your PDF is now available on the build pages: -
Gael Langevin posted a new activity comment 5 years ago
Greg has answered to you on MyRobotLab.org with great details.
http://myrobotlab.org/content/gestos-inmoov-1 -
Gael Langevin posted a new activity comment 5 years ago
Super great!
Welcome to Guile!-
Thanks, we started in January working on Guile every Sunday for 5 hours. 52*5hours = 260 hours of building time. This time does not include 3D printing time.
Thanks Gael. We named Guile after you.
We are turning him on next week.Are you working on motorized legs?
Can’t wait for motorized legs. My team will work on that next if you haven’t rel…[Read more]-
Hey cute,
Now I have a real clone of myself!
There is progress on the motorized legs, but I am still a long way to go.
Chances are that Vincent (bretzel59) will propose some walking legs before I am finished.-
Do you have virtual meetings
Gael Langevin posted a new activity comment 5 years ago
here is the link to the power supply I use when running all the servos on InMoov:
It is a 6V50Amps, you should definitely get more than 20Amps otherwise you might brownouts your Arduinos. -
Gael Langevin posted a new activity comment 5 years ago
Probably a too recent version of the Arduino IDE, specially if you are using Windows 7.
Try with version 1.6 or 1.7 -
Gael Langevin posted a new activity comment 5 years ago
Here is how you must connect the two wires, if you are using the foam sensor with resistor:
More details here:
In this exemple you are not missing pins.
Note: when you purchase the Nervo Board you get 3 sensor mini breakout boards.
2 boards are to connect to the Arduino Mega, and 1 is for…[Read more] -
Gael Langevin posted a new activity comment 5 years ago
The webGui has never been really working under Manticore 1.0.2693. There is many missing functions. I really recommand to use the swinGui instead. -
Gael Langevin posted an update 5 years ago
Hello Builders!
I made a lots of updates in the version 1.0.2693.16 regarding the Ultrasonic sensor and the finger sensors.
I also updated the tutorial for the finger sensors and made a new tutorial for the UltraSonic…[Read more] -
Gael Langevin posted a new activity comment 5 years ago
It was great to meet you guys at the Bilbao Makerfaire! -
Gael Langevin posted a new activity comment 5 years ago
did you set the springs to avoid that effect?
As explained in the tutorial, the springs are meant to keep tension in the fingers when it gets loose rather than pulling at all time. -
Gael Langevin posted a new activity comment 5 years ago
The soldering of Chuah Wei Jie was lose between the XT60 and the power supply. -
Gael Langevin posted a new activity comment 6 years ago
It’s odd, there is not much that can go wrong with the soldering, beside making a bad shortcut.
Which you would have seen the smoke.I suspect the ribbon cables in the male headers. Maybe a ribbon cable inverted between the two end points headers.
Do you have a voltmeter?
You can test to see if the power is going to the servo from the XT60…[Read more] -
Gael Langevin posted a new activity comment 6 years ago
Ok, you have selected the correct COM port in SERVO_CALIBRATOR.bat ?
and the correct pin for your connected servo according to this map:http://inmoov.fr/wp-content/uploads/2019/02/default-hardware-map7.jpg
Gael Langevin posted a new activity comment 6 years ago
Did you upload the MRLComm.ino in your Arduino?
Yup, definitely.
Ok, you have selected the correct COM port in SERVO_CALIBRATOR.bat ?
and the correct pin for your connected servo according to this map:http://inmoov.fr/wp-content/uploads/2019/02/default-hardware-map7.jpg
Yes. It’s a COM3 (I had checked in Device Manager). I currently test on the Neck part, which are pin 12 and 13 only, but the servo doesn’t response. I shows that the connection succeed for the Arduino by the way. I wonder, just maybe, is it the problem of the connection/wiring/soldering?
It’s odd, there is not much that can go wrong with the soldering, beside making a bad shortcut.
Which you would have seen the smoke.I suspect the ribbon cables in the male headers. Maybe a ribbon cable inverted between the two end points headers.
Do you have a voltmeter?
You can test to see if the power is going to the servo from the XT60…[Read more]-
The soldering of Chuah Wei Jie was lose between the XT60 and the power supply.
Gael Langevin posted a new activity comment 6 years ago
Only these leds will light up when the Nervo Board is powered but not connected to a PC via the Arduino. Apparently looking at your photo, you do not have these 4 optional leds soldered. (they are not necessary for the board to work, it’s optional.)
Connect the Arduino to the PC and check with a voltmeter, if you have power to the…[Read more]-
The servo didn’t response when I try to move it using SERVO_CALIBRATION.bat
Did you upload the MRLComm.ino in your Arduino?
Yup, definitely.
Ok, you have selected the correct COM port in SERVO_CALIBRATOR.bat ?
and the correct pin for your connected servo according to this map:http://inmoov.fr/wp-content/uploads/2019/02/default-hardware-map7.jpg
Yes. It’s a COM3 (I had checked in Device Manager). I currently test on the Neck part, which are pin 12 and 13 only, but the servo doesn’t response. I shows that the connection succeed for the Arduino by the way. I wonder, just maybe, is it the problem of the connection/wiring/soldering?
It’s odd, there is not much that can go wrong with the soldering, beside making a bad shortcut.
Which you would have seen the smoke.I suspect the ribbon cables in the male headers. Maybe a ribbon cable inverted between the two end points headers.
Do you have a voltmeter?
You can test to see if the power is going to the servo from the XT60…[Read more]-
The soldering of Chuah Wei Jie was lose between the XT60 and the power supply.
Gael Langevin posted a new activity comment 6 years ago
Bonjour et bienvenue,
Dans le cas ou vous passeriez sous ROS, il y a déjà des travaux adapté à InMoov qui ont étés fait et partagés sur Github:
https://github.com/alansrobotlab/inmoov_ros -
Gael Langevin posted a new activity comment 6 years ago
Le principe est le même que dans le tutoriel de MidStom/Step3.
Il faudra que vos deux servos tournent à contre sens, l’un par rapport à l’autre. -
Gael Langevin posted a new activity comment 6 years ago
A big puzzle, but when the puzzle start to move and talk, it’s a robot.
Gael Langevin posted a new activity comment 6 years ago
Note that all parts are set to be at “rest” position in these Blender files. -
Gael Langevin posted a new activity comment 6 years ago
Could you send me the error log by email?
It might give me a hint. -
Gael Langevin posted a new activity comment 6 years ago
This is very odd.
Maybe something went wrong during the install process.
I suggest to create a new directory and install the latest from InMoov site into that new directory.
Hopefully this will solve the problem. -
Gael Langevin posted a new activity comment 6 years ago
So when you launch myrobotlab.jar, you can’t start any service.
But when you launch SERVOCALIBRATION.bat, it works fine.
I never experienced that, and never got a report about such issue yet.Did you try launching START_INMOOV.bat with the correct configuration for your setup? If yes, did it work properly?
How did you proceed to start a service…[Read more]-
The notification : Could not create service Python python pop-up everytime I open myrobotlab.jar. The thing is, there ain’t any problems in launching START_INMOOV.bat. To make sure did the python works, I just simply run a simple line print(“Hello”), it does printed in START_INMOOV.bat or SERVOCALIBRATION.bat but not in the myrobotlab.jar. Is i…[Read more]
This is very odd.
Maybe something went wrong during the install process.
I suggest to create a new directory and install the latest from InMoov site into that new directory.
Hopefully this will solve the problem. -
Could you send me the error log by email?
It might give me a hint.
Gael Langevin posted a new activity comment 6 years ago
Hello and welcome,
You can find most Hardware list in here: -
Gael Langevin posted a new activity comment 6 years ago
This a nice way to set up the power and the charger for battery.
I had a plan to combine a single power source to do both actions by itself, But after waisting time trying to figure how to proceed with relays I went on working on something else.
Sometimes a simple switch gets the job done better than a complex relay+circuit board,…[Read more] -
Gael Langevin posted a new activity comment 6 years ago
Hello and welcome!
Gael Langevin posted a new activity comment 6 years ago
Ah that is more complex to do.
To create the j3o, I use Blender to assemble each parts such as head, chest…
But each of those body parts are not exported as stl, but saved as blender files which are then imported into JMonkey.
Here is a zip that contains all the Blender body…[Read more]-
Thats exactly what I need for the parts representation. Happily exporting the STL’s now, thanks a lot!
If I get any further with my model I will create a git site and make these visual parts available there if that is OK with you.-
Note that all parts are set to be at “rest” position in these Blender files.
Gael Langevin posted a new activity comment 6 years ago
This looks very interesting, I wonder how we could add it as a service into MyRobotlab.
I see it’s open source and there is all links to github. -
Gael Langevin posted a new activity comment 6 years ago
Bienvenue et bonne construction!
Gael Langevin posted a new activity comment 6 years ago
I added my latest j3o file to the site, but unfortunately it doesn’t display.
Here is the link:
Hi Gael
Quick response – great!!
Maybe a misunderstanding? I wanted to get the stl files from which the j3o files get generated. It looks like only JMonkey works with j3o files and I did not find a way to recreate the stl-Files from them.
The link downloads the j3o file. I can also see a Download link in the Goodies for a complete model…[Read more]-
Ah that is more complex to do.
To create the j3o, I use Blender to assemble each parts such as head, chest…
But each of those body parts are not exported as stl, but saved as blender files which are then imported into JMonkey.
Here is a zip that contains all the Blender body…[Read more]-
Thats exactly what I need for the parts representation. Happily exporting the STL’s now, thanks a lot!
If I get any further with my model I will create a git site and make these visual parts available there if that is OK with you.-
Note that all parts are set to be at “rest” position in these Blender files.
Gael Langevin posted a new activity comment 6 years ago
Round potentiometers have different references: B502-220-1, or B5K, or B5K 180, or even 5KB.
Here is a link:
https://fr.aliexpress.com/item/Import-diameter-13-type-toy-plane-180-degrees-potentiometer-B5K-long-legged-new-special -
Gael Langevin posted a new activity comment 6 years ago
Can you describe how this happens and which version you are using to get this error?-
I’m using myrobotlab.1.0.2693.7. It actually happened in a sudden, previously there was no such issue. Basically, I can’t access to any services through myrobotlab.jar (Even communicating with Arduino or access Python), the thing is, these function looks fine if I open it via SERVOCALIBRATION.bat. I don’t know is this a bug or?
So when you launch myrobotlab.jar, you can’t start any service.
But when you launch SERVOCALIBRATION.bat, it works fine.
I never experienced that, and never got a report about such issue yet.Did you try launching START_INMOOV.bat with the correct configuration for your setup? If yes, did it work properly?
How did you proceed to start a service…[Read more]-
The notification : Could not create service Python python pop-up everytime I open myrobotlab.jar. The thing is, there ain’t any problems in launching START_INMOOV.bat. To make sure did the python works, I just simply run a simple line print(“Hello”), it does printed in START_INMOOV.bat or SERVOCALIBRATION.bat but not in the myrobotlab.jar. Is i…[Read more]
This is very odd.
Maybe something went wrong during the install process.
I suggest to create a new directory and install the latest from InMoov site into that new directory.
Hopefully this will solve the problem. -
Could you send me the error log by email?
It might give me a hint.
Gael Langevin posted a new activity comment 6 years ago
Yes good idea, I will add the latest InMoov virtual j3o file to the Gallery.-
I added my latest j3o file to the site, but unfortunately it doesn’t display.
Here is the link:
Hi Gael
Quick response – great!!
Maybe a misunderstanding? I wanted to get the stl files from which the j3o files get generated. It looks like only JMonkey works with j3o files and I did not find a way to recreate the stl-Files from them.
The link downloads the j3o file. I can also see a Download link in the Goodies for a complete model…[Read more]-
Ah that is more complex to do.
To create the j3o, I use Blender to assemble each parts such as head, chest…
But each of those body parts are not exported as stl, but saved as blender files which are then imported into JMonkey.
Here is a zip that contains all the Blender body…[Read more]-
Thats exactly what I need for the parts representation. Happily exporting the STL’s now, thanks a lot!
If I get any further with my model I will create a git site and make these visual parts available there if that is OK with you.-
Note that all parts are set to be at “rest” position in these Blender files.
Gael Langevin posted a new activity comment 6 years ago
Mmmh interesting!
I need to check what could have gone wrong with my measurements during re-design of the shoulder parts.
The nut holes should be 6mm for to insert some 3mm nuts. -
Gael Langevin posted a new activity comment 6 years ago
Here is how to solder if you want the same voltage on all servo.
This below setup will give a 5V for PIR sensor and finger sensors.
Gael Langevin posted a new activity comment 6 years ago
You can make some adjustments to the jaw using the head config file.
Note that via software the sync is based on vowel and consonant of tts answer. It is not exactly the best way to sync, therefore sometimes it will be finished moving the jaw while the voice is still speaking and vice versa. -
Gael Langevin posted a new activity comment 6 years ago
Hello Juerg,
Normally if the printer is well calibrated, the bolts and nuts fit without driling.
If you ha already printed the parts and the nuts don’t fit, you can heat the nut prior inserting.You can post a picture when you create the initial post, not afterwards unless you include a link.
no sweat but measuring the parallel distance of the nut-holes in RotCenterV3 with netfabb shows me 5.2 mm. Measuring a M3 nut by hand results in 5.5 mm. So something is wrong in my opinion (nut holes in the part are not M3 nut holes, unless there are 2 different kinds of nuts for M3?-
Mmmh interesting!
I need to check what could have gone wrong with my measurements during re-design of the shoulder parts.
The nut holes should be 6mm for to insert some 3mm nuts. -
Did you check this out? I also get the 5.2 mm on the nut holes in RotCenter V3.
To check the calibration I printed the Calibration items, and it fits thight but perfect.
Gael Langevin posted a new activity comment 6 years ago
I haven’t found a better tablet than the Lenovo Thinkpad 8″ which had 128Gb ssd and 4Gb Ram to fit in the back of InMoov. Unfortunately you cannot buy this model anymore.
The EZPad Mini 5 is certainly lacking of memory, this must be the reason it’s a bit slow with responses.
When I use the NUC in connection with the tablet, I start the NUC…[Read more] -
Gael Langevin posted a new activity comment 6 years ago
Hello Juerg,
I use M3 nuts and bolts for the bicep. You certainly need to re-drill the holes, small holes tend to diminish a little while 3D printing.-
Hi Gael
Thanks for your reply. I know about the redrilling but the part has also deep holes for the nuts which will require a lot of drilling?And how to post pictures?
Hello Juerg,
Normally if the printer is well calibrated, the bolts and nuts fit without driling.
If you ha already printed the parts and the nuts don’t fit, you can heat the nut prior inserting.You can post a picture when you create the initial post, not afterwards unless you include a link.
no sweat but measuring the parallel distance of the nut-holes in RotCenterV3 with netfabb shows me 5.2 mm. Measuring a M3 nut by hand results in 5.5 mm. So something is wrong in my opinion (nut holes in the part are not M3 nut holes, unless there are 2 different kinds of nuts for M3?-
Mmmh interesting!
I need to check what could have gone wrong with my measurements during re-design of the shoulder parts.
The nut holes should be 6mm for to insert some 3mm nuts. -
Did you check this out? I also get the 5.2 mm on the nut holes in RotCenter V3.
To check the calibration I printed the Calibration items, and it fits thight but perfect.
Gael Langevin posted a new activity comment 6 years ago
Though I do not understand what you say, you seem to enjoy what you are building.
And that is very good.
Thanks for sharing the videos! -
Gael Langevin posted a new activity comment 6 years ago
The map is broken since a long time… I am waiting for a miracle to fix it. -
Gael Langevin posted a new activity comment 6 years ago
Oh, Oh great grip, almost ready for the beer!
Did you set the finger sensors? -
Gael Langevin posted a new activity comment 6 years ago
Nice color choice. The Netherlanders will like it.
Gael Langevin posted a new activity comment 6 years ago
Cool colors and nice video progress!
Gael Langevin posted a new activity comment 6 years ago
Hello, use the config files of InMoov and switch the pin numbers from,
-rothead –> eyeX
-neck –> eyeY
This way the headtracking will operate the eyes instead of the head.
Note that the range of movements for the eyes is really less than the for the head.-
Hi Gael. I’m trying to connect the Arduino to Inmoov now, but the jaw doesn’t seems to sync with the speech when Inmoov is talking. It can only sync a few sentences initially, but after that it doesn’t seems to have any movement anymore, I wonder why this happen? I had configure and set all the limits for the servo thou.
You can make some adjustments to the jaw using the head config file.
Note that via software the sync is based on vowel and consonant of tts answer. It is not exactly the best way to sync, therefore sometimes it will be finished moving the jaw while the voice is still speaking and vice versa. -
Noted with thanks Gael. By the way, in the skeleton_head.config, do we need to change these line of code :
Gael Langevin posted a new activity comment 6 years ago
Wow, big stage!
Gael Langevin posted a new activity comment 6 years ago
In your case you need to solder like this:
Thanks for the reply Gael. I would like to test the tracking function in mrl by using the eyes only, what should I do?
Hello, use the config files of InMoov and switch the pin numbers from,
-rothead –> eyeX
-neck –> eyeY
This way the headtracking will operate the eyes instead of the head.
Note that the range of movements for the eyes is really less than the for the head.-
Hi Gael. I’m trying to connect the Arduino to Inmoov now, but the jaw doesn’t seems to sync with the speech when Inmoov is talking. It can only sync a few sentences initially, but after that it doesn’t seems to have any movement anymore, I wonder why this happen? I had configure and set all the limits for the servo thou.
You can make some adjustments to the jaw using the head config file.
Note that via software the sync is based on vowel and consonant of tts answer. It is not exactly the best way to sync, therefore sometimes it will be finished moving the jaw while the voice is still speaking and vice versa. -
Noted with thanks Gael. By the way, in the skeleton_head.config, do we need to change these line of code :
Gael Langevin posted a new activity comment 6 years ago
You should post your pictures in your album and add a link here, otherwise it overloads the community page.
Thanks for sharing your progress! -
Gael Langevin posted a new activity comment 6 years ago
It’s nice to see Aristoles is getting movements and that he can dance also!
Now time to teach him to grab an object by himself. -
Gael Langevin posted a new activity comment 6 years ago
Wow great space and workshop!!
You are going to raise an army of robots and drones in there.
Thanks for your vlog. -
Gael Langevin posted a new activity comment 6 years ago
The omoplate servos are the one that get the most stress. For exemple the gesture “Da Vinci” will get them warm if you perform that gesture too many times.
Make sure to check if the autodisable function is activated, this saves servos for good. If not activated you will burn any kind of servo you…[Read more] -
Gael Langevin posted a new activity comment 6 years ago
Oh wow super progress!
Your kid is going to be a botmaster
Gael Langevin posted a new activity comment 6 years ago
Yes if you want to give 6V to the PIR.
But note that it’s a 3 point solder, this gives you the choice, you can give the PIR 6V or 5V.
This will give 6V to the PIR:
This will give 5V to the PIR:
Gael Langevin posted a new activity comment 6 years ago
Oh interesting!
Nice video!
So you removed the camera from the eyes and placed on the forhead, is that the little block we see on the head?
Do you use the eyes for something else than two leds or is it some laser distance calculator?-
Hello Gael.
I used this design for remake eyes : https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:3397102
IP cameras can’t goes inside the eyes. So i put camera on the forhead. The picture is no longer truncated by the face.
For leds, i used neopixels, so i can change the color according to the robot’s mood. For example, for anger, the eyes turn red and the…[Read more]
Gael Langevin posted a new activity comment 6 years ago
I am guessing you will use a PIR sensor which requires 5V. The PIR sensor detects human motions, it’s nice to have on the robot.
That means you will solder the 5V to power the last analog pins.
To have all servos working on the same voltage, you need to solder the two main jumpers…[Read more] -
Gael Langevin posted a new activity comment 6 years ago
Always nice to see how others can interpret the robot! Thanks -
Gael Langevin posted a new activity comment 6 years ago
Yes it is.
There is a picture showing it in the tutorial.-
Dear Gael, in the tutorial it stated that “Soldering the little back connector option 3.3V or 5V to power last analog pins.” in Step 3. If I’m using the same voltage for all servo, do I need to solder this? (I’m not using the 3rd nervo board for the finger sensor as I didn’t build that part)
I am guessing you will use a PIR sensor which requires 5V. The PIR sensor detects human motions, it’s nice to have on the robot.
That means you will solder the 5V to power the last analog pins.
To have all servos working on the same voltage, you need to solder the two main jumpers…[Read more] -
I wonder do I need to solder the third red dot (As stated in Step 2, the one at the bottom-left in the picture) if same voltage applied?
Yes if you want to give 6V to the PIR.
But note that it’s a 3 point solder, this gives you the choice, you can give the PIR 6V or 5V.
This will give 6V to the PIR:
This will give 5V to the PIR:
Gael Langevin posted a new activity comment 6 years ago
Thanks for sharing the video!
Even if you plan to not use the Nervo Board, I would recommend following the correct pin layout to avoid confusion when you will start using the config files of MyRobotLab.You can run your test directly into MyRobotLab, this would save you time because you wouldn’t need to write a Arduino code each time you…[Read more]
Gael Langevin posted a new activity comment 6 years ago
Wow, very good progress!
Did you motorize the wheel platform? -
Gael Langevin posted a new activity comment 6 years ago
The power supply is connected to the Nervo Board via the yellow XT60 connector.
It is wise to add, between the XT60 and the power supply, a main switch for safety shutdown. The switch can be placed in the side back location.
Is the XT60 connector attached to the Nervo Board by soldering at the port of 5/6V?
Yes it is.
There is a picture showing it in the tutorial.-
Dear Gael, in the tutorial it stated that “Soldering the little back connector option 3.3V or 5V to power last analog pins.” in Step 3. If I’m using the same voltage for all servo, do I need to solder this? (I’m not using the 3rd nervo board for the finger sensor as I didn’t build that part)
I am guessing you will use a PIR sensor which requires 5V. The PIR sensor detects human motions, it’s nice to have on the robot.
That means you will solder the 5V to power the last analog pins.
To have all servos working on the same voltage, you need to solder the two main jumpers…[Read more] -
I wonder do I need to solder the third red dot (As stated in Step 2, the one at the bottom-left in the picture) if same voltage applied?
Yes if you want to give 6V to the PIR.
But note that it’s a 3 point solder, this gives you the choice, you can give the PIR 6V or 5V.
This will give 6V to the PIR:
This will give 5V to the PIR:
Gael Langevin posted a new activity comment 6 years ago
Maybe ask a friend who knows to solder…
Otherwise there is many youtube tutorials to learn how to solder. -
Gael Langevin posted a new activity comment 6 years ago
The reconfirm before operate used to work with the first MyRobotLab version.
This was prior having a chatbot for the robot.
You could modify the AIML files in order to have the same effect than the old version but it will take you a lot of time to rewrite each command.
Here is a exemple:<category>
<pattern>SEARCH… -
Gael Langevin posted a new activity comment 6 years ago
You can buy directly from InMoov shop and follow the included totorial:
Best fun! -
Gael Langevin posted a new activity comment 6 years ago
Hello, Here is the Github link for the Potuguese bot files.
Note that it is at a very basic level.
https://github.com/MyRobotLab/inmoov/tree/develop/InMoov/chatbot/bots/pt-PT -
Gael Langevin posted a new activity comment 6 years ago
Is this the chatbot you are working on?
https://github.com/LWFlouisa/Bianca -
Gael Langevin posted a new activity comment 6 years ago
Progress, progress!
You are doing well and thanks for your videos, I am sure it helps other builders. -
Gael Langevin posted a new activity comment 6 years ago
Welcome back and have a good summer print.
Make sure parts fit together before printing everything. Specially the torso parts. -
Gael Langevin posted a new activity comment 6 years ago
1-Remove the Gear from the servo
2-Set the gear in a vice (make sure to keep it clean)
3-Extract by rotating the metal pin with some Russian pincer. -
Gael Langevin posted a new activity comment 6 years ago
1-Edit the config file “service_D_OpenCv.config”
2-Modify: False to True.
3-Save the modification
4-Double click START_INMOOV
Opencv is now running in MyRobotLab.
You can check if the camera gets activated by saying: “Camera On” -
Gael Langevin posted a new activity comment 6 years ago
Yes I received your message.
Very nice closer shots. Last time we saw each other, you said the encoders weren’t fully placed but only set for the look, did you have the time to set them on these closer shots? It looks like they are integrated now. -
Gael Langevin posted a new activity comment 6 years ago
Very interesting how we all get to find solutions.
Both study competences are required in robotics, but it mainly depends in what kind of company you will work later.
Some robotics company will hire a specialized electrical engineer, while another company might need an engineer that has more self discovering solutions which wouldn’t need to be…[Read more] -
Gael Langevin posted a new activity comment 6 years ago
It seems to be the gesture “Movement number3” isn’t it? -
Gael Langevin posted a new activity comment 6 years ago
Well done Vincent!
Did you finally use my original Blender files or have you been using the STL?
It seems you used the STL after all.-
Hi Gael ! I tried… A lot ! but I failed… It’s too hard for me ! So I came back to STL files. Did you recieved my message ?
Here is the last update :
Yes I received your message.
Very nice closer shots. Last time we saw each other, you said the encoders weren’t fully placed but only set for the look, did you have the time to set them on these closer shots? It looks like they are integrated now.-
Yes they are integrated but no yet functionnal. ( I have not designed the mecanism to rotate them)
Gael Langevin posted a new activity comment 6 years ago
Si c’est de l’adaptateur que vous parlez, il est disponible sur le site.
ICI: http://inmoov.fr/inmoov-stl-3d/?bodyparts=Other-useful-parts&parts=Jumper5Adapter.stl -
Gael Langevin posted a new activity comment 6 years ago
Hello, how much should be removed?
0.5mm? -
Gael Langevin posted a new activity comment 6 years ago
You must have downloaded the left from Thingiverse.(Some people are confused and do not understand, both bicep are identical)
You only need two times the right version for both arms.You will notice in the Gallery there is only the right version:
Following on from my previous post… What is going on here, how come I have left and right versions of this part? Does anyone have a photo of how this should be positioned on the forearm?- Steve Rayner (@civrays) June 20, 2019
Thanks. This makes sense, both biceps are identical. Maybe I mirrored it myself in slicing software. Anyway it’s wrong. I’m going to throw them both away and print a new one. The correct one has some warping on the bottom and I think I need a good flat bottom to get good adhesion when this part is glued.
Gael Langevin posted a new activity comment 6 years ago
Okay I had a moment to create an adapter.
Hopefully it fits, it’s always a bit difficult to create without testing, but I guess it should be okay.
The JumperEZpad 5 is really smaller than the model 3, so this adapter will not fill the surrounding gaps, but only allow to mount the tablet. Nothing fancy. -
Gael Langevin posted a new activity comment 6 years ago
It’s confirmed they changed the size.
The Jumper EZpad 3 was 212 x 130 x 9mm.-
Mine is Jumper EZpad mini 5
207 mm. X 120 mm.(WxL) and 9.8 mm. Thickness, I also measure by ruler.
Okay I had a moment to create an adapter.
Hopefully it fits, it’s always a bit difficult to create without testing, but I guess it should be okay.
The JumperEZpad 5 is really smaller than the model 3, so this adapter will not fill the surrounding gaps, but only allow to mount the tablet. Nothing fancy. -
Sorry Gael, it is a little bit too fit. I can put it in but difficult to take it out.
Gael Langevin posted a new activity comment 6 years ago
Is it the model Jumper EZpad 5 or Jumper EZpad Mini 3?
It seems they changed the size between the models.
I could design some adapter, but since I do not have this tablet myself you need to guide me.
Can you give the exact measurement in the 3 axes?
If we would add something on the bottom (under the tablet) would the top lock work…[Read more]-
Jumper EZpad mini 5
207 mm. X 120 mm.(WxL) and 9.8 mm. Thickness, thanks.
It’s confirmed they changed the size.
The Jumper EZpad 3 was 212 x 130 x 9mm.-
Mine is Jumper EZpad mini 5
207 mm. X 120 mm.(WxL) and 9.8 mm. Thickness, I also measure by ruler.
Okay I had a moment to create an adapter.
Hopefully it fits, it’s always a bit difficult to create without testing, but I guess it should be okay.
The JumperEZpad 5 is really smaller than the model 3, so this adapter will not fill the surrounding gaps, but only allow to mount the tablet. Nothing fancy. -
Sorry Gael, it is a little bit too fit. I can put it in but difficult to take it out.
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Gael Langevin
Active 5 hours, 45 minutes ago
Quarantine has given me time to work on the graphical UI for InMoov in the new version of MyRobotLab (non released NIXIE).
There is still many bugs because the webgui is a BIG work in progress, but you can try it out and see many new features.
Thanks to Astro for all the help and making a tutorial to get me to understand how to work with […] View